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this video offered the ford books the app
where you can read listen to Italians
key concepts of the best books of
business exclusively for the community
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I have a friend physiotherapist ok while I am
I do a massaggino here with mine
wooden marina fake and asked me
how do you promote what is the
his service but in practice he says I have
various clients such as lawyers who
I am always yes of all and then this i
policemen who are always in
and then he tells me I was thinking of doing
an ad hoc package for lawyers
all thought understood for which wife
ideas set massage arts well so
the neck unlocks you a bit instead for
the policemen all a pack
specific for the back with the
exercises and we will decide why they have
just back problem that you thing
you would then do how to promote it myself
I said look, I do not think so
changed the product should be changed the
message the product remains the same
and the message that changes premised that i
different customers have different needs
so a policeman actually
rai massage the back was the lawyer
to do the part of the neck, however the
concept is that you do not go to create
10,000 different products for ten
different miners the product is the same
what changes is your message of
communication there is an example more you take
that I know
ampolo samsung one that produces cell phones
it is not that creates 57 billion different of
cell phones creates its understanding to the fontaine
and then the communication message lo
It makes it interesting for that public
specific other example hugin call of
be of toilet paper vendors
ok that is toilet paper to the two
different audiences
the family audience where you have to
talk understood to mom who buys it
toilet paper or dad because I
next look for the buy and another
different audience that you have is the public
some companies ok where you talk to the guy
that has to buy all the paper
hygienic for the offices of a company
fantastic product your nice roll
it’s the test that’s not changing
what changes is how you propose it
to the housewife and be told to castigate
what you see and when you buy the
our rolls of toilet paper
save because with one
but thin that won t last for three months
more when you want to propose it instead
you will rely on the company on duty
those that are the advantages for him see
with our toilet paper that has the
new superfast move you clean more
quick and work more work bar
bol understood why have both in mind
efficiency etcetera etc. all ste
stuff here and then the roll moves well
from one office to another because we have
the new roll that sticks to the wall
and manages to pass it faster
region to the other while instead to the
moment does not only affect
savings and does not affect efficiency
it affects the comfort is that the ass
the child does not burn red I have it
said enough for such a simple concept
However, as always then one forgets
does not change your product in most
part of the cases then there are usually the
exceptions we speak to reasoning
general no take it cum grano salis
what changes is your communication
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