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Entitled and angry – FunFunFunction #15

hello I am mpj and this is fun fun

function the last few months there has

been a lot of frustration or I I kinda

wanna just call it negativity and the

community so one of these rants going

around where people

I don’t know at first they were just bit

negative and frustrated but it has

lately escalated to people actually just

calling out and lashing out and

name-calling people in the open-source

community because they’ve created these

tools that the article authors are not

happy with in different ways in today’s

video I want to talk about one thing and

one thing only and I want to talk about

the difference between a maker and a

consumer I want to begin by talking

about lake overturns sometimes at the

bottom of lakes there is a buildup of

carbon dioxide during many many years

and sometimes when there is a small

earthquake for example that shakes this

big pocket of carbon dioxide loose and

it bubbles up to the surface and these

pockets of carbon dioxide they are so

big that they will lower the oxygen

levels in the area around the lake so

low that the air is no longer breathable

so everything around the lake that needs

to you know breathe this dies from

asphyxiation lake overturns are

thankfully very rare but the last time

it happened it killed 1,700 people that

were you know just hanging around

minding their own business I find the

fact that lake overturns exist to be

oddly calming that is because it it

reminds me that the universe does not

owe me Sh

so whenever I run into you know some

dependency configuration problem or a

crap that I can’t figure out I try to

remind myself that yeah this is a bit of

a hassle but you know the universe could

also just decide to randomly kill me so

back to makers and creators makers they

go into this chaos and they make sense

of it

and they make creation that gives the

illusion of order

and consumers they consume these things

feature films it’s an extremely good

example of the chaos of the universe

being turned into an extremely

controlled experience for consumers so

you you order tickets online with your

friends and you are presented with this

nice – our experience in comfy chairs

somebody has to coordinate thousands of

people in order to make this extremely

complicated an expensive thing that is

the feature film three thousand and

three hundred and ten people worked on

the Iron Man 3 movie and I don’t know if

you have ever managed people but I find

like I find it to be really hard to make

five people do what I want another

example there might be more close to

home is there smart for my absolute

favorite quote from qua from xkcd is

that computers are essentially just

well-organized Sam there are probably

hundreds or possibly thousands of

components inside of this thing and

millions and millions of source lines of

code a smartphone does work remarkably

well considering that it is well

essentially sand and some metal but that

is because like thousands and thousands

of people spent insane amount of work

making making chaos into this thing that

looks like while it’s not

of course we don’t strictly build using

only sand we have tools available to us

so what are tools tools tools are things

that humans make that are somewhere in

between in a iPhone and sand sort of

like for example my CPU the camera that

I’m using it can be seen something like

something in between this episode and

photon see I just realized that I have

walked in a really stupid way here I

think I have to cross this tools are

something that a maker creates as a

byproduct of their making process they

run across a problem that I need to make

more efficient and sometimes I do share

that solution I open sourcing them

sometimes or sometimes selling them

there is a subtle but important

difference between a tool like react and

a consumer good like the iPhone or the

Iron Man 3 movie when you are making a

an iPhone or a movie like Iron Man 3 you

are focused on the audience on making

the audience happy hi phones and feature

films exist primarily to make consumers

happy whenever I use my iPhone or watch

or shine man 3 I fall into this consumer

mindset I paid for this thing and it’s

intended to make me happy and I’m

disappointed if it doesn’t but sometimes

when I work with developer tools I

I sometimes fall into these the consumer

mindsets there as well so right now I am

learning docker and Android and it’s

sometimes just annoys me greatly how

messy things are for instance there is

no clear way on how to store passwords

in dr. so everybody else has their own

solution for it and in Android there is

a wrapper around the build system that

wraps another build system which is also

a project management system and a

package map and it is especially easy

for me to get into this mentality when

they are when their companies involved

like docker and Google because it kind

of makes it feel like they are consumer

products you just feel like this is

why can this not be like an iPhone they

speak at these conferences and then

promote these things and their careers

benefit from it I am entitled to having

this work I’m gonna go home and write an

article on medium in moments when I feel

like that

and also in moments much like this road

I just not walk this road again Jesus

Christ into my heart

it’s a moment like that that I try to

remember that development tools are not

like iPhones they are not built to

please me in the way that a feature film

or iPhone is made I try to remember the

tools are made of side effects of

another maker solving a problem and it’s

up to me as a maker to wade through all

the available tooling and figure out

what tools match my problem

the consumer just wants the world to

work but maker that’s the person that

makes it work

of course we all switch all the time

between being the consumer and being the

maker in our daily life but I I see

people around me that seem to spend a

lot more time in the maker role than

other people those are people I aspire

to be like because I I genuinely

consider them to be better and more

valuable people to be honest so what I’m

saying is that don’t go around feeling

entitled to having things work for you

because that attitude is just gonna make

you unhappy

unproductive instead try to assume

responsibility and make things better

I’m going to finish this episode with

one of my favorite quotes from one of my

favorite books 7 Habits of Highly

be a light not a judge be a model not a

critic i’m mvj this is fun fun function until next Monday morning stay curious

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