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DISCOVER YOUR INNER POWERS – Motivational Speech for Success 2017

at a time when people are feeling a
great deal of anxiety and fear and
reservations about the future at a time
when people are going to work and don’t
know whether or not they will have a job
when they get off and not necessarily
because of their performance but because
what’s happening in the economy at a
time when there are challenges more so
than ever before in personal
relationships we look at what’s
happening on a crime level and what’s
happening without you that many times
I’m sure that we’ve all taken time just
to stop and reflect many times when we
hear what’s happening in the news or
read the newspapers where is always
leading to what’s going on here and so I
think that now more than ever we must
begin to look at what are the things
that we can do that would put us on some
firm footing in life that will enable us
to do some things and and use some
powers that we have that many of us go
through life never ever discovering that
we have those things going forward and
part of that I believe is knowing what
it is your life work what is it that
gives your life a sense of meaning and
purpose because once you find that it
puts you in your power place see if you
know what your life work is I encourage
you to start working on it if you can’t
do it all at one time do just a little
bit of it and if you don’t know what it
is that you showed up to do if you don’t
know why you’re here
I encourage you to find out what your
purpose is here what is the meaning of
your life what will be different if you
have asked yourself that question I’ve
done that I remember coming from a
friends of my funeral and I was
reflecting on how much time I had left
and I went for a walk in a park thinking
about this guy whose life was so
promising and I mean he wasn’t a Noah
guy was quite young in fact and I
thought about all of the things that he
said he was going to do and he never got
a chance to do
things and I start thinking about my own
life and how much time I had left to do
the things that I would like to do and
at that time I wasn’t sure what my life
purpose was what my life’s work was I
wasn’t sure about it at that time and I
thought about it quite a lot I had some
idea but I wasn’t convinced that I don’t
think I felt worthy I didn’t believe
that it could be me to do this kind of
work that I’m doing right now and I say
to you that if you begin to take a
conscious effort to find out what it is
that you’re supposed to do I say that it
can literally save your life I said that
it can literally save your life
I was telling a group of people of a
study that was conducted dr. Larry Darcy
who wrote a book called recovering the
soul he said human beings are the only
living species that has achieved the
dubious distinction of dying or having a
stroke or a heart attack on a certain
day if you ask most people what would
you say the primary cause of why people
would have a heart attack of stroke many
people say well because they’ve smoked
cigarettes or because of high
cholesterol or because of stress or
because we’ll be silly and all of those
things are contributing factors when
ladies and gentlemen more heart attacks
take place in this country on Monday
morning between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.
that’s when the majority of people who
have their first heart attacks have been
85 percent of the American public
according to recent studies of going to
jobs that they hate working on jobs that
do not challenge them
they get sick thinking about going
migraine headaches after the Sunday
afternoon football game for 60 minutes
the anxiety begin to build and come
Monday morning they drop dead of a
broken heart
some of you ought to think about not
going to work on Monday
think about that people are literally
dying to go to work
because see when you go to a job and you
already know how far you can go you can
already see that proverbial glass
ceiling it’s like going to a movie when
you’ve gone in in the middle of the
movie and you’ve seen the inn and and
you said they’re too poor to start all
over again but something is missing you
know what the outcome is going to be you
can’t get excited about going through
that movie all over again am I correct
see when you’re going someplace and you
already know how much you’re going to
make you already know how far you can go
you’re in a dead-end position it erodes
your self-esteem it lowers your sense of
it creates an inner turmoil
it creates an giftedness in you so I say
that your life is worth finding what it
is that you’re supposed to do and I’m
not saying quit your job I’m saying find
it and do just a little bit of it when I
wanted to become involved in speaking I
started just learning quotes listening
to other people’s takes going to
seminars going to workshops asking other
people to help me just start working at
it just a little bit but you’ll find out
what your work is and hold on to it and
don’t let your dream go don’t let it go
see and here’s something else I want you
to begin to look at why is it that most
people don’t pursue their dream so don’t
do better than what they’re doing if
they’re capable of doing it I think that
many of us don’t go the next step
because we don’t know what to do yet and
I say that that the reason that we don’t
even explore the possibility of what to
do is because subconsciously we don’t
believe that it can happen for us and we
don’t believe that we deserve it so
here’s what I’m suggesting how much time
do you spend working on you how much
