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How to Control Your Energy (WARNING – this video will change your life)

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are here
I hope your day is going good it is a
beautiful day Sun is out the cat down
the road is sunbathing
now deep divers this video is all about
controlling your energy I’m about to
share with you how I control my energy
every single day and how this has helped
me to become my greatest version
mastering your energy is so essential to
become your greatest version now deep
divers you’ve probably experienced days
when you feel so elated like so full of
joy and then days where you feel really
tired depressed even full of anxiety and
this has everything to do with energy
and if you can learn how to control your
energy you will change your entire life
for the better and we even had breakfast
yet can I get a Hello now wonderful deep
divers let me share with you was helped
me along my journey to control my energy
the ancients knew everything is energy
nothing is solid everything is energy
and quantum physicists have discovered
that the smallest particles are not
atoms they are actually subatomic
particles which are even smaller than
atoms and this is energy it’s all energy
one of the seven Homeric principles
is mentalism everything is mental
everything his energy so if we can if we
can learn if we can learn to change the
energy we can literally change our
entire life let’s start with the seven
high ways to control your energy you
have to know about the seven highways
deep divers the eyes are the windows to
the soul these are the first two
highways we take in information which is
energy through our eyes we also give out
energy through our eyes
okay the other two highways the other
two highways are is left ear right here
we listen to the cat down the road
singing the fifth Highway what eating a
whole bunch of grapes baby seven day
vegan challenge our mouth we eat food
and we say can I get a hello there and
the last two highways our nostrils we
breathe in that good-ass prana baby and
we breathe it right back out there’s
energy comes into the body
and energy leaves the body hmm
slow motion inside the human being is a
transmitter and receiver of information
ie energy to control your energy you
have to learn about the seven highways
so let’s take the eyes for example what
am I looking at is it serving me because
we can look at something that really
inspires us and now we are influencing
our energy inside of us in a more
positive way so we’re gonna feel happier
better about ourselves we’re gonna start
loving ourselves or we can look images
which are not serving us full of
violence and bloodshed and fear and pain
now this influences the energy inside of
us in a negative way so to control your
energy become aware of the seven
highways am i speaking well about other
people and myself or are my trash
talking myself am i listening to sound
frequencies that empower me or am i
listening to music that is destroying me
you see deep divers in ayurvedic
medicine they realized we are eating not
only through our mouth we are eating
through all of our senses
slow motion inside to control your
energy you have to realize that you have
to become responsible for your energy
the energy we are emitting is the energy
we are becoming I’ve seen this along my
journey deep divers each one of us has
an emotional bank balance because you
can have so much money in your bank
account but you can feel empty on the
inside to control your energy learn
about your emotional bank balance many
times we wake up and we’re like wow it’s
such a beautiful day we go outside we
whoa get high off that good ass prana
baby and all of a sudden we feel so
refreshed so replenished our emotional
bank balance is increasing some days
however we wake up tired exhausted full
of stress we don’t love ourselves today
and all of a sudden of emotional bank
balance decreases now awareness is the
key word to control your energy
take responsibility which means
responding to your ability to control
your energy you are in control of the
way you feel let me repeat that you are
in control of the way you feel and
that’s how to control your energy you
see I can be really sad oh no well I can
be really happy yeah
I choose how I feel that’s how to
control your energy deep divers to
control your energy it’s what I call the
law of exchange the law of energy
exchange what is your energy expenditure
what is your energy distribution like
what is your energy distribution like
what is the given that take what is the
incoming and outgoing
so a lot of us if we are overeating
seven day vegan challenge we are losing
energy if we are doing everything in
moderation including eating we are
increasing our energy if we are
practicing intermittent fasting we are
increasing our energy if we are arguing
all the time we are decreasing our
energy if we are waking up and hugging
the cat down the road every single day
producing beautiful oxytocin we are
increasing the energy if we love
ourselves we are increasing the energy
so it’s all about realizing the in and
the out how am i distributing my energy
how am i receiving my energy what is
serving me what isn’t serving me
awareness once again deep divers how to
control your energy thoughts have power
thoughts are things thought can destroy
you and a thought can heal you just like
energy energy can give you life but
energy can also destroy you so I started
to become mindful of every single
thought I was thinking of every single
word I was speaking of every single
action I was taking and that’s how to
control your energy
mindfulness each one of us we have a
a circadian rhythm a biorhythm and I
control my energy by moving into my own
natural biorhythm every single day and I
do that deep divers woo by doing a
little samba baby because sometimes I
wake up and I know I’m out of rhythm
then I go for a walk I’m right back in
rhythm you see to control your energy
you have to know thyself you have to
know your body you have to know your
triggers you have to know what makes you
say yeah and what makes you say no you
gotta have a good relationship with
yourself and realize we live in the
world we are thinking of how to control
your energy your mind state is
everything you see the way we think will
ultimately shape who we end up becoming
I only think positive thoughts about Who
I am I only see myself in a favorable
way that’s how to control your energy by
realizing your mind state has the most
influence on your energy I can choose to
blame myself for the past or I can
choose to embrace myself today
including my flaws my mind state can
help me attract people people into my
life deep divers that can help me go to
the next level well I can choose to be
around people who don’t so it’s all
about the mind state and if you can
learn every single day to protect your
mind by realizing that your mind is the
most valuable real estate you have and
therefore we have to learn how to feed
our mind with thoughts that empower us
words that empower us and take actions
that empower us and then deep divers
well we’ll just say they also get to be
a live baby can
get a hello there and that’s how to
control your energy deep divers were
just whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby get the good Oz prana shuts
deep divers at Ralph smart dock calm /
clothes get the book feel alive by Ralph
smart on Amazon follow me on instagram
at infinite waters deep divers it is all
energy change your energy and you will
change your world have a beautiful day
deep divers infinite waters diving deep
once again stay well stay healthy peace
you and that felt really good just to
say that like peace we are controlling
[Applause] [Music]

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