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5 Powerful HABITS That Will CHANGE Your LIFE | #BelieveLife

first of all wake up at the same time
every day my life changed a couple years
ago when I discovered something called
the progress principle the one habit
that you must develop that would change
your life that change your world is this
one thing what’s up elimination it’s
Evan I believe in you and this channel
is designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so today let’s live your
best believe life and learn the five
habits that will change your life also
if you want to know what Jocko will like
Mel Roberts and others have to say about
building unstoppable confidence check it
by 254 confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below people want to
know how to stop the laziness and they
want to know how to stop the
procrastination I know that everybody’s
problem comes down to one pattern you’re
repeating that you can’t see
okay let’s kick it off with habit number
one get up early with Jocko willing the
reason I wake up at 4:30 in the morning
cuz no one else is awake yet so that
gives me the opportunity to do things
that I need to get done kind of
selfishly for myself and the big one in
that category is working out and it
doesn’t feel good at 4:30 when you get
up but by the time
7 o’clock rolls around and you’ve
already worked out you’ve already gotten
some some work done and you’ve got some
time to say goodbye to your kids before
they go to school it’s infinitely better
than sleeping in until 6:45 and you get
out of bed now you’re gonna miss your
kids going to school or or whatever you
you you’re not prepared for the day it’s
it’s awful something I’m sure you hear a
lot is 4:30 like this either just can’t
fit into my schedule or if I’m gonna be
realistic I’m probably not gonna wake up
at 4:30 what do you tell people yeah and
there’s people that work night shifts
and there’s people that it’s unhealthy
for them they can’t fall sick No be
healthy get enough sleep but first of
all wake up at the same time every day
and if you pick that time and you start
waking up at the same time every day
that’s very good for you it doesn’t have
to be 4:30 it could be 6:30 it could be
7 I don’t know what your personal
schedule is but find out a time pick it
set it stick to it and maintain that
schedule and that’s gonna end up better
for you I recommend its earlier I
recommend that you go to bed earlier
because we’re doing at night most of the
time most the time at night you’re not
working on anything super productive
you’re just winding down and watching
stupid YouTube videos or surfing the
internet reading clickbait stories right
don’t do that instead go to sleep and
then wake up early how about number 2
applied the progress principle with Mel
Robbins my life changed a couple years
ago when I discovered something called
the progress principle it is a principle
that was written about in the Harvard
Business Review it’s based on a
tremendous amount of research done by a
professor over there and what she
determined is that people that feel
happy and successful and fulfilled by
their lives and work they all have one
thing in common they feel as though
they’re making progress on something
that matters so I read this little bit
of research and I started applying it to
my life
and what I do as stupid as it sounds it
really works I don’t focus on balancing
everything I focus on just making sure
that I make progress on one thing a day
that’s right you heard me
one thing a day that matters to me now
if I can make progress on one thing a
day that matters to me then I can let go
and let the rest of my day get hijacked
by kids by spouse by phone calls by
emails by social media by all kinds of
things that come up and tend to hijack
your day when you’re a busy person when
you have a family when you’re married
when you got a lot going on and so by
focusing on one thing a day I feel the
sense of control in the sense of
progress that science tells us will make
you happy and make you feel more
confident and actually make you more
effective at getting things done it also
frees me up to be more present with my
kids how about number three stretch your
comfort zone with Dan lock in order to
be successful I believe they’re like
many many habits and develop but I think
the one habit that you must develop that
would change your life to change your
world is this one thing I want you to
imagine this I want you to kind of draw
a circle if you’re watching my video you
are in front of your desk go ahead and
do that I want to draw a big circle and
within the circle I want to draw
everything that you have in your life
right now that you already have
maybe it’s the car that you drive the
income that you have the the house that
you live in the the vacation that you
already take the people around you right
involvement doesn’t have to be
materialistic but doesn’t any matter
what it is
the things that you already have right
now you possess in your life I want to
draw that within the circle write all
those things down then I want you to
outside the circle
write down everything that you want in
your life but you don’t have okay so
maybe now you’re driving a Hyundai and
you actually want a Mercedes okay that’s
our mister so write down a Mercedes
outside a circle maybe you’re living in
