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Perché la politica non decide più

is looking at teresa may talk about the
break sit in another day with the
earth and each other jeremy corbin or jeremy
with the winner there is the stage song
if the first thing I thought seeing
people are then the same thing you think
respect in general political class is
but how is it that these gentlemen now do not
they decide nothing more than the ugly one
feeling says but politics does not
should instead decide the feeling
that does not decide politics and above all
there is this whole world we say of the
technology or better than the technique it does
the difference today and sought in a
some way to explain this to me
concept until I came across
in a video by umberto galimberti that
I always quote this period I am in a
total look a trans galimberti anus e
I must say that he explained it so blessed
here it is the solution I’m looking for
sum up key concepts that I have
understood and then in short, go and see
video that explains him better than me
starting point is that politics
decided according to with this and any and
quite evident if we look
in the past and political decisions are
jobs that are always cheap
I have to create the pil and perù pierce all
economy and at the base of ours
company problem however is that today
the economy decides according to the technique
the technique that is not technology is not
the webcam is not the camera
cell phone or alexa in other words wins
the society with the superior technique no
the united states that maybe have the
silicon valley have a technique
superior think of China etc.
and if you follow this political cascade e
decides economy based on economy
but that decides according to the technique and
the rules of technique which are a
productivity and efficiency this point
you realize that there is a giant hole
two factors one is a hole right on
democracy and that we citizens
coglioncelli whatever we always decide
on an irrational basis, that is, they come to us
put in front of the questions which we do not
we have no kind of expertise
climate change and for example it knows
decide who knows something about it
that argument there or
do not regulate facebook amazon on that
base that you really decide
There are very few skills, so you
you always decide irrational and one
democracy that is always based on
rational decisions is a democracy is
a lottery
the other aspect that galimberti does not
treats but that for me instead a lot
interesting is that in this evolution
of thought a cultural evolution
the weight of large companies
huge technological no and then you like
country you would need to have some
permanent people say a fixed ministry
some seem to have it already
but established the concept is not so much
that of the ministry he always does
ugly no has always been the idea then of a
additional cost to the state has however
you should have a unit say of the
people dedicated to having relationships
every day with the big companies of
technology because we talked about it
so many times every mini move
impacts your country if google changes
the algorithm changes the amount of
people who come on holiday in Italy
see for which you can not pretend that not
be so true to talk to us every day you have to
have a very close relationship and have
precise indications on what
it’s happening on what they will do
what will be the features you need
know it first you must move in this
context of the technique all here is here
but the analysis of garimberti is a lot
interesting very useful because its right
it helps us to keep in mind that we live in
an era in which the technique dominates and the
technique has the sole objective of the
maximum goals with the minimum
use of resources and everything else is
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