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Gennaro’s Truffle Tagliatelle

hi lovely people are armed and a
beautiful Tuscany
we have olives speaker hum ear just to
make lovely truffle Nutella an explosion
between them the truffles and garlic is
made of love and passion just maybe some
lovely fresh that you tell so easy to
make so let’s put the past inside I put
salt inside you want a mild ended you
know what tell them the mint chewy
longer tasty better and digested better
nice hot pan we have a half clove of
garlic which you wrapped right-hander
needs to get a little bit of a truffle
butter why we make truffle butter so
mashed Allah mix with a battery can put
them inside the freezer and hallelujah
the Quran yeah put a little bit of water
and then you create an ice-cream stand
on the gas as well oh my mind lovely
look at that put it back start to stare
them a little bit
the lack of this black truffles just a
few slices just a little touch of salt
of a batter as well oh yes now it’s all
oh my mind little bit of parmesan just a
little touch
it’s so angelic actually cry you know they’re cheap
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