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Time Management – The ultimate time management guide for entrepreneurs

I recently got an email from one of my
zuga customers Mike who wrote in having
a problem about managing his time so
here’s what he said Evan I really
enjoyed them talking about the Zubaz but
I find the biggest problem is finding
the time to read them and work on them
especially when I’m working 60 to 70
hours a week and raising a family at
home do you have any suggestions so here
are my suggestions and I used to be the
crazy workaholic entrepreneur and
everybody’s super quickly jumping on
opportunities and and was burning out
and was barely staying above mediocrity
barely staying above survival mode and I
felt like I was working so hard that I
deserved a lot more than the results
that I was getting back and it wasn’t
until it really changed my schedule that
I started getting great results so
here’s my five-step process okay the
first is eliminate you have to eliminate
the stuff that is not adding value you
are doing work in your business that is
not adding any value and you got to cut
it out here’s a quick example I used to
run mastermind group so I still do and I
used to take meeting notes I figured I’m
gonna record everybody says and write it
down and then after the meeting send it
to everybody because that’s what
professional meetings that’s what they
have and I spent a lot of time on it I
thought here I’m adding all this extra
value and one month I forgot to do it or
I was too busy I had too much on my
plate and I couldn’t do it and you know
what happened nothing nobody cared are
you serious I spent all this time and
effort working on this thing and nobody
cares and then I just stopped doing it
and nobody commented on it and I just
freed up an extra you know couple hours
every month because I was doing this
that I thought I did so much ugali but
it really didn’t so you got to eliminate
the stuff in your life think about what
you’re doing every day every week every
month and eliminate one thing from each
and you may be thinking Evan I do I’m
already doing only the high-value stuff
you can find something to eliminate
you can find something to eliminate from
your schedule yeah that’s the first one
second one is chunk this is really
important you want to chunk important
things together so anything that you’re
doing multiple times per day you’re now
gonna do once per day
anything multiple times per week you’re
now doing once a week and everything
multiple times per month you’re doing
once per month okay so you’re not
checking email all day long I’m running
frantically around you’re not meeting
with somebody and then doing something
else and and having a crazy schedule
okay you’re chunking your time email is
now once per day meetings you chunk it
if that was multiple times a week now
it’s once per week my typical schedule
on Mondays I do all my admin my Batman
work Batman is like working in the
business important projects and these
are things that you know still involve
me but I have to work on it but it’s
still high-level stuff and I do that for
the week but I know that Monday I’m
sitting there and I’m just doing I’m
head head down you know nose in the work
and if I don’t want to shave I don’t
have to write you know if I don’t want
to dress up I don’t have to it you’re
getting the mind set up today I’m just
gonna work I’m not gonna let anything
distract me I’m just going to work
Tuesdays have my CEO days my big-picture
stuff my big planning stuff you have to
make time for CEO time you’re working 60
70 hours a week and you don’t have time
to work on yourself this is important
you need time every week I call it CEO
time to work on developing your business
the on the business stuff has to happen
every week otherwise you’re going to be
constantly running on this treadmill
I’ve never seen major growth it’s really
important Wednesdays I do my videos so I
spend the day I’ve do videos today’s a
Wednesday I don’t know when we’re gonna
release this but I record all my videos
on a Wednesday I’ll sit down from the
camera and bust out 10 to 20 videos
depending on how I’m feeling today I’m
feeling pretty good so we’ll see how far
Thursday is my meeting day public-facing
day it’s my radio show it’s my phone
it’s my seminars it’s my coffee
all of that happens on a Thursday and I
put them back to back to back the reason
is I wake up but I know today is my
public-facing day today is a day where
I’m gonna have lots of energy where I’m
meeting people you know I’m gonna look
good I gotta get my new t-shirts on
right you think of what happens before a
meeting right before a phone call 20 30
minutes before meeting you’re not really
doing anything productive right because
you know I got a meeting coming up so
don’t want to start anything big so
you’re doing little tiny tasks right and
then if you have a phone call and
they’re calling you and they’re late
right if they’re 10 15 minutes late what
are you doing in those 10 15 minutes
nothing right you’re waiting for them to
call to doing more tiny little tasks you
can’t get anything big it’s you’re
wasting a lot of time I booked my
meetings back to back to back to back if
it’s uh in person meaning you’re coming
to me we meet at a Starbucks underneath
my office and if you’re doing phone
calls I’m calling you because I’m always
on time and I respect my time and also
respect the earth and they’re back to
back to back to back freeze up so much
of my time
so you want to chunk similar tasks go
together okay three a huge thing that
helping was I eliminated the phone from
my business you may be thinking Evan
you’re crazy
eliminate the phone we need the phone
unscheduled phone calls is other
people’s agenda for your time and you
need to protect your time like the most
valuable asset you have because it is
