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peace and finit waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature baby sending
you tons of good energy right now just
whoa breathing in that good ass prana
now deep divers how come do you think I
am a lot of people say Ralph you’re so
calm and so cool that’s right but I’ve
had to train my mind to be calm in any
situation but there are times where
sometimes people ruffle my feathers
right and there’s a story about a young
woman who was like the calmest person in
the entire world
everybody would say oh she’s so calm
she’s she’s so peaceful and people would
actually go to her for advice like how
come you’re so calm and so tranquil and
so serene what’s the secret and she’s
just like well I’m just calm like this
okay but one day she was traveling and
she was taking a long trip to a faraway
place and she got stranded her
transportation just broke down and she
was stranded and for the first time this
so called calm young lady was becoming
very agitated until she started to
scream like I can’t believe I’m stuck
here for hours and everybody around her
was like huh
what’s happening I thought she was the
calmest person in the entire world you
see deep divers that story is a metaphor
that you could be calm in nature I’m
calm here right is so peaceful but
that’s not a challenge the real
challenge is can you be calm in the busy
city can you be calm in the chaos and
that’s the secret of alchemy when you
learn how to make the best out of the
worst and never allow external events to
govern your internal condition deep
divers I’m telling you today train your
mind to be calm in any situation
not just a peaceful environment but
so the madness and the chaos that you
may find yourself in and then well you
just say feel so good to be alive baby
can I get a Hello hey beautiful deep
divers you are truly appreciated
we’re just wolf breathing in that good
ass prana baby
I want one Ralph shout out to everybody
who’s been getting the good ass prana
Ralph smart come slash clothes head over
there check out the beautiful clothing
if you’ve got a question deep divers add
me on instagram at infinite waters
beautiful deep divers have a wonderful
day infinite waters diving deep once
again stay well stay healthy peace you
you can be calm in nature but can you be
calm in the storm yes we can Ralph
[Music] [Applause]

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