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HOW TO BE HAPPY ll 10 Things to STOP Doing to Find HAPPINESS

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again we are out here in nature baby
deep divers basking in the wonderful
sunshine but are you happy are you
really really happy
why are you miserable 10 things to stop
doing to find happiness let’s just whoa
breathing in that good oz prana baby
I’ve got a question that came in Ralph
yes how can I find my happiness I just
want to be happy Ralph ok the cat down
the road here’s the cat down the road
here’s you they say they’ve tried
everything nothing is making them happy
right now and they don’t know what’s
happening they are still searching for
happiness do you ever wake up with the
same feelings like I just want to be a
little bit more happier
you ain’t even had breakfast yet can I
get a Hello so let me share with you
what helped me along my journey I had to
stop doing certain things to find my
happiness the first thing to stop doing
to find happiness is allowing other
people to define your self-worth and
this happens on social media we define
our worth by how many subscribers we
have how many likes we get
how many people tell us how wonderful
our backside looks how big our muscles
are right you see what’s freed me along
my journey I realize happiness is an
inside job what matters the most is how
I value myself slow motion in this side
deep divers people always change their
minds anyway so be more concerned about
the value you give to yourself make sure
you start validating your own existence
that is what has made me so happy like I
love connecting with people but I know
who I am
and that’s what matters I know my worth
that’s what matters that’s what makes me
happy I don’t put my worth in the hands
of other people especially strangers
what’s the second thing to stop doing
baby baby to find happiness holding on
to grudges now I’m a Pisces very
compassionate I don’t hold on to grudges
however there was a time when I was like
let me hold on to a grudge I did a whole
commercial because I’m a sinner I’m a
cinematographer as well I did a whole
commercial for a football club and the
guy was supposed to pay me a certain
amount of money and he didn’t I called
him I’m like where’s my money he’s like
he wasn’t even there it was just answer
machine sorry is not here right now
please leave it I’m like oh my gosh so I
was holding onto a little bit of a
grudge I’m like if I see him again
there’s gonna be hell to pay then I
realize actually let me just free myself
because I was holding onto heavy energy
and that’s what happens many times
sometimes people screw you over and
you’re like if I hold on to a grudge I’m
gonna feel better no you feel worse
right I’ve realized this to be happier
you have to have a very light hot
your heart has to weigh as has to be as
light as a feather right and that’s
really what makes me happy I let it go
right you don’t have to forget but you
forgive for yourself for your peace of
mind baby which is the highest form of
wealth what’s the third thing to stop
doing to find happiness that’s helped me
along my journey feeling that you’ve
always got to be positive do you feel
I’m a positive person yes Ralph your
waist miling in your thumbnails like
this a bit like this right I’m naturally
very positive but I never feel I always
have to be positive for me what’s more
important than being positive is being
real and being authentic and that’s who
I am
I’m real I strive for that every single
because someone is spiritual they don’t
always have to be positive get the
out of my way before I as I balance the
chakras baby see that me right being
spiritual doesn’t mean you always have
to be positive get the out of my
way so I can balance the chakras that’s
how you become happier when you are real
you’re not living in this fantasy land
that you always have to be this perfect
person life isn’t perfect things are
strange around here walk outside and
you’re like where am I so I’ve realized
it’s about me being real I’m embracing
my shadow side even my negative emotions
they are a part of me just as my
positive emotions are also a part of me
right so I’m realizing I accept my flaws
my perfections my imperfections it’s all
beautiful right
but it should never define us you should
never define us okay because once again
thoughts and emotions on entirely us
there are they are only a tiny little
part of who we are right what’s the
fourth thing to stop doing to find
happiness that’s helped me along my
journey seven day vegan challenge a lot
of people are counting calories and they
forget about counting the chemicals now
what really freed me along my food
journey eating a plant-based diet was to
really start becoming more mindful that
even if it’s plant-based is it organic
have pesticides come on this orange or
what not right so you have to really
stop it’s not just about how many
calories does this have because you want
to be in shape fellows and ladies look
at the chemicals where my foods coming
from right what environment did they
come from and that’s really what’s
helped me to become happier health is
wealth I say this happiness begins on
your plate what are you eating right now
Deep Diver share it with me did you like
the Instagram story the live video in
Whole Foods right classic now what’s the
fifth thing you should stop doing if
you’re really serious about finding your
happiness what’s helped me along my
journey is to stop blaming yourself for
how other people see you stop blaming
yourself for how other people see you
that just steals our happiness we’re
like where did happiness go
and yes happiness is not something that
is permanent you you are never always
gonna be happy 24/7 but it’s all about
equilibrium and balance and when you
stop blaming yourself for how other
people perceive you you free yourself
everyone you meet is gonna have an
opinion of you they are gonna have an
attitude towards you and they ain’t got
anything to do with you it’s not
personal so in a very practical way I
stopped ascribing intent to find my
happiness if someone doesn’t call me
back no problem
if someone’s and watch infinite orders
no problem if the cat down the road
looks at me like this
