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5 Tricks to Make Public Speaking a Piece of Cake | Mohit Dantre | TEDxYouth@BrightRidersSchool

thank you thank you so much ladies and
gentlemen you know what I’m going to do
today in front of you is something that
I do for a living every single morning
on the radio talking to people in public
and thanks to my job I get to speak to a
lot of people every day standing on
stages like these but while I was
backstage I got thinking I said
conducting a TED talk is also a dream
come true right so here I am ready to
give up my 15 minutes to anyone out
there who wants to talk about something
that they are passionate about something
that you feel very strongly about so I
can see you raise your hand if there’s
anyone out there who wants to take up my
15 minutes anyone what not a single hand
you guys so 100% of the room should we
believe that we are not passionate about
anything that can be true right what can
be true is probably many many of us are
afraid of speaking in public and you not
studies suggest that more people in this
world are afraid of speaking in public
than they are of cockroaches or even
death so to put it into perspective from
this example 100 percent of us in this
room would rather be in a casket right
now then stand here and drop in public
why why is public speaking so hard why
does it make me sweaty why does it make
me jittery why does it make me anxious
hmm you know in the times that we live
ladies and gentlemen life will throw you
into situations where you will have to
speak in public there is no escape trust
me now this could be you addressing your
classmates this could be presenting a
project in school college or just
conducting a meeting or standing at a
place like this talking to so many
people raising a toast for your best
friend’s wedding you may just have to
speak in public so it’s better to be
prepared right let me share with you
what happened with me now I was in
standard 3 back in India and we had a
storytelling competition listen to how I
got sucked into this world of public
speaking so for the storytelling
competition we were broken into groups
of two
and my story along with my friend was
the story of The Tortoise and the rabbit
you heard that they have a bet they
raised the rabbit gets cocky The
Tortoise goes and runs and wins the race
I was supposed to play the rabbit
because I was tall and my friend was
playing tortoise because well he looked
like a tortoise but I was kind of upset
about the idea of standing in front of
my classmates and talking to everyone
because they had my teachers and my head
miss was there who I was very scared of
but I was kind of counting on my friend
I said I like he’s there he’s going to
help me and kind of just pull me through
what I did not know is he was thinking
the same that I will put him through and
that is why on d-day he very
conveniently fell sick didn’t show up to
school so I went running to my teacher
and I said ma’am he’s not showed up to
school so I can’t do this she looked at
me and said oh I’m so sorry to hear that
are you all right I said yes can you
breathe yes
can you stand yes then you will have to
do it now I did what a random third
grader would do when put in a situation
like this I started crying I said no I
can’t do it I’m missing my mom I’m not
feeling well please let me go while I
was saying all of this the headmistress
of the school happened to walk in and in
a very stern voice she asked what’s
going on my TJ explain to her what’s
going on and she looked at me and said
oh you will present this story I said
but how can I do it alone she goes I
will do it with you now she probably
thought that this is going to pacify me
but standing with my headmistress on
stage talking to public was like going
to a water park with a shark like this
was not end well for me but I was pushed
into it so I went ahead we get on to the
stage I’m in standard three remember so
we get onto the stage and I say my first
line as the rabbit and then I look at my
headmistress for her to say her line as
the tortoise she looks at me and goes
what’s my line I told her her line for
the tortoise then I said my line is the
rabbit her line is the tortoise my line
is the Rabbids is she very smartly made
me perform that story not just as a
rabbit but also as a tortoise you guys
and what did that get me
let me tell you Saint Arnold school
endure this is to certify that Mohit Don
three of class third B has secured first
position in storytelling competition now
this turned me into mr. Martin Luther
King overnight know did I turn into this
fab public speaker after no because my
best friend’s anxiety and sweat followed
me every time I would go onto stage but
you know what like I was talking to you
about how life throws situations that
you that you have to it once again
through a situation at me when I was 18
when I got this opportunity to be a
radio presenter now I had two options I
could either Shia when I say I could not
do it or I could step on step up and say
I will learn I will fail and I will do
it and then I was given many situations
where I got to learn because you know
what when you get onto the stage you’re
upset you’re nervous you think what is
going to help me to make public speaking
