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Stop Saying “I’m FAT” – Learn English Expressions

last summer I was in shape I went to the
gym almost every day but then Christmas
came and then I was eating chocolate
every day so there’s a reason that the
camera stops around here –is– can’t
see how soft the middle is I mean I’m
not fat just kind of chubby so today
we’re going to learn a bunch of
different words to mean fat to mean thin
to mean athletic and the words which
describe the changes that can happen to
your body when you go to the gym change
your diet all of that fun stuff let’s
so these are some adjectives to describe
this body type now if you want to
describe someone it sounds insulting to
say oh you know that guy is kind of fat
instead it’s better to say you know the
guy is kind of big big that’s the less
insulting way of describing the body
medically you would say obese or
overweight those other words doctors
would use obese and overweight puffy you
know when you wake up in the morning and
your face is like like a little fat
hamster then you would say my face is so
puffy chubby it means fat but kind of in
a cute way think of like a baby you
would describe a fat baby as being
chubby it’s cute are you baby so chubby
chunky if you describe a baby as chunky
it’s kind of cute if it’s not a baby
it sounds very insulting same with this
one actually yeah maybe don’t call
anyone over baby
aged chubby or chunky trust me they
won’t like it okay how would you
describe this body type there are a
bunch of different adjectives some sound
positive some sound negative it’s
thin and skinny both of them can sound
positive and they can sound negative it
depends how you say it example the
positive way do I look fat no you look
really thin really skinny but it can be
in a negative way for example if someone
looks ill you might say oh my god have
you seen Dave no why is he ill like dude
he’s fine but oh my god he’s very thin
or he’s very skinny so both can sound
positive they can sound negative it
depends how you say it
these however they’re all compliments
slim slender svelte and lean the
are all compliments they’re all saying
you have this body type and you look
simple now of course if you’re ill if
you’re malnourished if you’re not eating
anything there are some negative words
that you can use so these ones they
don’t sound good they’re kind of
so lanky that specifically means you’re
very skinny and very tall and again it’s
not a compliment
you are really lanky that is not a
compliment gaunt
and scrawny they both mean you look thin
and unhealthy maybe you’re ill maybe
you’re not eating but you look bad and
skinny your body can change depending on
your diet or your exercise first let’s
look at diet the word diet just means
the food you eat for example if your
doctor asks so tell me about your diet
your doctor is simply asking what food
do you eat that’s it but if we add a
verb with diet
now we’re talking about counting
calories reducing sugar and bad
unhealthy foods and generally eating
more healthily so you can say I’m
getting chubby I need to go on a diet to
go on a diet to start eating more
healthily when you change your diet to
be more healthy then you would say I am
on a diet I’m on a diet
get those donuts away from my face I’m
on a diet now actually give me the
donuts I also mentioned to reduce
something in your diet for example sugar
if you want to say I need to reduce the
sugar in my diet you could say this I
need to cut down on sugar cut down on
means reduce use the preposition on with
an object if there’s no object don’t use
on for example Ali why aren’t you eating
doughnuts every day well I’m gettin
chubby now so I need to cut down so
remember that rule
now for me this happens like every few
months I start here and I go to here so
how can I talk about this change you can
say I put on weight or I gain weight you
can also talk about specific weights for
example every Christmas I put on three
kilos that is all in chocolate
now usually students will say this I put
on my weight or a gained my weights no
don’t say that
we don’t say I put on my weight just I
put on weight or this specific number
also if you started wearing size small
or medium and then you wear large or
extra-large you would say go up a size
for example last year I put on weight
and I went up a size if you start with
this body type and you change to this
body type you can say go down a size for
example I was a large but I went down a
size now I’m a medium that’s not true
I’m still a large and when your body
goes from this to this
we don’t say put off the weight you say
lose or drop weight for example did you
yeah yeah I lost weight I dropped like
10 kilos and again we don’t say I lost
my weight or I dropped my weight no just
I lost weight I dropped weight or this
you might also hear the expression to be
in or out of shape for example if you
say he or she is in shape typically they
mean this and if you’re out of shape
could mean you’re a bit chubby or you’re
this your athletic ability is zero and
if you run for five minutes you will die
like me to describe the change from out
of shape to in shape
you can say get in shape for example he
got in shape after going to the gym
every day very specifically if we mean
you gain muscle there are different
words you bulk up you beef up you get
hench I think this is only a British
expression Americans maybe you can
clarify but I think get hench is only a
British expression
these are adjectives to describe this
body type muscly hench o jacked to the
guy is so jacked I think he lives in the
gym you can have lots of muscles you can
be muscley and be a bit chubby too
however if you want to say you have the
muscles but zero fat you say these get
ripped get shredded get lean shredded
you will hear that on adverts or see it
in a commercial for like protein powder
stuff like that in conversation it’s not
very common to say shredded lean yes
that’s common ripped very specifically
is this lots of muscle no fat so for
example dude summer is coming soon I’m
gonna eat no bread and get super ripped
okay there’s another word it sounds
really douchey but
you can also use the adjectives swoll my
friends and I will use this word as a
joke to be funny because the type of
people who use swoll seriously this guy
bro Moluccan swore bro
circe well yeah so small yeah so you can
use it you might hear it but you’ll hear
it from that guy and you don’t want to
be that guy so for me personally I have
like a cycle I’ll go to the gym loads
I’ll get jacked but then I’ll get lazy
and really relaxed and I’ll get a bit
chubby then I’ll get skinny then I’ll go
to the gym again and it’s this weird
cycle that’s usually what happens to me
every year so in the comments tell me
your experience with weight changes did
you go on a diet did you get jacked are
you shredded
you swore bro have you ever looked gaunt
when I was like 17 I looked really gaunt
I just wasn’t eating anything let me
know thanks for watching
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I’ll see you in the next lesson
[Music] you
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