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Instagram Is Not Reality | Ralph Smart

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
just whoa breathing in that good aahs
piranha baby and shout out to everybody
who is following me on instagram at
infinite waters and if you’re not
following me on instagram you’re a loser
it’s amazing isn’t it deep divers like
how powerful Instagram is like the
amount of people I meet as soon as they
wake up they check their phone check
their Instagram feed and it’s so
powerful now I love Instagram for what
Instagram is it is fantastic like to
think that we can connect with someone
in another country we can do a live chat
it’s amazing however Instagram is really
bad if you use it if you use it as a
measure for who you are there was a
study that came out to actually show
that Instagram is the worst app for
people with anxiety for people with
depression why because so many of us we
base our self-worth on how many
Instagram followers we have who liked
our picture or who didn’t and I’m here
to tell you deep divers you are so much
more than Instagram like you are so much
more than how many followers you have on
Instagram do you know how many amazing
people I know who aren’t even on
Instagram and their life is so fantastic
ok so just because your Instagram is not
popping it doesn’t mean that your life
isn’t fabulous
Instagram is not reality so many people
edit their pictures airbrush their
pictures and I know because I’m a
it’s so easy to do and every single day
I’m using Instagram as a tool but never
as a measure because I’m so much more
than a picture so start to realize deep
divers it’s about living a life that has
not been edited all authentic just gotta
accept yourself baby and then just say
feel so good to be a live baby can I get
a Hello cuz I meet a lot of people
sometimes you look at that Instagram
profile you’re like oh they’re so happy
but then they start asking me for a
so pictures can be deceiving it’s time
to be real with yourself and if you are
using Instagram in in a positive way to
influence people like I am in a positive
way salute to you salute to everybody on
Instagram who is really creating waves
of great change in a beneficial way you
are amazing the cat down the road loves
you deep divers winter assic pop just
wolf breathing in that good ass prana
baby oh you like the show cool right
shout out to everybody who’s been
getting the wonderful good oz prana
Ralph smart don’t come slash clothes
giving a few away on instagram at
infinite waters deep divers
have an amazing day infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy you here to tell you you are
you [Music]

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