no problem define happiness stop blaming
yourself for how other people see you
you have no control over that you do
have control over how you see yourself
though and that’s what’s made me happy
I’m happy because it’s good for my
health what’s the sixth thing to stop
doing define happiness baby baby
gossiping now I always get very nervous
when people tell me things about someone
else because I’m like what are they
saying about me I avoid these kinds of
people right I run from these kinds of
people like the plague because the
problem with gossiping is that if
someone is gossiping to you telling you
about someone else they’re probably
talking to you they’re probably talking
to someone else about you and that’s not
very nice as that deep dive it’s no it’s
not right so I avoid gossipy
conversations gossiping because that
doesn’t serve me once again I’m going to
the next level
I haven’t got time to stop listening to
rumors and stories right because once
again you have to ask yourself is this
really elevating me and helping me
become my greatest version okay so I’m
not poking my nose in other people’s
I’m staying focused in my own lane with
a cat down the road a new beautiful deep
divers and that’s what makes me happy
what’s the seventh thing you should stop
doing if you want you might want to
consider this to find your happiness
that’s helped me along my journey stop
thinking what everybody says about you
is true if someone says you are no good
it’s not true it’s just their
interpretation stop caring so much about
what other people think of you that’s
what’s made me happy and the only way I
do that is to realize that who are these
people you see most people who have a
lot to say about you they don’t know you
start appreciating people who have
always been with you from day one
appreciate good people they are hard to
come by okay
um not caught up even on infinite waters
I always get a lot of positive messages
Ralph your videos have changed my life
I’m humbled I’m grateful at the same
time I realize this deep divers I don’t
really get so caught up into other
people’s words I get caught up in being
better than I was yesterday
for me it’s all about being in
competition with yourself all right it’s
all about being in competition with
yourself but don’t allow people to make
you feel like you are no good
stop asserting yourself start being
confident stop being happy in who you
are in your own skin and that will make
you happier what is the eighth thing you
should stop doing define happiness now
what’s helped me along my journey is
complaining complaining and complaining
why because I realize when I’m
complaining I could be doing something
maybe finding a solution for my problem
I know what it’s like life is a mess
sometimes sometimes it’s what I call
noise there’s a lot of noise in the
universe sometimes you’re in a busy city
but what’s helped me is to realize the
three C’s choice chance change make a
choice to take a chance to make the
change right so I’m realizing yes if I
keep complaining I used to complain a
lot then I realize it’s not gonna change
anything so I realize I’ve got to start
taking responsibility to say actually
what am I gonna do something up what am
I gonna do about it what am I gonna do
about it
so instead of complaining I’m scratching
my head thinking okay where’s the best
route to take to the beach
let me just detox right now on the sand
right and that’s what I do
stop complaining for 24 hours and see
how your life changes for the better
that’s how I find my happiness every
that’s how I find my happiness every
single day baby
and what’s the night thing to stop doing
to find happiness that’s helped me along
my journey it is to this doomsday
mindset so many of us have we’re like
gosh the world is ending I used to make
videos like people are like Ralph the
world is gonna end in September I did a
video right they said the world is gonna
end in September 23rd I did a video and
I did a video on September 22nd and then
September 23rd came and I was still here
I’m not gonna believe you people anymore
French doomsday mindset the world is a
never ending universe and I always
realize we can have paranoia what we
feel everything is working against us
but we can cultivate pronoia
what we feel the whole universe is
working in our favor that’s how I find
my happiness right I say I’m meeting I’m
meeting amazing people every single day
and it happens right the whole universe
is bringing amazing people into my life
who have my best interests at hand and
that’s what makes me happy I choose
where I place my focus and what’s the 10
thing to stop doing find happiness
that’s helped me along my journey baby
taking people and things for granted
like I was talking to a good friend
who’s also a youtuber got a lot of
subscribers and we’re like do people
actually know what goes into making the
video on YouTube consistently for years
and most people don’t and I didn’t when
I used to watch a lot of videos back in
the day until I started to actually
create so now now now I don’t take
people or things for granted and that’s
how I find my happiness Harvard studies
will tell you that the happiest people
on the planet are the most grateful I’m
content right now that’s what makes me
happy happiness is when you start
realizing what you already have instead
of just asking for more more comes when
you appreciate what you already have so
when you are grateful when you start
paying people compliments when you start
lifting people up instead of tearing
them down you become happier when you
start being more compassionate towards
animals like I have I’ve seen enough
become more happier when I can actually
appreciate an animal and not take
advantage of it right so there you have
it deep divers happiness is an inside
job have a beautiful day and once you
realize that well you just say they also
get to be a live baby can I get a hello
we are out here in nature baby just whoa
breathing in that good ass piranhas have
a beautiful Devi divers infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
peace you and I can’t control what
happens to me but I can control my
attitude towards what happens to me oh yeah that’s how you become happy

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