easy for me ah let me google it
alright Google tell me how should I not
get nervous when I have to speak in
public Google says believe in yourself
okay alright Google tell me how to make
public speaking easy have confidence I
already know that I have confidence I I
would like to believe that I know the
things that I would have talked about
but what about the sweat the anxiety
this project I’m vomiting that I want to
do when I stand in front of people and
talk and trust me I was very upset when
I was told these are irrational fears
public speaking has many irrational
fears let me tell you what irrational
fears are so international fears of
those fears that will not happen to you
the bad things that you think will
happen to you will not happen to you
so when you get onto the stage to speak
in public no you won’t paint no there
will not be any projectile vomiting and
no you won’t soil your pants unless it’s
a very bad day for you and you have
violent diarrhea or something but
otherwise you’ll be good so over the
years I said if the textbook examples of
how to be a good public speaker not
working what do I do
trial and error like the sane Hindi Jeff
see the only say Keenan occulta Tom Lee
de Rican
that means when things don’t work out
the way you want to when you’re going
the straight path twist and turn your
finger and scoop out that last bit of
peanut butter from the jar that you want
and that is why I have five tricks that
I’ve developed over the years that have
worked for me immensely in helping me
become a good public speaker so now
these are not in books these are not on
Google these they work for me I would
like to believe that would work for you
as well now before I get on to them
let me quickly also give you my
definition of public speaking public
speaking for me is talking about
something that I’m passionate for
something that I feel strongly for
something that evokes emotions in me
nowhere does it say public the word
because I don’t care if it’s two people
20 people 20,000 people as long as I
know what I want to talk about as long
as I’m passionate about the things that
I want to talk about and that brings me
to the first trip that will work for you
ladies and gentlemen write your own
content for crying out loud if you’re
told hey this is what you’re supposed to
present go to the stage and talk but not
even at the stage you know if somebody
says hey it’s your brother’s wedding
raise the toast in front of your entire
family don’t ask somebody to write the
words for you never have somebody tell
you what to say listen to the topic and
jot down everything that you feel is
right and you want to say because the
first and the only fear that one has
when they go onto the stage to speak in
public is what if I forget my lines what
if I don’t know what to say well you
will not forget what you have to say
when you have your own words in place
it’s so easy to express your emotions to
your friends right when you’re angry you
call them up and say hey listen I want
to talk and you say everything that you
have to do you forget no you don’t
because those words come straight out of
your hearts so the next time when you
ask to say something in public please
make sure that you put it in your own
words now you could be presenting a like
a sales revenue report the numbers will
remain the same for sure but the way you
say them will be your own style and that
will be the first thing how much you
will have confidence in yourself that
you won’t forget now this brings me a
true the second trick and this is
up favorite testing of mine that I want
to share with you it says choose your
favorite face let me elaborate the
moment you get onto the stage or any
podium where is supposed to speak in
quickly run a scan through the audience
if there are ten people for example
sitting in the audience nine of them are
absolute hostile audience who have no
absolute interest in what you’re saying
which will put your confidence down
there always be one person who will
smile at you they’ll always be that one
person will be at ease who will give you
that expression that yes I want to
listen to what you have to say
and that wasn’t all so probably laugh at
your jokes and that will be a boost of
confidence so look for that one face
that you want to talk to now that I by
that I do not mean that you present the
entire speech to that person No you see
everyone in the room but you talk to
that person like right now as I’m
standing here I do have a favorite
person in the room you could think I’m
crushing on that fish maybe I am maybe
I’m not but that person is not going to
find out that I’m presenting my entire
talk to them but they are making me
I’m stealing glances and I’m feeling
good about the idea that the things that
I’m saying are being responded to this
trick again takes my confidence are not
high coming in to the third trick and
the third and the fourth when I’m going
to break into two parts let me share
this story with you which said the
things that you say in a speech you guys
and this is very interesting the impact
on the audience of your words is only
seven percent now here we are we stand
and we say oh my god what am I going to
say what is my content going to be but
it turns out only seven percent of it
matters what about the rest ninety-three
