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A quale futuro va incontro chi supera l’esame di maturitá

matriculation exams here we are here or three things
to say to those who are doing the first in
Good luck good luck to
whale that stuff the second is that
past all the stress of this
period of years open
interesting years where one can
experiment with testing new stuff
getting to know each other is a good time and the
third 9 technological trends 9 directions
of the technology of what is a bit
the world of digital business that
I think it’s worth keeping a little bit
an eye regardless of whether one makes the
university did not do university o
regardless of which they at the university
that you choose what the future of work is
what’s the future is on pink so much though
on the nose there are these new things that
happen I’ll throw you there in the
well comments will throw the others and then
one take the pull the moretti goes and choose
a little to do maybe not the coin
native lamone tona number one the world
of mobility
when one hears about the cars that
they drive themselves this stuff here not
it’s science fiction
the question is not if it happens to
question is only when five happens
ten years twenty years eyes on
what we know, however, is that there
there is a whole new business that opens up
and think of the world of mobility in
terms also extended to loops that
space travel has come out
another thing that is about to happen
sector that will experience great changes
great opportunities number 2 all
what concerns health technologies
thousand areas I choose one the brain
go see brian johnson who has
founded kernel has made a speech
cute a record event and him
rightly says look at the brain is
what we have to go to work on
we can imagine that in the next
years in the brain we will hit a
tot of stuff because we would like to treat one
some diseases because we would like to
become smarter and this
It opens up a world also there in the then
deal with the point of view
engineering if you are a developer
there will not be any software to develop
then the face to the point of view
surgical doctor the then deal with from the
Psychological point of view of a bridge
the support must be in that
we would be mad, furious, other opportunities
number 3
whenever you hear the word block
chain and terio you will never get an eye
I opened my feeling like this
epidermics is that there is construction
of a new internet are the first ones
of a different network as they were in 97
when one starts to see these
scattered bits number 4 automation
automation already happens today
imagine in the future I mean both
born in the airport in Milan, Rome
replacing passport controls
with the machines and this means
that the policeman who was first against
passport and that check and it does not
more directly the machine has
replaced a work of a hand then
you can say this better because it’s a
I work ok but you have to think that the
work has already moved jp morgan
reported that half of the activities
that are made when one is made
listing on the stock exchange are entirely
automated there even in that case
replace people who maybe earned
three four hundred thousand dollars a year
of the algorithms
I assumed that a tide
of activities are automated
we are automatizable this this
startup in silicon valley seems to me yes
call double but not the robot one
another that in practice creates a bot that
you right and feed this way
maybe I’m not talking to the bot
you understood montemagno today I can not
make the video do it video number 5
artificial intelligence too
it’s not a big word it’s an application
very practical there is already imagines today
so any professional companies
to stay competitive in the business
he will need a little help from one
algorithm smarter than him to
doing specific activities you can
take in a thousand ways with
opportunity you want to create them
algorithm marketplace you can put yourself
in the analysis sector, who analyzes them
then all of these data can be put in
programming sector knowing that
for programming but more and more
fast some wishes but any cut
you want to take is a sector in
explosion then what we re cute
videogame world and effort for example or but
there are people earning millions of dollars
year playing video games also there is
another industry estimates are killing
sports are going to make more turnover
compared to all physical sports
Americans put together in a circle
a few years
other direction these sending is
that of the
amix reality go see zuckerberg
speech he has done lately on the
augmented reality to give magic leap
year is stated that he is about to put
in production its barrel for
to create this there is a need for technicians
that develops there is no need of
to promote we need to sell that
we need to build an entire ecosystem
last two safety trends in all
this beautiful digital barrel will be there
thousand messini who puts himself in the world
of security will certainly have del
I work a lot of connected work
the topic of the title
once we are all super super
digitized we would need
disconnect we will need people who
he says look come a week in
vacation his place there is not a cell phone
even if you pay 2 billion we will have
need real experiences that are not unique
digital to savor of something that
take us back near the magic cerra
we will need to hear
come back to hear here’s some right run
ideas some ideas on what they can
be a future direction to take
some of these flipper things have
miserably others instead not things that
they will explode and at that point it will be smart
slip in that direction but first
finish your matriculation exam there
let me have a good night’s sleep when it is
finished all because in any case the 97
a stressful holiday in a maybe
and then internet is waiting for you
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