but you actually want to live in a big
house okay write that outside of the
circle so I want you to write that so
with inner circle is everything that you
have right now outside the circle is
everything that you want but don’t have
so I want to look at this right now
what is the circle the circle is your
comfort zone everything you have right
now in your life they are all within
your comfort zone and your comfort zone
is your income zone I want you to look
at everything that you want but don’t
have where are they they’re outside of
your comfort zone depends on what you
put it so in order to get what you want
but don’t have in life what do you have
to do you need to stretch and expand
your comfort zone because if it’s within
your comfort zone guess what you already
have them so everything that you want in
life that you don’t have right now is
all outside of your comfort zone so I
believe the number one habit you need to
develop to be successful it’s on a
consistent if not a daily basis do
things that make you feel uncomfortable
it is that simple
because you look at what holds most
people back what holds you back is fear
fear of the unknown fear of failure fear
of rejection fear of success all these
things is all outside their comfort zone
human being because we’re creature of
habits we tend to operate day to day and
do the same thing again and again and
again but if you have a habit to make a
habit that you do things on a consistent
basis that you don’t usually do it makes
you scare it scare stuff out of you it
makes you stretch your comfort zone
that’s how you gradually expand it and
get more of what you want maybe is going
to the event that you’ve never been to
maybe is meeting their successful people
that in that intimidates you maybe is
reading a book that you have no interest
reading in maybe it’s driving a
different path that you usually go home
this way and you know what I’m gonna
drive a different path and see something
a little bit
right maybe it’s watching a video that
you don’t usually watch may be
interested certain topics maybe you’re
watching a YouTube video just on prank
by something you watch something that is
out inspiration and motivational that’s
practical that’s business-related and
that changes the way that you think
about stuff it started with that one
thing that one video and if you do that
not one time not two times not three
times but hundreds and hundreds of times
on a consistent basis I believe that is
the habit not just to be successful but
to stay successful how about number four
expose yourself to cold with Aubrey
Marcus big thing that makes a good day
versus not a good day is exposure to
cold really yeah like wim HOF style you
mean it’s not it’s not a good day if
you’re not exposed to cold it’s not as
good a day really it’s not as there’s
something about that not only pushing
yourself I do it early in the morning
and you can either do it in the shower
but start with a warm shower start doing
the wim HOF breathing which starts to
hyper oxygenate the body also has a lot
of health benefits and then turning that
shower nozzle cold and they’re long for
about three minutes is what you want to
do all the way cold and if you have a
cold pool or cold baths you can do that
but it’s twofold one it’s going to
reduce your chronic stress so
norepinephrine goes up adrenaline goes
up and it drops your cortisol so it
drops the baseline of stress that we all
carry all the time but the other thing
is it’s that moment right before you
turn that nozzle where every party bees
like yeah not today yeah fear you’re
like I don’t want to do don’t want to do
that you turn it over say like that’s
called exactly exactly
even though you know it’s not going to
hurt you even though you know it’s gonna
benefit you it’s gonna develop cold
shock proteins it’s gonna help your
immune system
you know people exposed to cold get 43%
less respiratory infections like it’s
oppositely of the wives tales that we’ve
heard like don’t go out in the cold
you’ll you’ll get sick like regular and
mediated exposure to cold is actually
gonna help your immune system so even
with all the work then it’s gotta boost
immune system boost the more you do it
yeah you believe when we have the
discipline to put ourselves through
controlled stress for a few minutes it’s
going to give us extreme benefits the
rest of the day no doubt because it’s
the same thing like when we’re thinking
about whether we want to work out or not
right right we’re sitting around like
yeah you know I really should go out and
take that run I really should go out and
take that work out we know we’re gonna
feel better when we do it we know we’re
gonna be better but what is that part of
ourselves that’s gonna turn that little
bit extra over to the yes column you
know it’s something I call mental
override and I talked about it in the
book it’s the ability to use your mind
to give you that little extra to push
you into yes and it’s all override yeah
and it’s the same thing that you would
same thing that you would use with you
need to start that project or if you’re
screwing around on emails I need to
actually get to the meat of the problem
at work it’s that same mental technique
that’s gonna allow you to kill it but
you get to practice that in the morning
and you get to have that small win so
that the next time you’re facing that
