Pisan finit waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are here
sending you tons of great energy take
that take that take that
now deep divers is time to talk about
negative people do you have a negative
person in your life right now who is
making you very miserable well someone
does cuz they wrote to me this Ralph I
love your videos however there’s this
one negative person why is it always one
person right this one negative person
who is making my life a living hell I’ve
tried everything Ralph we always get
into it arguments blaming each other and
I can’t take it anymore Ralph how can I
handle this situation
well elastic divers how to ignore
negative people and flourish and we even
had breakfast yeah
can I get a hello they’re so wonderful
deep divers let me share with you watch
out me along my journey ignore negative
people and flourish now let’s face it
deep divers a lot of us we meet negative
people a lot of us we have met a
negative person in the past who has
really gotten on our nerves and we
thought we couldn’t take it but then
somehow someway we bounce back but then
they came back on the scene and we’re
like Ralph I don’t know what to do right
now right negative people everywhere
because energy is everywhere there is
positive energy and there is negative
energy and one is not better than the
other you need both for balance
slow motion this side mmm negative
people often take away your happiness
they make you lose sleep a negative
person takes away your smiles no no no
no negative person listen very closely
deep divers is a person you have given
way too much power to hmm
slow motion inside mm a negative person
is a person you have given way way way
too much power too and it’s time to take
your power back anytime you have a
so-called negative person in your life
realize that you have to stop paying any
mind it’s all energy that’s what the
ancients knew it’s all energy and we are
energy in motion that’s why we have
emotions so if you can realize this
anytime you are focusing on a negative
person for more than three seconds you
are giving them your power anytime you
are focusing on a negative person for
more than three seconds you are giving
them your power
realize this whatever you focus on gross
they call it paying attention for reason
because anytime you pay someone
attention you are making an energetic
mental cash transaction but now you’re
in a debt have you ever have you ever
noticed and observe the phenomena deep
divers why people focus more on people
that don’t serve them then on people
that do well it’s just as the same with
the phenomena why people focus on bad
news more than more than good news right
that’s why people focus on bad news more
than good news we are drawn many times
to what does not make us feel good and
it’s time to delete that program you see
deep divers to ignore negative people
and flourish don’t give them your
attention there is a great story there
was a Army General in China who would
actually go around hurling insults at
people and they would argue with him and
he would just defeat his opponents until
one day he met this grand old master and
the army general the army general was
hurling insults at him insulting him
waiting for the old man to react but he
got no reaction from the old man instead
the old man remained silent all of a
sudden the army general dropped to his
knees in shame and said master I’m sorry
how did you defeat me and he said this
when you don’t accept someone’s
invitation who does the invitation go
back to hmm what slow motion this side
you see to ignore negative people and
flourish you don’t have to go back and
forth with them you don’t have to react
to these negative people why because
they aren’t that important
don’t make them bigger than they
actually are silence is fantastic to let
the other person hear their own
you see you take back your power when
you respond you lose power when you
react let me repeat that you take back
your power when you respond to a
negative person you lose power when you
react to them reacting to a negative
person includes arguing fueling the fire
responding is about actually what’s the
next best step that could be changing
your environment if you work with a
negative person is time to say actually
is this worth my health and happiness
maybe it’s time to look for a better
environment that I can become more
happier your response also includes well
breathing in that good-ass prana baby
baby being calm when you speak to a
negative person or silence always
respond how you respond to a situation
literally has the power to change the
entire situation itself
negative people need food your attention
is there food once you stop giving them
your attention you take away their food
supply stop focusing on people who are
actually doing something for you so many
times we give so much power the people
who do so little for us and it’s time
that you take responsibility to say
actually I’ve got a part to play in this
you see negativity can only affect you
when you are vibrating at that same
frequency I used to call some people
negative not realizing that it takes two
to tango baby if someone is negative you
have to rise above that vibrational
frequency until it no longer affects you
I want you to put a glass of water on
the table three-quarters full do this
right now then bang down on the table as
hard as you can what’s gonna happen deep
divers water is gonna gush out right
exactly but if there is no water inside
of the glass nothing will come out in
other words to ignore negative people
and flourish you have to take a look at
what’s inside of you what are they
bringing out of you because whatever is
coming out of you was already inside a
few hmm
they were just the trigger slow motion
this side mmm that’s right like I
remember when I would get really annoyed
with some people it was because I also
had unresolved issues within myself they
were just triggering it
so realize that it’s not just the other
person’s fault we have to take a look at
our own energy to say actually why do I
keep attracting this kind of person into
my life realize this deep divers you can
love from a distance seven day vegan
challenge you can eat from a distance
not everybody is supposed to be in your
energy space because not everybody is
worthy of your energy lawn to surround
yourself with people who make you happy
to be alive not with people who drain
your energy to ignore negative people
and flourish be happy you see you glow
differently when you’re happy you escape
the grasp of negative people when you
are happy when you have increased your
vibrational frequency they can’t touch
you but if you are depressed miserable
full of anxiety now you’re an easy
target easy prey you got to smile in the
face of negative people but more so you
got to look them in the eye and say you
will not take away my happiness do it in
a very calm way cuz they don’t even
deserve you getting mad save your energy
for the cat down the road look them I –
I show them that you aren’t scared of
them and then you go that way
let them go that way but realize deep
divers nobody can make you feel a
certain way without your permission
there is no negative person
unless we give permission to that person
to make us feel negative unhappy take
your power back and surround yourself
with people who lift you higher and then
deep dive as well you’ll just say so get
to be a live baby can I get a Hello
they’re deep divers look at the comments
section I only focus on the good
comments why because once you do that
they increase focus on people that love
you and appreciate you today
deep divers were just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the
wonderful good ass prana shirts at
Ralph’s Montcalm slash clothes get the
book deep divers feel alive by Ralph
smart follow me on instagram at infinite
waters have a beautiful day such a hot
day today infinite waters diving deep
once again stay well stay healthy peace
you some people just need a hug like
they just need a hug you don’t
necessarily have to give it to them when
they just need a hug so just take that
into consideration like not everybody
gets hugs like you that’s why they’re
[Applause] [Music]
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