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How to Overcome Anger And Angry Feelings

ever met someone on a really beautiful
day sunny day who’s just angry for no
reason whatsoever you’re like what’s
they start screaming really loud and
you’re like ain’t nobody got time for
this I’m off to the beach and I don’t
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby another gorgeous
day we got the Boca behind us Sun
beaming through but are you angry right
now for no reason
oh you have a reason okay you’re just
plain angry because something happened
to you
somebody offended you are you angry
because you don’t have money right now
are you angry because you’re mad about
something you did in the past is anger
consuming you right now well alas after
this video that will cease how to
overcome anger and angry feelings deep
divers less just whoa breathing in that
good ass piranha baby
I’m sending you tons of positive energy
take that take that take that
and Wayne even had breakfast yet can I
get a Hello fare now wonderful deep
divers let me share with you us help me
along my journey overcome anger and
angry feelings now as a comp I seen I
don’t get angry a lot however I’m still
sometimes I still get angry spells but
it’s very rare but I’ve helped a lot of
people deal with anger over the years
let me share with you ways
to overcome your anger and your angry
spells you’re angry moods okay it starts
with this it is okay to be angry that’s
so scream as loud as you want because
you have permission from the cat down
the road it is okay to vent just don’t
live there hmm
slow motion this side hmm you see if you
are someone who is angry at everything
and everyone it is more harmful to you
because now it is affecting your health
you see it’s great to get it off your
chest but don’t don’t live there don’t
carry around anger with you the whole
day because now it will affect your
health in a negative way deep divers to
overcome anger and angry feelings stop
blaming everyone for your anger they did
it Ralph
they made me angry the moment you blame
someone else for your anger you
externalize your power thus making you
even angrier hmm what slow motion this
side mmm
you see to overcome anger and angry
feelings realize you have to take
responsibility for how you feel I know
what it’s like sometimes people annoy us
they got on they get on our nerves right
they make us really mad right now but
the power is in your hands you have to
start taking responsibility for how you
feel and that’s how to overcome anger
and angry feelings if you can realize
this today that nobody
is responsible for how you feel
let me repeat that nobody is responsible
for how you feel you are so take all the
power back and say I’m gonna choose to
be calm right now how to overcome anger
and angry feelings you see a lot of us
we are angry because we are reacting to
everything around us the news makes me
angry Ralph people make me angry Ralph
bills make me angry Ralph so you got to
stop reacting to everything and learn
how to respond how you respond to a
situation literally has the power to
change the entire situation itself so
how I respond is by taking a good ask
well of that good ask piranha baby
always gather yourself before you
interact with someone else if someone
has made you really upset
don’t just lash out take a moment to
really breathe deep from the base of
your spine take a moment to really go
for a walk before you just start
reacting learn the power of your
response which comes when you are calm
and in peace with yourself deep divers
how to overcome anger and angry feelings
now let me share with you this if you
can learn that you have to identify the
source of your anger a lot of us we are
angry and we don’t even know why we’re
angry look at you you’re just angry
right now if you can learn that you are
angry because somebody has triggered you
or something has triggered you now you
overcome anger and angry feelings a lot
of us we get triggered and this sets our
anger into motion so look at your
environment right now are you angry in a
specific place well you need to get out
of that place because that’s how to
overcome anger and angry feelings or
anger is coming from a specific place a
specific trigger and once we can spot it
we have to learn how to work with it how
to overcome it okay so know your
triggers deep divers how to overcome
anger and angry feelings realize this
today seven day vegan challenge do you
sometimes eat when you’re really angry
well what’s helped me along my journey
is to never eat when I’m really angry
because that will make you even angrier
but also you don’t even enjoy all of
those beautiful grapes avocados peaches
and pears so always make it a habit to
eat in peace enjoy your food and if you
can learn how to always enjoy your food
eat in harmony
your anger is gonna subside you’re gonna
be like wait a minute I just enjoyed a
delicious green smoothie anger I can’t
be angry right now cuz I’m enjoying this
food so much so always make time for
yourself to really enjoy a delicious
plant-based meal deep divers how to
overcome anger and angry feelings do you
sometimes wake up full of envy oh my
gosh look at this person’s profile Ralph
oh my gosh I can’t believe it
are you envious of other people that’s
why anger is blossoming in your life you
see you gotta be so content with who you
are you don’t even want to be anyone
else so see if your anger is really envy
in disguise start to love yourself a
hundred percent stop hating yourself
everything you are and start loving
yourself everything you are right stop
hating yourself everything you want and
start loving yourself everything you are
find what is working in your life right
now stop beating yourself up for a
mistake you did five years ago
stop beating yourself up because a
relationship never worked out stop
beating yourself up because you’re not
where you want to be in life and once
you can learn that alright once you
learn that deep divers anger your anger
will subside deep divers how to overcome
anger and angry feelings under the
influence now many times we are drinking
way too much coffee too much caffeine
we’re overstimulated this makes us angry
many times you could be drinking alcohol
that makes you angry under the influence
when you want sober you’re gonna be more
angry so learn to be so
more often learn how to meditate learn
how to find peace by being in your
natural authentic state have clarity of
mind deep divers how to overcome anger
and angry feelings stop thinking of what
is making you angry because that will
make you even angrier stop focusing on
all of your problems and start focusing
on the solutions many people who are
angry are always ruminating and
overthinking on what makes them angry we
have to start focusing shift your focus
to solutions deep divers how to overcome
anger and angry feelings do more of what
makes you happy that’s right do more of
what makes you happy
and don’t feel guilty about doing it and
then be responsible for the energy you
carry around you see you’re not
responsible yes you are responsible
you’re not in control of how other
people treat you but you are in control
of how you respond you are in control of
your attitude so choose to have a
positive attitude today and that’s how
to overcome anger and angry feelings and
then deep divers well you’ll just say
they also get to be a live baby can I
get a hello beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
just whoa breathing in that good oz
piranha baby
wonderful deep divers shout out to you
shout out to everybody who’s been
rocking the wonderful good oz prana
shirts a Ralph smart dog calm slash
clothes check out the amazing new book
feel alive by Ralph small on Amazon get
more daily inspiration on instagram at
infinite waters deep divers
have a beautiful day infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy peace you always realize this
whoever angers you controls you mmm
slow motion this side hmm have a
[Applause] [Music]

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