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How To Start A Successful Youtube Channel

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again we’re here in the studio how to
start a YouTube channel I want to be
YouTube famous
a lot of us we see a lot of people
getting a lot of success on YouTube I
can share with you some YouTube secrets
if you want to grow your channel if you
want to start a channel and YouTube can
change lives
look timothy delaghetto he just paid off
his parents mortgage how cool is that
hey mom I’ve paid off your debt now what
are you gonna say YouTube I love YouTube
I’m always grateful for connecting with
so many amazing people on YouTube but
many of us don’t realize that a lot of
people who are having a lot of YouTube
success they’ve worked hard for it they
have been making videos sometimes at
2:00 a.m. in the morning and it takes a
lot of commitment to make youtube videos
it’s not as easy as it seems but if you
are starting a YouTube channel I always
say it always starts with passion you
have to love what you are doing you have
to know why you are doing it because yes
you can make a living on YouTube some
people have but it’s a very small
minority I could live off YouTube kinda
but I don’t make YouTube my whole income
I’m doing other things I’m giving
consultations I’m writing but I love
YouTube for the process
and that is why I don’t look at the like
or dislike button I’m just all about
creating I never stop to start YouTube
you can start with getting a good camera
but I have a good DSLR that I use in
nature a lot but now I’m just using a
Logitech c920 and what I love about this
is that there is zero editing time so it
is fantastic make sure you also have
clear audio because people need to hear
what you’re saying
YouTube is all about having fun and
that’s what makes it so amazing YouTube
I just found out is the second biggest
website on the internet and Google is
the first so Google owned YouTube and
YouTube is now the second biggest search
engine so the great thing about that is
if you make a youtube video it is going
to go straight in the Google search
engine I say that what’s helped me on my
journey is creating value I’m always
putting how-to or giving you tools to
become the greatest version of yourself
if you’re making a youtube video some
advice is to do it from the heart forget
about the fame and the fortune because
when I first started making videos there
was not even a partnering option and I
had maybe 30 people watching it but it
didn’t stop me because I was doing it to
test myself to see how far I could take
you and people will see your story
people want to see how far you’ve come
we love to see consistency if you are
consistent in making videos you will go
far a lot of people say no one’s
watching my
maybe I should stop wait a minute
maybe you should continue because that’s
a sign that when people see you they can
see your dedication to what you’re doing
the secret is consistency and also if
you are interested in growing your
audience it’s all about your personal
story people want to know who the hell
are you because it’s never what you say
is the energy behind that matters and
that’s why we are drawn to people on
YouTube because YouTube is not about
being so scientific or so politically
correct it is about your own unique view
of seeing the world that’s what makes it
so amazing because many times we forget
that the mistakes make a youtube video
great I love seeing people do crazy
things on YouTube I love watching prank
videos I love people who have music
channels there is just so much for you
to deal with but I love focusing on food
relationships the power of the mind but
the great thing is that never box
yourself into one category that’s what
I’m learning more and more each day and
that’s why I love collaborating
collaborating is a great way to grow
your channel but to stop collaborating
it also helps if you work with someone
similar to the kind of style of videos
you’re doing and having fun is so
important if you’re not having fun
what’s the point if you can’t laugh at
yourself smile at yourself because it’s
the energy which attracts us to certain
people but ultimately it’s about being
yourself YouTube is the place for being
yourself and really feeling comfortable
within your own skin making videos
so long I am now comfortable to make a
video at 3 a.m. in the morning no
problem no script no prompter straight
off the tip of the dome I’m done making
videos on YouTube and starting a channel
is in our confidence you have to
practice practice practice it doesn’t
matter what anybody thinks of what
you’re saying because I watch a lot of
different videos and it’s completely
different from my style people like
jenna Marbles I think she’s a genius and
other people as well people like Elliot
hosts so many amazing people on YouTube
doing fantastic things and I appreciate
them for their unique style I don’t want
to do what they’re doing I stick to what
I’m doing and that’s why in starting
your channel think of how you can make
your channel more unique to yourself
think of catchphrases a catchphrase –
peace because what that does is that it
shows your uniqueness it shows that okay
I am NOT trying to be like everyone else
I am accepting myself 100% you can hate
it or love it and a lot of people they
get stuck on the comments maybe they
might repeat they might receive negative
feedback that’s fine because I always
pay attention to the positive feedback
I’m sorry but you can take on board the
criticism and you can also learn from it
I have always been open to feedback
whether it’s good or bad I just love
responding to people who appreciate what
I’m doing and remind yourself YouTube is
not a fast way to
make money it’s all about the passion
the heart and the charisma that you can
bring to the table there you have it
start a YouTube channel today because
you may just change someone’s life I’m
doing it I’m loving it and I’m having
fun we are here infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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