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Be CONSCIOUS of Your Mortality – Sadhguru (@SadhguruJV) – #Entspresso

– Good morning Believe Nation.
My name is Evan Carmichael.
My one word is “believe”
and I believe that entrepreneurs will solve
all of the major problems in the world.
So today’s message is be conscious of your mortality.
Over to you, Sadhguru.
(rooster singing)
♫ I wake up every morning
♫ Espresso keep me going
♫ I wake up every morning
– You should just observe,
if every makes a little effort,
everybody take a little time for this piece of life, okay?
Not for your family, not for your kid,
not for something else, something else,
just for this piece of life,
give it little time because this is
the most important piece of life in your life, isn’t it?
Yes or no?
– [Audience] Yes.
– Even if you’re in love with somebody,
still this is the most important piece of life, isn’t it?
So pay some attention to it.
How does it happen? Why have you taken it for granted?
Believe me, you’re not going to be here forever.
I’ll bless you with a long life,
but you’re going to fall dead one day.
Yes or no? – Yes.
– So, do not take this for granted.
If you wake up in the morning,
tomorrow IF you wake up in the morning …
(audience laughing)
It’s not my wish, but I want you to know,
of all the people who go to bed tonight
over a million people will not wake up tomorrow morning.
And tomorrow, if you and me wake up tomorrow morning,
is it not a fantastic thing?
A million people did not wake up, you woke up.
Is it not a great thing?
– [Audience] Yes.
– Just look at the ceiling and smile, you are still awake.
You’re still there. (audience applauding)
And for many, many millions of people
somebody who’s dear to them did not wake up,
so just check those five, six people around you.
Did all woke up? Wow, it’s a fantastic day!
You woke up, and everybody who matters to you
around you woke up.
Is it not a fantastic day?
You don’t think so.
– Yes. Yes. (audience laughing)
– You don’t seem to think so.
Because the problem is just this,
you are living with an idea that you’re immortal.
When I say you’re immortal
you’re not actually thinking you’re immortal,
but you’re not conscious of your mortality.
If you’re not conscious of your mortality
somebody will think you’re immortal, isn’t it?
How many moments in a day
are you conscious that you’re mortal?
If you were conscious, would you have time to grip?
Would have to time to fight with somebody?
Would you have time to do something lavish with your life?
If you knew, if you were conscious that you’re mortal
you would do nothing other than what’s absolutely needed
for you and everybody around you.
This one thing, if you do,
if you just remind yourself —
Don’t think this is a negative thing,
death is not a negative thing,
it’s the only thing which has added value to your life.
If you’re here forever you would be unbearable.
– Yes, yes. (audience laughing)
– Isn’t it? Why aren’t we glad everybody dies one day?
If you just become conscious of this one thing,
that always you’re conscious that I’m mortal,
you don’t have to think I will die today,
we don’t intend, we want to live as far as possible,
just know one day I will die.
If you’re just conscious of this one thing
you will naturally become spiritual.
Everyday, every moment, if you remind yourself,
“This is a brief life. I’m mortal, one day it will end”.
Just do this for two days and see you will become
something truly fantastic within yourself.
Just, this is all true.
– Simply beautiful.
– That’s all that’s needed.
If you want to know the value of life,
just know that it’s a brief happening.
– I think it’s easy to lose perspective
of how great the life you have.
Just the fact that you are watching this video,
you have access to the Internet,
you are investing time in yourself,
in learning, in trying to get better,
puts you ahead of most people in the world.
And the problems that you have pale in comparison
to most of the other people in the world.
And so just reminding yourself of that,
that you are mortal, you will die,
and you have things way better than most people
can help lift you out of a bad situation,
a negative situation.
You’re feeling sorry for yourself,
you’re feeling down,
you’re feeling upset that you didn’t get that goal
or it’s not happening fast enough for you,
or you got rejected or whatever reason you’re upset for.
I think it’s really important
to pull from opposite spectrums at the same time,
I think it’s really important to be
insanely grateful for everything that you have
but also want more.
If you play only on one side it’s going to be hard for you.
If you only are super grateful
for everything that you have in your life,
and life is amazing and wonderful,
and you’re just so grateful to be in existence,
then you’re never pushing yourself to get better,
you’re never pushing yourself to do more.