time do you spend every day working on
your dream in the last 90 days
how many books have you
in the last year what new skill or
knowledge have you acquired what kind of
investment have you made in you so I’m
saying that as you begin to look at
where you want to go if you want to make
it today and things are changing so fast
you have to literally learn to stand
still I’m saying that you’ve got to make
some conscious effort to begin to work
to develop you here’s something else
most people are not living their dreams
because of fear ladies and gentlemen I
was in Columbus Ohio yesterday speaking
for a particular Ohio Department yang
lady named Karen who greeted me who
organized the event very talented very
skillful and she was talking about she
wanted to become involved in the
consulting business as they want you
doing it I said you have the ability I
said you’re not here because they like
you you’re here because you’re doing the
job you’re making things happen and she
came up with all kind of ideas but
finally she said I guess I I can’t see
myself doing it I guess I’m afraid fear
limited vision and lack of self esteem
is what keep most people doing things
they don’t want to do I was blue from
Columbus Ohio to Denver Colorado to a
major communications company and the
person that picked up the airport told
me about the fact that the company is
planning on having a major downsizing
and they offered some of the employees
there in early retirement and some of
them will earn as much as $300,000 and
they said this is the last time that you
can take this offer if you don’t do it
when we have the downsizing you might be
among those who will lose their jobs and
all you will get is your severance pay
and only 50% of the people who were
eligible to take the $300,000 took it
the others were afraid to take a chance
on themselves the others couldn’t see
themselves beyond that company they
couldn’t see life after that company the
same reason that people stay in
relationships where they’re abused
are there unhappy or unfulfilled they
can’t see themselves beyond that
relationship they can’t see themselves
enjoying life without that person they
think that this is all that they can do
the same reason that people get stuck in
a certain level in life they can’t see
things being better for them and they
think that this is it and this is all
they deserve this law they’ve ever seen
has been passed on to them and they
think that this is it for them
oh no looking what dr. Blanton Smalley
Blanton who is a colleague of dr. Norman
Vincent Peale what he said about
theories that fear is the most subtle
and destructive of all human diseases
ladies and gentlemen fear kills dreams
fear kills hope fear put people in the
hospital fear can age you fear ladies
and gentlemen can hold you back from
doing something that you know within
yourself that you’re capable of doing
but it will paralyze you and it seem
like you’re in a hypnotic spell and I
ask you a question what is the benefit
what’s the benefit of allowing fear to
hold you back what’s the benefit of
giving up on yourself of not stepping
out on life and taking life on what is
the benefit for us the plus in that so
one of the things I had to ask myself so
I didn’t want to make any mistakes
I wanted everybody to like me I wanted
to be perfect the first time I did
something it’s not going to happen
you’re going to make some mistakes
you’re going to hurt some folks feelings
you’re going to create an enemy whenever
you decide that you want to begin to
take life on you’ve got to ask yourself
how long am I going to allow this to
hold me back I like what Zig Ziglar says
he said fear is false evidence appearing
that is an illusion that we create in
our minds it is a state of mind that can
be changed so let’s look at how we can
begin to take some steps to restructure
that fear to begin to expand our visions
of ourselves to begin to increase our
self-esteem Webster said that
self-esteem means confidence and
satisfaction in oneself look at your
life right now
whatever you’ve done up to this point in
time your life is working whatever you
had produced it came out of you as a
result of the kind of person that you
had become as a result of your choices
it’s a result of your consciousness now
you have to ask yourself are you
satisfied with what you have produced is
this what you want would you like the
things to be better than this do you
believe that you deserve better than
this are you content this is it you
don’t have to do anything else that you
already to assign yourself in life so
well I’m happy I’m not starving like the
people in Calcutta are you allowing
yourself to get off the hook like that
or do you believe somewhere in the back
of your mind or in your heart but
there’s some other great work for you to
do there’s something else that life has
for you and that’s why you’re here how
do we handle this fear factor how do we
increase our self-esteem you have to
begin to fortify yourself how do we do
that I believe that you have to begin to
have consciously monitor your inner
conversation and start talking to
yourself start building yourself up
sometimes the only good things you will
hear about you are the things that you
say to you
young lady that that was in the audience
this afternoon said to me I told myself
yesterday for the first time I’m proud
of me and she said I felt good about
that something learn to be your own
booster start building yourself up start
encouraging yourself such thing I can do
this I can make this happen when I
started thinking about becoming a
speaker I said yes I can do this I can
