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How to Be Patient And Trust The Universe

I always knew one day I would inspire
Millions with the help of the cat down
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in this stunning art gallery in
the middle of nowhere beautiful day I’m
sending you tons of great energy take
that take that take that it’s all about
trusting the universe right now
and being patient is there something
that you are waiting for that you have
been praying for that you are so
desperately hoping comes your way but it
still hasn’t and now it’s a matter of
trust how to be patient and trust the
universe deep dive is less just wolf
breathing in that good-ass prana baby we
got a whole lot of talk about deep
divers someone wrote to me Ralph I love
your videos I’ve seen how you started
from such a small channel to now you
have over 1.4 million subscribers I’m
inspired by that Ralph my biggest dream
is actually to do what you’re doing and
that is to inspire millions of people
it’s just that Ralph
I’m not having any success at it right
now I’m not seeing the results I’ve got
a YouTube channel but with only like 500
subscribers I’m wondering please talk
about how I can be patient and trust the
universe fantastic questions so that’s
what we are gonna dive into oh baby and
we ain’t even had breakfast yet can I
get a Hello so a lot of people say Ralph
how did you do it how did you create a
channel about becoming your greatest
version how did you create a channel
about becoming your greatest version
which has over 1.4 million subscribers
I’m gonna show you how I did it it had
everything to do with patience and
trusting the process are you always knew
one day I would be on the main stage
that day has come every single day deep
divers it’s about visualizing mentally
where you want to be a lot of fuss as
soon as we wake up we reach for our
phone we go on Instagram we distract
ourselves from our true purpose when it
comes to being patient and trusting the
universe you have to stay focused
because once you lose your focus you
lose your opportunity mm slow motion
this side mm how to be patient and trust
the universe you have to be a visionary
out here you have to believe enough in
yourself when other people have stopped
believing in you a lot of people told me
along my early journey Ralph
what you’re doing it won’t work out but
how come I’m still here with longevity
because I knew where I wanted to be and
now I’m right here forget about a vision
board we’ve got to start creating a
mental vision board and as soon as you
wake up what I love to do is give myself
five minutes to visualize everything I
want to achieve in the day if you can
realize that patience is a prerequisite
to becoming your greatest version you
start to realize that Rome was not built
in a day I had to believe in myself in
the face of adversity but I’ve got a
natural proclivity to feel that the
entire universe is working in my favor I
can tell you right now I’m only gonna
grow more more rich more in love more
healthier more happier
why because I’m living my best life mmm
slow motion this side from the art
gallery deep divers how to be patient
and trust the universe is that you today
are you in college are you starting a
business are you even starting a youtube
channel and you’re not seeing the
results you want how can we all be
patient and trust the universe I’ve
learned this deep divers listen very
closely the day that you plant the seed
and the day that you eat the fruit our
difference are different days there’s a
huge difference right they are different
the day that you plant the seed and the
day that you eat the fruit there’s a big
difference between those days huge
difference a lot of us we want it right
now we want the instant gratification we
want the quick fix we won the quick
sprint to success that doesn’t exist
you’re gonna have to sweat that’s right
you’re gonna have to feel like oh I
wanna quit right now Ralph please help
me yeah you’re gonna have to feel like
that and then still persevere and that’s
how to be patient and trust the universe
to really be where you truly want to be
there are gonna be dark days there are
gonna be times where you are going to be
tested your willpower will be tested but
if you can remind yourself this that the
day you plant this seed and the day that
you eat the fruit there is a huge
difference between those days so every
single day I would remind myself that is
one step at a time Ralph the great
we’re not built in a day they could have
been built in a day they could have been
in a day with sound technology that’s
another story
right how to be patient and trust the
universe I’ve realized this that there
are cycles in the universe seasons in
the universe and just because it’s not
happening right now for you it doesn’t
mean that it won’t happen for you it’s
just that it’s not your time yet I
remind myself along my early journey I
wasn’t seeing any results whatsoever but
I loved it so much I was able to be
patient you have to ask yourself am I
truly in love with what I’m doing every
single day or am I just hurrying to get
to the finish line for me there is no
finish line I can see myself doing this
in the next 10 years for me that’s why I
have longevity in the game you have to
fall more in love with a process than
you do the destination mmm
slow motion this side how to be patient
and trust the universe there are so many
things going on a lot of fuss we feel
overwhelmed what happens when we are
moti tasking everything now is spiraling
out of control what helped me along my
journey deep divers to be patient and
trust the universe was to realize I
didn’t have to do everything at once
ego says do everything once and then you
will be at peace spirit says be at peace
and then everything will fall into place
so that’s what helped me along my
journey deep divers I realized that my
peace of mind was how I cultivated my
patience to learn how to trust the
universe if you can also cultivate a
greater sensitivity
not only am i apply seas but every
single day I’m finding new ways to
become more sensitive we become more
sensitive to tap into our intuition my
intuition tells me ralph is only gonna
get better for you
that’s what my intuition tells me and as
the psychic Pisces that will be true can
you even see all the words I’m saying
right now how they ended up becoming a
self-fulfilling prophecy to be patient
and trust the universe watch your words