that has to be your mindset and if
somebody calls you even if you don’t
pick it up you look to see who it is
right you look over the oh and then you
want who what’s the who’s that number
who is that person or why is John
calling me here I wonder what he wants
what does it do anything you don’t pick
up the phone it distracts you from what
you’re doing and if you’re doing these
tiny little tasks and who cares but why
are you spending time doing all these
tiny little tasks you should be working
on the big stuff for your business and
if you’re deep into big stuff for your
business you can’t afford to be
distracted by phone calls if it’s super
important for your business then
somebody else on your team handles phone
calls I try to run a no crisis business
I don’t want people calling me my phone
numbers on my website my phone number is
not in my
emails my phone numbers not on my
business card my business card is my
email on my Twitter account that’s how
you reach me I do a lot of business on
the phone I close a lot of deals on the
phone with billion dollar-plus companies
over the phone but we’re doing a
scheduled phone call and I’m calling you
on a Thursday it may seem a little crazy
it may seem a little what’s not gonna
work for my business if you really don’t
want to go that nuts I understand but at
least chunk out time to yourself where
you’re not answering the phone
you need to have focused times I prefer
90-minute chunks of just dedicated work
to get stuff done and not be interrupted
because those interruptions are causing
that 6070 hours a week to really be
crunched down into like 20 hours a week
of actual high productivity stuff that’s
what you’re losing all your time number
four is automate I hate doing stuff
multiple times if I have to do the same
thing twice I get a little upset if it’s
three times and I get frustrated so
there has to be a better way and I find
a tool to help me anything that you’re
repeating there is a tool that can help
you because you want to be doing the
high-level stuff you don’t want to be
doing the day-to-day grinding out boring
stuff that doesn’t really help your
company grow okay so I’m looking for
tools so I’m eliminating everything that
doesn’t have to be done everything else
and then looking for tools to help me do
it faster more automated make less
mistakes and free up my time to focus on
bigger picture stuff so I use accounting
software right basics you got to use
accounting software stop trying to track
everything in Excel I use Dropbox I use
Fiverr I use oDesk I use a whole bunch
of tools Evernote right I use tons of
tools to help me make my business
stronger and then I have a programmer
who will automate tasks and create
custom programs for me so this doesn’t
just code my website it’s I’m doing this
thing more than three times I need you
to make this automatic for me so I press
the button then it happens or you can
better set up a cron job so I don’t even
have to press a button it just happens
on its own
right automate you got to look for ways
to automate because your time some
people look at and say well count
software is 100 bucks are you kidding me
your time isn’t worth a hundred bucks
how much time are you wasting it’s
ridiculous you have to value your time I
mean the last one is delegate
okay you eliminate what doesn’t need to
be done you’re you’re then automating
what’s left and then what’s left over
from that this has to be done it can’t
be automated you’re then gonna delegate
a lot of stuff up okay cuz you shouldn’t
be doing 80 percent of the work you’re
doing you personally should not be doing
80 percent of the work that you are
currently doing maybe even more somebody
on your team has to be doing it you need
to be able to build your business to the
point where you have enough margin to
afford a team member to come on and help
you do some of those tasks that’s how
you’re gonna build your business
otherwise you’re gonna be stuck on this
wheel going round around the round and
it doesn’t have to be a full time person
the first person I hired was for one
hour a day to do some data but database
work for me and he was better at it than
I was who freed up an hour and a half of
my time to focus on bigger picture stuff
you can hire interns you can bring on
high school interns that are free paid
university interns foreign language
interns that are free you can use
websites like Odette’s to find people
around the world who work for you you
can use stay-at-home moms as part-time
workers right you don’t need to have a
full-time employee sitting there in your
office sucking up a whole bunch of money
you can start small but when you start
getting used to building that muscle
where you’re thinking does this have to
be done at all can this be automated
through technology and then if not can I
give this to somebody else to do that
really aligns your business for massive
growth because you are doing the work
now the time you have left right you’re
building your business you’re doing the
high level CEO stuff if you’re doing
stuff that you don’t love that you’re
not great at there you’re not one of the
best in the world that if you’re doing
stuff that you hate every day how do you
expect to build a great business so
eliminate okay chunk common tasks
stop answering the phone and getting
distracted all day long and answering
those emails as soon as they come in
automate the technology and then
delegate the rest of your tasks away so
you are left doing what you love what
you’re great at and what’s going to
change the world believe those are
watching like the video you can support
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what you think or if you have any other
questions and click on my face subscribe
to the channel thank you so much I’ll
see you soon
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