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Urban Sensing | Cecilia Rocha | TEDxUniversityofPortoSalon

the manager 12 to fix things us
Let’s make tea with a display of
meetings because they were already more outstanding
to wii and really found here a
philosophy that I think we show in the
region and max is we are getting dirty
others is not 2 two some people
does not like and does not like nature
reach brothers and sons child cry
is a legend and is the end of it concludes
what is happening too
this is the goose gave a pine cone of a
way other than rain
ours and we will do our best to go to
iran and I ‘m not that bad but this
– I do between the sound and murdered years and
with a size that is training
complex involving several monsters and
back good of our roads
multiple lots of activities and go
from things related to their
day-to-day activities and missed the fact
we used the city to live the outdoors
of the city
our challenge
we missed arriving and who also a
comment comment when you hear
Talk about bad maps sometimes
we forget some of the types of
noises that are knots
we did not even know the affection and
real and considered animal safety
new exercise 21 which does not leave
margin to the other time
bolatti of May and the people who were
placed in art and culture is the
image are the ones that exist
santa techniques suppose some place
solve the technological problem and in
if the same 2014 and is in
from the highest
God is therefore
if we’re not teaching hill going
sign with your sounds on the loins
considers that they have interest in 12
clashes of the industrial zone language
know the game step the mother my students
to do nothing but this year and in
us 45
the zone is bad
already amounting to between 1 million and
some streets is which is the lion and needles
flowers will be the lion
I think the other right side and the
crazy little crazy mixed days
the music goes abroad and ladies
I think I went to the street at eight in the evening.
black is under new stage track in
color as I’m on top look at the
people start doing everything I
I have some difficulty in sleeping
worse made the hotel you are anticipating
I usually come to contaminate the
others went by sight
it is necessary to teach the rupture of the good view
any of these very
I continue with the new night classes.
I have moments that only in several topics
alcohol plant and the huge full week
as in other states the rose of the
The winds that I am on you can
watching the boats are almost problems
my ties and
on Christmas Eve these people who
be the voice of facing the
make inscriptions for the thigh
stock is also choosing clothes
common in the hour or made to understand the
planning we can act at various levels
I want to make the uses now I do not know
was happening
is therefore in this means that there is
a cash concentration constitution is
is installed on the right
the sensor is all
in the graphic used the social noise
done something that is already in progress is
known then space in the xix or other
cities and one is already under way while
our pets then forms not
There is knowledge of ours is that
some actions and in mexico
this is music ie ii
flame music or flame sounding has to do
with the event
the South or with these
have been listening in this wave like what
It’s not in the street.
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