make this happen when I start trying to
convince myself I can be a businessman
after flopping and failing and losing
thousands of dollars and feeling stupid
and dumb and having people take
advantage of me because of what I did
know I had to talk to myself because
people saying to me that I was dumb and
somewhere in the back of my mind I was
saying you’re right look at what I’ve
done I had to say no no no no no no no
less hey hey come on man get yourself
together you can handle this you just
haven’t figured it out yet it’s all
right this is your training period this
is the tuition you have to pay for what
you don’t know you can do this other
people have done it doesn’t take an
Einstein get you some people that can
teach you some stuff that you don’t know
get you some people that have done it
successfully and learn from them take
some seminars workshops read some book
learn how to manage your business change
the way you see yourself and begin to
tend to the personal details understand
that nobody’s going to take care of your
business better than you and when I
start changing that kind of mindset of
beating myself up because of my mistakes
and start looking at the possibility of
my doing better of my making the
adjustment that would enable me to do
what I want to do successfully things
begin to change
I say stop beating up on yourself you do
do it I know you do it I’ve done it it’s
a natural inclination for us to put
ourselves down see we have born negative
I think in a negative consciousness
because we live in a negative world so
you don’t have to teach children to lie
they’re like automatically
did you wet in your pants no I did not
well what is that I don’t know you don’t
have to encourage kids to misbehave they
will do it by themselves you don’t have
to encourage them to do the wrong thing
they would do it automatically you have
to correct their behavior so I’m saying
that we have to work through the
challenges of life and learning how to
begin to work to fortify ourselves
repeat after me please I can live my
dream I can find my purpose in life and
live my purpose I deserved more for
myself I deserved more from life take
somebody’s hand on your right and left
and say you deserve more from life too
here’s some other things ladies and
gentlemen begin to dodge remaining
against negative programming like turn
off the television don’t watch news
don’t watch it I think that more people
have a sense of hopelessness and anxiety
about life if you look at the news you
cannot feel good looking at the news
you’ll be scared to death you’re scared
to go to sleep I need to turn your power
down you’ve got to be conscious of that
don’t pick up the newspaper and read it
no no I just try this just experiment
with yourself now if your job depends
upon your knowing certain things let
somebody tell you just about those
things but stop filtering the stuff you
louder come in your mind
you know that’s on your senses don’t let
nobody bring you know bad news
I tell my staff look here don’t tell me
any bad news while I’m on the road
let me handle it tomorrow unlike anybody
tell me any bad news at night before I
go to sleep I can’t do anything about it
anyhow what let me go to sleep with that
on my consciousness no no I must not
staff they know that they let it wait
till tomorrow and I have a period of
tell me bad news between 10 o’clock and
12 noon after I prayed and meditate and
read my books I’m fortified I’m ready to
handle it I deal with it I’m out of
there and I’m going on to something else
so you’ve got the God the kinds of
things that you put in your mouth if you
don’t program your mind your mind will
be programmed because human beings are
goal oriented that’s why we die of
broken hearts early that’s why we’re
running through life too early grades
we’re going through life ladies and
gentlemen I think that Henry David
Thoreau said that most men live in quiet
desperation most of us go through life
running scared
Larry DNG who I think is going to be one
of the greatest motivational speakers
around today told me a story a true
story of a friend of his that everyday
when he came home from school when he
would get to a certain block in his
neighborhood there was a neighborhood
dog that would chase him and that job
was sought after him barking bored he
would run just running from that dog
ever to everyday finally he just
I’m tired of that dog chased him every
day he says dog come on here Delma take
a brick of southern bust him in here so
he was walking home that day mining as
long business sure enough same area
there was that dog the dog stopped
barking he started running he saw brick
and he stopped it kicks up the brick and
turn on and the dog got closer he
realized Dalton has any teeth he’s Betty
put the brake down to take it off my way
and ladies and gentlemen all our lives
many of us don’t through life running
from things they’ve got no teeth to do
any harm
how would you been afraid to do
something and then after you didn’t you
say what if I noticed was this easy I
would have done it before haven’t you
ever had the experience Rehan absolutely
so we created this in our minds false
evidence appearing real
we made it real in our mind that’s why
Churchill says there’s nothing to fear
but fear itself
that’s the destructive monster so turn
off things that can contribute to your
fear turn a deaf ear to people that all
they can do is talk about how negative
things are because they have bought into
the consciousness of the world start
attending workshops seminars listening
to tapes on a daily basis to begin to