percent of the impact on your audience
is coming through what let me tell you
and this will really surprise you the
first one fifty five percent of what you
say or how you say matters your body
language now let’s consider this
instance okay imagine my name is an
ounce and I come onto the stage and I
I’m walking all confused in my shoulder
stroking forward and I’m jittery and I
sat at a corner right here and I start
talking to you about how impressive my
life has been in your skin also be
that’s the first instance right and the
second one we didn’t announce my name
and I come hello ladies and gentlemen
good evening how are you doing it’s such
a pleasure to be here
I crack jokes I smile I laugh with you
the things that I would say you feel I
am moot if I say how happy I am
which person are you going to be
probably more receptive to the first one
or the second one can’t hear you the
second one right we’re human beings and
we respond to visuals these days this is
a world of Instagram and snapchat you
know I’m not talking about your physical
appearance that doesn’t matter what
matters is how you conduct yourself with
your own stage if people like what they
see they will probably also be
interested in listening to what you’re
saying and humans also respond to body
language if I’m open and I’m warm and I
embrace you you are going to do the same
I will be likeable to you and once I
like Yubel to you you’ll be like I don’t
care what you say I just like looking at
you and that works because that works in
your benefit right so 55% of what you do
your body language is very very
important the next one and this one is
also very relational in the voice tones
because it’s not about what you say it’s
about how you say it using your voice to
your advantage is the most important
thing that you can do when you’re
speaking in public now you might say oh
but you do this for a living more if
you’re a radio presenter you know how to
use your voice I don’t
maybe that is right over the years I’ve
learned how to use my voice to my
advantage but you know what there are
certain emotions that you and I have
absolutely the same imagine if you get a
phone call and you get a great news
right now the the ecstatic voice that
you will have is the same that I will
have if I get a great news right so we
as humans share the same emotions and
that is why going back to the first
slide where I was talking about writing
your own words when you will write your
own words you will
with the same passion the same emotions
that you feel and once you do that the
response will be the same it will be
received in the same way and once you go
ahead you learn the ups and downs of
your voice when you’re happy when you’re
smiling when you’re angry more of this
will eventually come in we’ll just start
emoting when you’re on stage
don’t just say the words and this will
work for you so positively while appear
let me also tell you this that I still
get nervous it’s not that I’m sharing
these tricks with you so I am some kind
of a magician who does not get nervous
at all
I’m much human I I go to events like
these at least twice a month and I still
before five seconds I get onto the stage
in five seconds while I’m on the stage I
am nervous and you know what that is
great because that keeps you grounded
that does not let you be complacent you
don’t stand and say oh I can do it you
stand there and say oh I wish I can do
it the best possible way so being a
little nervous is also fine because I do
now I have to get you to the fifth and a
kind of controversial trick of mine
because I don’t know if you’ll agree
with this so much but this is what with
me so much that I wish that you use in
your life the next time that you’re
going on stage you have written your own
words you know what you want to say your
body language is perfect you’re feeling
great your voice is all set and all of
that but if there’s that smidge of
nervousness and sweat were you like I’m
not sure you know do what get onto the
stage or wherever take a deep breath and
imagine that all your audience is in
I’m not kidding imagine everybody there
is sitting in their underpants let me
tell you how this is going to push your
confluence one these people in their
underwear right now I am fully clothed
like I already have an upper hand of
them right and second no matter how bad
you are no matter how bad your
presentation is they are in their
underwear they can’t run away they have
to sit through what you have to say and
this gives you that much-needed
confidence where you’re like I don’t
care what I said they are going to
listen to the things that I have to say
yes thank you so ladies and gentlemen
the next time that you’re told hey go
out and speak in public
it doesn’t matter to people or twenty
thousand people all of these tricks have
worked for me in life try them they
might just work for you and when you
give that awesome presentation in front
of people and you get down from the
stage to a thunderous applause and then
you get a phone call saying hey would
you mind delivering another TED talk or
give a public speech you will say hell
yeah I will speaking in public is after
all a piece of cake thank you thank you
thank you [Applause]
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