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How To Bring Positive Energy Into Your Home

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again we’re out here in nature how to
bring more positivity into your home how
to clear out negative energy how to get
a new home I love being out here in
nature because I see that nature is the
perfect example the perfect way to live
and I realize that I always am striving
to make my home an extension of nature
so when I leave nature I go back
straight into nature and homes should be
a sanctuary a place of quiet and rest
but how many of our homes have been
turned into war zones
people shouting arguing so to restore
balance I learn from nature in ancient
China they developed a science called
Fung Shui which is all about if you
start moving around the objects in your
room you start changing the energy in
the room and fun means wind Shui means
water so Fung Shui is all about the
elements how it influences the flow of
energy within our room so good Feng Shui
would bring good fortune what’s helped
me along my journey being out here in
nature I’m so calm I feel so at one with
the universe
and instantly I feel the wind so what I
do in my home is that I love to leave
the window wide open because now I have
wonderful Qi flooding my room this gives
me a boost of energy it puts a smile on
your face you feel free you feel karma
you feel ready to take on
anything the universe sends your way
Feng Shui is all about how the Chi which
is oxygen can change the energy of the
room it’s all about space so if there is
a block meaning if the windows are shut
a lot of us we might suffer from
headaches because the energy is now
stagnated I also love plants I have a
small bonsai but this reminds me of
nature it reminds me of that time in the
secret garden and it does wonders
there’s a great researcher called camel
metal and he talked of how three plants
in particular do wonders for making us
feel more alive and he talked of it as
areca palm and this is an oxygen factory
then you have mother-in-law’s tongue
don’t ask me where these names come from
but this is a bedroom plant and this
turns the co2 into oxygen at the night
time so it is fantastic
also you have the money plant which is a
specialist plant and this plant is all
about getting rid of chemicals like
formaldehyde so plants can do wonders to
help us raise our frequency and be happy
also I love decluttering put your hand
up if you need to tidy your room up I
can see it going up
my room everyday I’ve got clothes that I
haven’t worn for years that I need to
sort out in fact we’re going to do this
together we are all going to clean and
tidy our room up tomorrow who’s with me
put your hand up why did it go down
many of us we have so much clutter all
around and I have recently been giving
away a lot of clothes because I realize
that a lot of us we just accumulate
stuff we don’t even need it
we buy clothes which we don’t wear to
impress nobody and the worn-out clothes
I see them as a reflection of our
suppressed emotions of our negative
emotions of all of the energy which is
blocked within us so cleaning out the
whole room tidying it up does wonders to
help free my mind mentally spiritually
and physically
I love beeswax candles as well because
they help produce negative ions which
help the air they also have a wonderful
smell when I’m in nature I love seeing
the flowers but more so I love the herbs
I love lavender with a passion so I love
having lavender around the home and it
does wonders also art is fantastic to
have sacred geometry that’s what I use
helps me to prime my subconscious mind
to remember that everything is connected
I also love I’m a minimalist but me less
is more so I love space I love rooms
with a lot of space that reminds me of
nature but some people they have
pictures of their loved ones and this is
great for reminding us who
we are and where we need to go I love
playing bossa nova music because playing
wonderful music in the room creates more
positive energy because everything that
is created within the room is stored
within the room so we have to ask
ourselves what kind of music are we
playing and singing does wonders I’ve
gone to people’s homes and they’re
playing the guitar it’s wonderful you
feel like you’re in a tropical island it
does wonders also you can bring a mini
waterfall in your home and waterfalls
are fantastic because they remind us of
the fluid nature of life it’s all about
for me bringing in the elements into
your home and it does wonders our homes
are a direct reflection of how we are
feeling emotionally so once we start
changing the way we feel we start
creating more positive energy within the
home if we are having a lot of negative
emotions we have to become aware that
this is going to seep into the field
around us in essence our home I see that
if you are in a loving relationship it
is wonderful it brings more positive
energy into the home having great
friends around you’re laughing you’re
singing you’re dancing this creates a
wonderful atmosphere connecting with
those who remind you who you are but
once we start to create more harmony our
homes in turn become more harmonious
many times if we have a heated argument
to clear this energy I always love to
open the window and I love to Hoover the
house I love to also shake out
the furniture the sofa the pillows if
we’re inviting people into our homes and
we don’t know them so well I always love
to give the home a good spring cleaning
as well just to neutralize the energy
but more and more I am recreating nature
within my home and it is fantastic share
with me what you do to create more
positive energy within your home we are
here in nature having fun infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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