And, in my opinion, if you have the ability
to help others and to do more
then you have the responsibility to do it as well.
And so if you have a lot of insane talents and skills
and you’re not putting them to use to help others
because you’re just so grateful
that life is so wonderful right now,
it’s not pushing you to do more,
then that’s not great.
On the flip side, if you have no gratitude
and you’re just always wanting more,
and always pushing, always driving
and always seeking to do better, no goal is good enough,
and just push, push, push, push,
you’re not going to be happy either,
you’re going to probably burn out and crash at some point.
You’re never going to stop and think
about everything that you’ve done and accomplish
and be a happy, whole kind of human being,
and that’s going to impact you,
it’s going to impact your family,
it’s going to impact the people you’re trying to reach.
So I think both, having insane gratitude —
If you lost everything,
if I lost my YouTube channel right now,
if I couldn’t post another video I’d be really sad,
but I’d also be really grateful
for the impact that I have had,
for all the subscribers that I’ve touched,
for the all the lives of the people
who have watched the videos,
insanely grateful for that.
And I want to do more,
I know I can do more, I know I can push harder,
I know I can do better, I know I need to grind more,
I know I need to create better content for you guys.
So I think having both at the same
and trying to pull from both, depending on where you’re at.
You know, if you’re comfortable
then you need more of this side,
you need more of “I need to do better, I can do more”.
And if you’re being too hard in yourself
then maybe you need a little bit of perspective and say,
“I’ve really done a lot too,
“I need to be grateful for what I have”.
That mix, I find, really helps balance me,
and hopefully provides some ammunition
and guidance for you as well.
So the question today is, I’m curious,
how do you balance gratitude, conscience of your mortality
and pushing and striving and wanting to do more?
I’d love to hear your thoughts,
please share down the comments below.
I also want to give a quick shout to Daniel Morrow.
Daniel, thank you so much for picking up a copy of my book,
“Your One Word”.
It really, really means a lot to me, man,
and I hope you’re enjoying the read.
So thank you, guys, again for watching.
I believe in you.
I hope you continue to believe in yourself.
And remember your one word is,
and I’ll see you again tomorrow morning
for another shot of Entspresso.
♫ I wake up every morning
♫ Espresso keep me going
– First of all, with the man in the cave
and this idea and this thought of the enemy.
And that was a thought that used to drive me,
and kind of haunt me and make me get up early
and work hard to push myself,
because I knew that somewhere out there
there was an enemy, a real enemy, a real man, a person,
a human that was waiting for me,
and that was preparing for me.
And, therefore, I needed
to prepare for him, I needed to be ready,
I needed to be the things I always talk about,
I needed to be stronger and faster and smarter and better,
so that when we did meet on the battlefield
I would be ready for that rendezvous,
for that meeting, that fate,
that battle.
And that thought, that thought of the enemy,
yes, it absolutely fueled me.
And when I was a leader in the SEAL teams in charge of men
it was even more profound,
because I was thinking about thar rendezvous
for everybody that I led, everyone I was in charged of,
everyone that I trained.
And I felt that burden, the burden of responsibility
to prepare those men and protect those men,
those frogman, those warriors.
My brothers.
And it was my burden
to train those guys and prepare them.
And that burden,
it may have made me a little bit crazy,
a little bit paranoid, a little bit over the top,
but I didn’t really know any,
any other way.
(solemn music)
And, so now,
I am no longer
a combatant.
I no longer prepare men for war.
So the drive,
and the motivation, is from a different place.
It’s from a solemn place.
The drive now or the motivation now is
not really from the enemy anymore.
Now it’s from my friends, my brothers.
It’s from
those SEALs that I knew
and that I
cared about more than anything.
And that they sacrificed
for us, for me.
Those guys, they gave their lives for us.
(active solemn music)
And now I cannot help but think and remember
that every breath that we take is a …
It’s a gift, it’s a sacred gift
from those men.
Every day we have, ever sunrise,
every thought and every smile and every laugh is a gift.
(active solemn music)
And I will treasure that gift,
that gift of life,
and I will not let it go to waste, not one second of it.
And I’ll cherish every moment of it,
and I will live it,
I will live it
in their memory
and in their honor.
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