off I really should start that big
project I really should work on this you
just have that same attitude like
alright I’m gonna do it yeah in habit
number five the last one before a very
special bonus habit is get more sleep
with Chase Jarvis I went for 10 years
with an average of 5 to 6 hours of sleep
I felt like it was genetic and I felt
like I had a ton of energy until
something happened and that thing that
happened was I was totally crushed about
two years ago I’ve been burning into
both ends working 20 hours a day and not
getting any sleep I went to Hawaii and I
say you know I’m just gonna like I’m
gonna have zero schedule on vacation I
slept 14 hours a day for like six days
straight and I felt completely different
than I had for the previous like six
eight weeks that I’ve been burning at
both ends now starting about a year ago
I shared a tracking my sleep and I aim
to stay in bed for eight hours a day I
can tell you that I am a definitively
way smarter way nicer more in touch with
my creative side way more in touch with
my intellect and I’m just a better human
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
from Robin Sharma I’m running the 9091
rule that I think you’re gonna really
enjoy but before that it’s time for the
three-point landing question it’s time
to move from just watching another video
to actually taking action in your life
or your business and if you feeling bold
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question number one which of
these habits will you apply to your life
this week number two how can you book it
into your calendar to make sure that you
do it and number three who will you
commit to for accountability so that you
so for the next 90 days your first 90
minutes at work make it focused on your
single most important project I’ll
repeat that again for the next 90 days
the first 90 minutes of your work day
focus monomaniacal e on your single most
valuable project I call it your
game-changing move so it might be it
might be creating a new piece of code
that will revolutionize the marketplace
it might be a new product that when you
launch it will fill a need within your
industry that no peer is currently
providing I don’t know what your game
changing move is but this is your poetry
this is your magnum opus for the next 90
days so what most people do is you know
people who are playing at victimhood
people who are in the ninety five
percent people who are making excuses
about ordinary results in their life a
lot of them are not doing the things
that would give them legendary results
and what they do is they get to the
office and rather than using prime time
for a activities they use their best
hours watching dancing cats on whatever
it is whatever the video platform is
they spend their best hours surfing the
internet looking at blogs they spend
their best hours playing with
notifications reading notifications
chatting with friends who are not really
their friends but really they’re just
bored so they’re distracting themselves
which is just a form of medication
because potential unexpressed turns to
pain and they’re in a lot of pain and
it’s subconscious and they haven’t done
the work to know it so really they’ve
created these drugs of choice like too
much email too much web surfing too much
chit chatting too much looking at funny
looking videos that make them laugh in
the moment that make them feel happy and
give them a short burst of dopamine and
maybe a little bit of serotonin which is
the pleasure neurotransmitter and that’s
how they get through their day and all
I’m saying is there’s so much
distraction available to you out there
that if you are not
cutely careful it will dominate your
days and what I’m really trying to say
is this a ritual for you to run and dial
in and hardwire to the point of
automaticity that’s the word the
researchers use when a habit becomes
your new normal over 66 days is the 1991
rule and to give it to you again so you
really remember it for the next 90 days
your first 90 minutes create a tight
bubble of total focus so that no one can
distract you turn off your devices put
them in a little plastic bag put some
reminders on your door maybe some
post-it notes that this is my type
bubble of total focus for the next 90
minutes tell your team tell your loved
ones maybe gonna put a Do Not Disturb
sign on your door they’ll laugh and
explain it to them that for the next 90
days I will spend 90 minutes away from
distraction away from technology away
from interruptions focusing on my magnum
opus focusing on the genius project that
I want to bring into the world because I
will never mail it in I will always
bring it on and I’m gonna do this for
the next 90 minutes and I’m gonna
optimize it and iterate it every day and
I’m gonna bring my full bandwidth
because what makes a genius they all
have one trait in common they were able
to spend extended periods of time in
isolation focused mono maniacally on
their most valuable project if you had
to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
if you want to learn the eight things
that you must do or you will fail check
out the video right next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there if you want to be
successful learn from the other people’s
mistakes don’t learn from the successful stories
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