recondition your mind to retrain your
thinking faith comes by what hearing and
hearing and hearing listen to things
that can empower you that can enable you
to create a new reality for yourself in
a new life for yourself you might appear
to be strange around most people you
know most people think you’re strange if
you’re happy today
people say how you’re doing I said
better than good whoa what’s wrong with
let’s go around smiling and watch people
look at this a weird guy over here
because most people smile watch him look
at their faces in the morning here we go
another Monday morning how you doing
haven’t had my coffee yet don’t ask you
see these people has not found their
purpose in life that’s why they are
grumpy but that’s why they’re miserable
that’s why they’re so negative they’re
hurting and they want to hurt other
people so start practicing using
programs for your mind seminars books
workshops keep a journal record your
thoughts what’s happening with you every
day when you get up have a journal near
you I use the Jack Bowlin journals so
that I can write down my ideas I keep it
by my bed so I can write down my
thoughts see ladies and gentlemen we get
three to four thoughts a year but if we
would act on those thoughts they could
change our life
don’t say well I’ll remember that no
write that thought down I got a thought
today I wrote down a friend of mine is
in the hospital his morale is low
they’re talking about amputating his
foot he’s got to feel very bad so I said
you know I’m gonna I’m not only am I
going to see him but I can’t be there
with him all examines that I’m going to
create a tape form that that he can
listen to that will – his level of
morale we told him the other night don’t
go to surgery you’re depressed your
energy level is down no no tell them not
now don’t do it now in fact most doctors
who have any sense of awareness don’t
perform surgery on patients that in the
state of fear but don’t think they will
make it they wait till they’re in a
different state of mind so I said what
about making tapes for people that are
facing physical challenges I think
that’s a good idea all right
see their ideas that can come to you out
of things that appear to be negative I
have a friend out of Chicago just met
him he was 23 years old and this guy he
went financially bankrupt two years ago
ruined his credit
guess what he decided to do he found a
blessing in it he wanted to restore his
credit it was very challenging very
difficult and he realized that a lot of
other people during these particular
sizer ruined their credit so now he
started a credit repair business last
year he earned over $100,000 helping
people to restore their credit I met a
young lady who attends this church that
she was at her father’s funeral and and
she was putting flowers on her father’s
grave and she looked around and saw the
other grade sights they did not look
well-groomed and they were not attended
to on a regular basis she sought a grave
site maintenance business out of that
tragedy something positive has come out
of it and now she’s earning more money
doing that and on her present job what
idea are you sitting on right your ideas
down and then once you get that idea
take the lead hello take the lead see a
lot of people get the ideas and just
walk around with them have you ever had
an idea and all of a sudden you look
around and somebody had that idea and
gone with it think you going to be going
with my hospital idea forget that buddy
we will be out there together Jack
take the lead this out of the universe
if you don’t take the plunge I guarantee
you somebody else will take the plunge
go into action and ladies and gentlemen
you will be surprised how things will
come together you’ll be surprised now
you’re going to have some difficult
challenges I can tell you that now
be aware that things are not going to
work out exactly right for time they
will sometimes and that’s when life is
just playing a game with you want you to
feel good and relaxed and then after a
while so okay the honeymoons over now
and then life will come over then slap
your side to hear you say what you’re
doing out here but this is my dream life
is that right come over here minute oh
oh you went to the seminar huh come here
I can tell you that but ladies and
gentlemen go into action with your
dreams and don’t avoid where the fights
are get in the midst of the fight and
get some hickeys on your head get
knocked down so you can learn how to
fight so you can hold your position
see most people don’t get out in the
arena of life because they don’t want to
fight most people don’t get out there
because they don’t want to get knocked
down they don’t want to be brought to
their knees but see you’re going to be
dropped where are you on the field or
where they’re not just sitting on the
sidelines you’re going to be dropped so
at least get dropped with something
don’t get knocked down while you sit
see that’s not most people of spectators
in life you don’t want to be a spectator
you want to get out in the field where
the action is and you will be amazed
after the struggle there will be a calm
period and things will begin to click
for you come out here with what you got
you don’t have enough money don’t worry
about it you got to dream you got the
idea you don’t have enough resources
don’t worry about it you need some help
don’t worry about it you get out of here
in the arena someone will look at you
and become inspired and say hey can I
help you
but if you sitting up on the bleachers
nobody is going to ask you anything
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