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Top 10 Worst Girlfriends in Video Games

not every love interest is worth keeping
around and these girlfriends certainly
prove that welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top 10 worst girlfriends and video
games before we begin we publish new
videos every day
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bell to get notified about our latest
videos for this list we’re looking at
the various video game ladies that we’d
unfortunately find ourselves breaking up
with in a heartbeat
since the start of the game we had a
very suspicious feeling about conkers
girlfriend berry we don’t know why
either but something felt off and our
suspicions were realized early on
judging from her voicemail berry seems
like she cheat on conquer in a heartbeat
then later on she fails to recognize
conquer while he’s wearing a skull on
his head despite his face being
if that wasn’t that enough
Barry ends up joining the weasel mafia
by the end of the game she’s proven to
be unfaithful and stupid had she been
better to conquer maybe we’d be a little
more upset about her death a deal number
everyone cook serve delicious it’s
always satisfying to see your romantic
interest enjoy the food you’ve made
however there are some people who will
take advantage of being fed without
giving anything in return in the case of
cook serve delicious we’re pointing the
fingers at everyone if you ever make the
mistake of accepting a date they will
require you to have something specific
on your menu otherwise they won’t show
up later on they’ll text you most likely
in the middle of rush hour and waste
seconds of your life from doing chores
and fulfilling orders no one likes being
with a self-indulgent person and every
date in cook serve delicious certainly
comes off that way number eight Tana
crash bandicoot series
unlike the gold-digging berry this
blonde bombshell adores her man of a
marsupial so what is it that gets her on
this list
she’s only appeared in a couple of crash
games – some cameos well for starters
the crash manga reveals she left crash
for pinstripe because she found trash to
be too immature then there was a deleted
scene into insanity where Dingle dial is
preparing a dinner with Tana clearly
she’s been going out with his enemies
and that’s probably the sleaziest thing
you can do to an ex hopefully the new
Tana will show some faithfulness number
7 jour de ikou
look don’t get us wrong about your de
she is a beautiful young lady and we
would do anything to make sure nothing
bad happens to her specifically because
that’s just how you play ICO but man at
times she can be dumber than a box of
rocks you’re holding her hand for the
entire game at some point something’s
got to click in her mind where she
realizes oh I should be following this
person nope she’ll just stand around and
look pretty until you take her by the
hand again
couple that with how frustrating she is
while solving puzzles and you’re in for
number six Emily Davis until dawn oh my
god that is so gross
are you trying to swallow his face hole
I’m seriously can she be any more
obvious when it comes to deciding the
fate of our favorite fictional
characters it quickly becomes a daunting
and emotional task until dawn forced us
to make those decisions multiple times
but there was one character most of us
didn’t mind leaving behind Emily Davis
from the moment am arrives back at the
cabin she comes off as the most venomous
person anyone could date not only is she
rude to her ex-boyfriend Mike but she
treats her Clair boyfriend Matt just as
terribly needless to say our pity didn’t
last long if she didn’t make it to the
end of the story besides no one slaps
our darling Ashley bitch number 5
Juliet’s darling lollipop chainsaw at
first glance
Juliet’s darling is any highschool boys’
dream girlfriend blonde spunky and
captain of the cheerleading squad who
wouldn’t want to date her
well if a zombie apocalypse was on the
horizon you’d better be off looking
elsewhere throughout lollipop chainsaw
juliet shows very little concern for her
friends and family
she’ll gleefully hack away at zombies
and talk about her social life rather
than thinking about where her parents
might be or if her boyfriend Nick will
ever get to have a body again of course
her tune changes when Nick and her dad
sacrificed themselves to destroy killer
Billy now where was that affection
during the rest of the game sweetheart
carpal tunnel syndrome you’re immune and
it’s totally cool I am like the only
girl with a decapitated head for a
boyfriend number 4 Chloe
life is strange this is all happening
so fast we’ll start slow right here now
for those of us who tried shipping Max
and Chloe life is strange was a
frustrating experience yes we understand
that it’s difficult dealing with the
loss of a loved one yes we understand
that Rachel amber meant the world to
in the end some of us just couldn’t see
whatever Rachel saw in her
Chloe is constantly making headstrong
decisions that either put her in danger
without realizing it or cause us to get
entangled in even more problems Plus who
gets stuck on train tracks after the
whole mess every other situation wasn’t
any less surprising seriously Chloe get
your crap together you did not just say
that number three
Dahlia Hawthorne Phoenix Wright Ace
Attorney trials and tribulations
there just had to be a psychopath on
this list somewhere you know most of the
ladies on this list made it here because
of being dumb careless or flat-out
unloyal as for Dahlia well she freakin
killed a guy
then she forced another man who was
infatuated with her to take the fall and
confess to the crime
afterwards she forces the same guy to
commit suicide in order to completely
want to know the most bizarre thing she
used to go out with Phoenix right like
dude how did you not see the red flags
before you entered that relationship you
could have died number two Princess
Elise Sonic the Hedgehog I’ve got it and
don’t worry I’ll rescue you I know
at first we were considering Amy Rose
for this list then a particular name
came up that made us rethink everything
Princess Elise aka the girl who kissed
an anthropomorphic cartoon hedgehog to
bring him back to life we could rant
about that scene all day but the main
reason she’s on here is because of how
she manages to let herself get kidnapped
several times in one game I mean do you
have no sense of self-preservation
either your guards are too stupid or you
need training in self-defense say what
you want about Princess Peach but at
least she takes some measures whereas
the Lea spends most of the game clasping
your hands together just waiting for
something to happen to her ah now I can
heighten many times
I also enjoyed this adventure
it allowed me to be something other than
a princess number one
Catalina Grand Theft Auto series well I
Got News for You shooting you will be a
pleasure but dating you was only
business you are making it illegal the
world of the Grand Theft Auto series is
a cruel one and it’s people like
Catalina who reinforce that belief
throughout most of San Andreas she seems
like a genuine person aside from the
vulgar language and aggressive
after spending a good chunk of the game
being faithful to Carl she leaves him
for Claude and the last phone call Carl
receives is from her when she’s having
sex with Claude furthermore she ends up
betraying Claude by shooting him and
leaving him for dead in Grand Theft Auto
3 well she couldn’t be any worse than
michelle was in GTA 4 listen I’m sorry
it had to be this way Nico I’m really
sorry hey you know you could have gone
down too if you weren’t so useful do you
agree with our picks check out these
other great clips from watch mojo and be
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