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four nights ii super said four nights is
the free game to play that has
grossed more in the history of the
videogame man in addition to the 2 centello of
millions that he did in March on all of them
it seems that only on ios since
invoices came out in a thing like 2
millions a day then then it depends on them
figures change every 33 seconds but a
regardless of the wheat it does is
above all a resounding success
everyone talks about it all the newspapers
no one speaks to anyone
he absolutely understands the killing except
those who play and then let’s try to
decipher what is happening and
we have four questions we are looking for
to solve in this video why
It works so well who is behind it like
they make money if the videogame is
free number 4 which are the dynamics
used to keep you so attached
resoundingly row and repeated number
because something that works so well
I learned in life that comes back to me
always useful when you do not know about one
topic shut up and let it talk
who knows, since I’m not a videogamers
I do not play the most recent videogames
Once I’ve played I think I have
played in dragon’s lair in the game room
a thing like that but I believe in 1980
even if for every day like children
Smooth game thing space this morning
let’s leave in the comments who instead
I play every day and I know about videogames e
he’s always attached to us, tell us why
This game works so well like it
so much the only feedback I feel
to give as a parent is that what I have
seen on age 8 12 years there has been
an explosion of format due to the fact
that if your child arrives home says by
gaming at call of duty 12
instead four nights and violent equal e
I am against a small child
but it is deliberately designed more
colored more I use in quotes
there is no blood expressed by all
the parties and for this reason the parents
they were easily brought but
videogamers from all over the world unite
and explain to us in the comments why I am
game makes you crazy so much
let’s move on to question number 2 who is there
behind this video game
reading some newspaper articles seems
that is a video game exploded by a
according to the other from the developer
passes on duty that has hit the
videogame the moment with a shot of
clamorous ass managed to depopulate in
reality behind who’s there is epic games
born in 1991 participated in the 40th for
one hundred from tencent interesting note
this tencent Chinese company that behind
the scenes are taking a lot of
possessions and to get to put
on the kiln market and put us some
years I believe six years of development a stuff
of the kind number 3 as they do a
to earn if the videogame is free
who does not live in the online world maybe does
it is hard to understand the mechanism the
Four nights mechanism is a classic
so-called freemium go and see
chris anderson old book that you
he called free and explains exactly
this mechanism used by a tide of
app spotify mail chip from for dropbox
dinner is a flood of companies that use
this mechanism how it works a lot
simply give it for free
possibility to use yours
product videogame service but offers
something more or different to those
who pay more for example gone out
now with its premium qube that
takes the place of youtube red and tells you
if you do not want to see advertising in
video from ceo grain and you see it without
advertising more other tinsel two things
interesting on the freemium that are worth
performances but then apply to all
videogames that apply this type of
model number one you do not need to
have a thousand
hardy of people who pay all these
business are based on the idea that a
very small number of people come
converted so-called conversion reit
it can be from 0.5 percent 0 3 per
a resounding 27 percent of a hundred
couple of years ago the spotify that is on 127
they registered a paid service
musical and the second consideration that
even those who do not pay have value
users who play for free and form
that are part of the value of the game
because there are more people with whom
to compete there is a dynamic that who
free participant has a value anyway
cheap is like saying facebook tusci
participate for free but contribute yours
data therefore that is a value
the application is important for the producer
where we say everything quite standard
But the form does a lot of thing
interesting that asks you the wheat not
to give you a competitive advantage but
to give you an aesthetic advantage what
it means that people pay to have ad
example a certain kind of outfit a
invested a different skin than the
coming out of the rambo of ant man for
say or one pays to make the
your character can do a certain thing
type of movement different than
the other is something curious to do
an example as if I have taken one
all for free, eat for free all for free
the only way that I to earn and the
fact that you decide to buy some
personalized dishes or enter with a
different hat in that pizzeria
or I’ll sell you the chance to
customize the color of the two
forks or something like that is a model
that makes this different reflect
compared to the traditional canons of whom
does business in the last offline life
our on the payment also formality the
his virtual currency of bucks and this is it
a classic logic borrowed from casinos
to avoid this pain of payment
and this association you’re paying
real money, all videogames free to
play basically have their own
coin and then take off relieve the
pain of payment we come
to the architecture of the game as it was
designed as it was designed and
this damage is important
why it’s in the apps we use every
day in the videogame the four nights
we must realize the dynamics
used to keep us attached to create
the greatest dependence on that
between that both facebook obligation that is
form consideration number 1 form ed
he turned when introduced this
battle royale mode
that is, there are 100 people and it is left alone
one however seen call of duty ha
stated that it will insert this mode
just to compete with success
resounding of form in this is one
clearly mode that takes you is the
only one of the highlanders will remain
to take another word on this
male pride by survival more
deeper than I can imagine
moreover in English one would say that four
nights uses a sort of phones
progression gives you a feeling of
False progress is a logic similar to
the one that uses kaku trivia we already have
talked about this where you respond to
questions wins money at the bottom too
doing little or nothing you get the feeling
you ‘re getting better too, you’re up
advancing because you see others
players that are gradually eliminated
on the psychological front, however, I wanted to
go a little but deeper and then
I asked Carlo what he did
done applied psychology that will go
from success on facebook you start towards
two million fans to try to
explain to us in a minute and a half what
do four nights to hook like that
so much his players also carry the
greatest experiment on addiction
from video games with the only difference
that scientists who are working
to this project they have as unique
goal to keep us glued to
their game
the key concept of gamification is
to encourage behavior
dreams state of positive reinforcements ie
something and that generates a sensation
pleasant gratification in the user
and maybe releasing a big one
quantity of dopamine
in the fortnight organism reaches
this goal by breaking the game
in many small parts equally
I’ll explain better on luck there is not one
linear progression or a level 1
where you start a level 100 to which you
should finish the game
or get boredom support born
there is an infinite spiral progression
in fact, every 90 days or so and levels
the play must be canceled and must start
again from the beginning because of the new one
in short, those of epic games are
managed to transform achievement
of a level no more finally in the sheet
file and just play, but half a vehicle
to receive gratification
instantaneous and again and again and again
potentially indefinitely four nights
four nights form already written one
girl of pare what will be its future
I do not know but as the old pac would say
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