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6 Trucchi di Marketing delle Multinazionali per farti FUMARE

multinational tobacco cigarettes but
how did these gentlemen a
so clamorously to lead us as
they did to convince the human race
to buy a product that has the
following characteristics
feel here has a taste that when
try a cigarette the first time ago
really disgust stinks and burns more
that little detail that is a
product that kills and you say
rightly mounts but it is not the product
values ​​are emotions and sensations
that they managed to associate with the gesture
of smoking claro
but we enter more on the merit at the level of
communication marketing what are the
strategies that have used let’s see
6 on the fly we deliberately leave aside
the trifles and then all the filth
pigs they did to manipulate
governments institutions academic worlds
let’s lose details that
deliberately leave the first one
strategy used is that which concerns
doubt the true product of the
multinational tobacco companies are not
cigarettes is doubt the trick
it works what it is like once I succeed
to instill the doubt, the game is done
smoking kills you’re really safe and
how doubt is generated
subsidizing research that churns out
data to create strategy number two
a dualism of opinions the trick in
this case works because I leverage
on the idea that there must always be
another opinion
one must never hear a single bell
that the case in the cigarettes one
extraordinary bullshit because on one side
there is a fact that cigarettes do
kill evil and so on
on the other there is only an opinion and how
if I go to mourinho and they say mourinho
look at football you do not play in
eleven is played in 22
here I do not even tell you how I am
mourinho answers if I tell you something
of the right kind, the third obvious strategy
the testimonials thought all the actors
Hollywood that have been overpaid
or subsidized films to show them
our beloved celebrities who smoke in
clamorous way fourth strategy and create
an idea of ​​community within the
smoking this strategy came out
when the campaigns against smoking are
they are made stronger
and then the idea was to
create an artifact sense of
persecution inside the smokers
we are persecuted as they are
the Jews have been persecuted by the sky
the attention moves away from the real problem
smoking kills to attention there are
persecuting a little slow tactics
dance norden pulls out of the facts the
American government says emma snoda in a
yes, but you’re not answering the facts
strategy number 5 the image always
an image of open air opening ve
you never asked why because one
puff of a cigarette when you see 1
immersed in the mountains that can hurt you
make and then sixth strategy perhaps the most
bastard have appropriated the
you know the concept of feeling free
classic phrase of smokers
yes I know that smoking hurts but I am
free to choose I am free to
die as I please
on this I do not know how you see it but a
me does not seem to be free at all
enriching the profits of some
multinationals that will not even come
at your funeral when cracks is the only one
freedom that seems to me armies smoking
it is rather that of being free
an idiot who is committing suicide
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