will make it I am going to get through
this to be patient and trust the
universe realize that you are gonna have
to go through a few hoops of fire you
see the universe wants to know how bad
do you want it a lot of people quit they
start then they quit they’re like Ralph
it was too hard I I gave up you gave up
at the first hurdle but the miracle was
that the third one hmm
stop it Ralph slow-motion this side mmm
how to trust the universe and be patient
I’ve realized this deep divers seven day
vegan challenge I love watching fruits
on a tree mango trees apple trees Oh
tell em Ralph orange trees right there
is a process for the trees to bear fruit
there is a process for a baby to be born
coming out of Ambiorix fluid it doesn’t
happen overnight and to be patient to be
and trust the universe you have to
realize it will never ever happen
there is no overnight success you have
to do it day in day out and sometimes
you are gonna want to feel like giving
up but if you can realize that great
things take time great things manifest
when you are realizing this could take
this could take over 10,000 hours of
practice how to be patient and trust the
universe shout out to everybody who is
going vegan who is eating plant-based
that too is a process being a vegan for
over 13 years for me to have this level
of discipline it took time that’s how to
be patient and Trust the universe
it was hard ignoring my mom’s chicken oh
it was hard Ralph do you oneself stop
doing that to me mom but now I would
rather have a whole bunch of grapes in
my mouth full of resveratrol improving
my cardiovascular health how to have to
be patient deep divers how to be patient
and trust the universe realize this when
we think of being patient what happens
what comes into our mind we often feel
that it’s inactivity docile not doing
much just sitting there and waiting No
being patient has nothing to do with
being inactive or being passive being
patient is all about radical action and
that’s how to be patient and trust the
universe being patient is not sitting
back no being patient is actually going
for what you want realizing that what
you want will not come today the seed
you plant right now you will not see the
fruit of it for months
that’s what patience is and still being
okay with that how to be patient
and trust the universe every single day
I’m getting things wrong deep divers I’m
learning new things about even recording
about how to inspire people in an even
better way and sometimes it can be
pretty done annoying exhaust parading
I’m looking a bit shaky baby but I
realized that there are levels to this
1% of my true potential right now that’s
all just 1% I’ve got so much more
growing to do I’m on the path to
becoming my greatest version to be
patient and trust the universe you have
to realize there are levels to this
you’ve seen me sharing day-in day-out
and that’s why I got a YouTube Gold
Award on my wall I can look at it every
single day knowing that even though
people may have doubted me I’m the one
sitting on the beach I’m the one in an
exquisite art gallery I’m the one that
can say actually I’m gonna YouTube go
toward just of positivity alone
hmm slow motion this side I’m the one
that can say I inspire people who now
inspire Millions
only because I was willing to wait I was
willing to be patient I was willing to
trust in my true abilities I know my
power and that’s how to be patient and
trust the universe we have to build a
better relationship with ourselves this
time to get to know ourselves I know
what I can do I know how many people I
impact is time you do to to be patient
and trust the universe you have to form
a better relationship with yourself you
have to come to love yourself 100% over
time I started to like the sound of my
own voice I said oh my gosh Ralph your
how to be patient and trust the universe
so being patient being patient and
having patience has got nothing to do
with inactivity it’s got everything to
do with stepping into radical action I
say this you got to do it to move it to
get the ball rolling to pick up that
momentum you got to be in the process
every single day you got to be in the
creative act at the same time your
patient realizing that one day you will
be where you truly want to be how to be
patient and trust the universe don’t
tell people your plans show them your
results I didn’t tell you deep diamonds
oh I’m gonna get a million subscribers
I’m gonna get a YouTube go toward I just
showed you one day it just manifested
that’s how you got to be in life to be
patient and trust the universe realize
nobody said it would be easy realize
that difficult days don’t define you let
difficult days inspire you let your
mistakes and your failures inspire you
to learn how not to do something you are
getting better with your mistakes as I
have stated before deep divers there are
no mistakes when it comes to becoming
your greatest version there are no
mistakes when it comes to becoming your
greatest version only stepping stones to
become your greatest version your
mistakes are the stepping stones to
become your greatest version to be
patient and trust the universe have
tunnel vision know where it is you need
to go and do away with people who don’t
believe in you do away with people who
put you down do away with worrying
worrying worrying what other people
think of you do
with caring what other people think of
you I don’t care what anybody thinks of
me because I know how I’ve changed my
life mmm slow motion this side mmm how
to be patient and trust the universe
start investing start putting that money
up to invest in your dream to invest in
your passion start surrounding yourself
with people who believe in you that’s
how to be patient and trust the universe
deep divers there you have it I truly
hope that right now you are in the
process of becoming your greatest
version and just saying well feel so
good to be a live baby can I get a hello
beautiful deep divers we are here just
whoa breathing in that good oz prana
shout out to everybody who’s been
getting the amazing good oz prana Shutts
Ralph smart don’t come slash clothes
look amazing giving a few away only on
instagram at infinite waters check out
the new amazing book on Amazon deep
divers feel alive by Ralph smart have a
beautiful day infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy
peace you your time will come
my time has come and the cat down the
roads time has definitely come we made it

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