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“Everybody FAILS. Get OVER IT, and KEEP GOING!” – Tony Fadell (@tfadell) – Top 10 Rules

if you’re looking for ways to say no be
bold and believe then this video is for
you to help you focus to really
understand what you’re doing you have to
say no along the way the world changes
is not by people being safe but by
challenging expectations challenging the
conventional wisdom if you want to
achieve something you have to believe it
you need to believe it to achieve it
need motivation watch a top 10 with
believe nation what’s up it’s Evan my 1
word is believe and I believe in you I
want to see that amazing thing that’s
inside here come out and explode into
the world so let’s get your motivation
to attend and get you believing in you
today we’re gonna learn from a man who
went from starting the business and
having to shut it down because he ran
out of money to becoming one of the
fathers of the iPod and starting the
company called nest which he sold to
Google for over three billion dollars
he’s Tony Fadell and here’s my take on
his top 10 rules for success enjoy
all right up first rule number one is
lead with innovation tell me about the
first time you met Steve Jobs Andy
Hertzfeld who was one of the founders of
general magic he had a birthday party
Steve happened to be there and we talked
for maybe a couple of minutes but that
was the very first time I ever met him
but then the next time I met him was
literally to give the pitch for the iPod
what would become the iPod you gave the
pitch for the original life yeah well
there was a whole team of us and but I
was leading the I was leading the charge
of talking about what it was it was
literally a layout of what digital music
could be what the challenges were there
was three different concepts and the the
one that we always save for the end was
the one we thought was best it was the
most expensive as the riskiest one and
Steve was very engaged and very much is
driving you know we had a presentation
you know a deck but he net he flips
through the deck and then he just jumps
around there was no like linear format
you just kind of you know just braced
yourself for impact and he would throw
questions out and throw out conjectures
and you just sit there and you rolled
with it you know roll with the tides so
where did it end well it ended it
literally we’re going to do this and
Tony we want you to lead it I had been
in other you know executive
presentations where it’s like oh it’s
gonna take four months to decide or
whatever it was no it was from the
beginning of the meeting he was fully
engaged to the end of it was like okay
committal and we’re gonna do it we’re
gonna take on Sony I said we have to
deal with Sony it’s like we’re gonna get
Sony I’m like but Sony’s number one in
every audio category in the world for
personal audio how are we gonna beat it
and he’s like no we’re gonna do that I
love this as a powerful start you know I
got jobs up on my wall the guy’s a
master I’ve leading it with innovation
and I think it’s also important that
when you are presenting you know who
your audience is if you’re presenting
the Steve Jobs you better leave with
innovation if you’re presenting to a
venture capitalist you might leave with
something else knowing who your audience
is when you do your presentation up next
rule number two learn by doing the thing
with my studies and at the University of
Michigan back at the time and this was
with all colleges for the most part
there were no projects in school it was
all about okay go memorize these things
go learn about these
take tests but there were no practical
applications of it and because I had
been building things with my grandfather
all those years I’m like I just want to
build learn by doing not learn first
then do the way you the way you discover
what it is you like to do in life is by
doing first then learning about it you
can’t learn and then go oh I’m gonna
like being a lawyer I’m gonna like being
a doctor no you gotta get immersed in it
and then you can figure out how much
you’re gonna apply yourself yeah I love
this one this is the leading candidate
for my favorite clip already you will
not find your passion or your purpose I
sitting on the couch and thinking about
it you got to get out there and actually
do things until you find the thing that
you want to do again and again and again
that makes you come a lot great point I
love it next up number three learn from
failure there’s always success in
you just have to know where to look for
it and that means that’s a learning
moment so you say every failure is
success in learning if you know how to
know exactly you just have to look for
it because then you use that again and
you make sure you don’t make that
mistake again or don’t allow that
mistake to happen so your goal is to
then just because it didn’t work out the
way you wanted to take that knowledge
take those learnings and reapply it to a
new you know a new direction and
therefore you’re gonna get better no
one’s you know I think you’ve had I’ve
had failure and it takes years of
building up that kind of thick skin
around you but that’s what it means to
be resilient you just get up and you
keep going and you can and I can’t tell
you there’s been times when I just sat
there I was like oh the world’s gonna be
over and then you know what you just
look at it and you think about it and
you have to project yourself not today
but to project yourself into the future
what could I do in the future if you
keep looking ahead everybody fails
you’re not the only one everybody does
just get over it keep going
there is always success in failure I
love that opening line and it’s so true
and whoever you look up to whoever the
people are in the world that you admire
most they have failed the most the most
successful people in the world have also
failed the most so get over this concept
that failure is final and failures a
reflection of who you are I love it Tony
great points so far
coming up number four is saying
know a lot to help you focus to really
understand what you’re doing you have to
say no a lot and when you say no a lot
that that narrows in exactly what you
need to do and you know when you know if
you know when you’re successful or not
because you focus solely on this one
thing or these two things when you say
yes a lot to everything you can get
distracted so when this thing’s not
going right I’m gonna go focus on this
thing for a while and then I move to
this one and then you know oh yeah I
don’t need to do those now I’m gonna
work on this when you say no to a lot of
things you have to get the one thing
you’re doing really right because that’s
it I think we also want to say yes to
please other people
somebody wants their help with something
and so we feel obliged to help them we
want to give back and we want to help
them but as you get more successful as
you get bigger you’re gonna be bombarded
with opportunities my biggest problem is
is having a flood of opportunities that
I need to say no all the time and it’s
another characteristic to have super
successful people that you’ll see over
and over and over again the focus the
ability to say no to most things you can
focus on doing one or two or three
things just exceptionally well
coming up rule number five is see the
invisible problems during my years at
Apple Steve Jobs challenged us to come
into work every day to see our products
through the eyes of the customer the new
customer the one that has fears and
possible frustrations and hopeful
exhilaration that their new technology
product could work straightaway for them
he called it staying beginners and
wanted to make sure that we focused on
those tiny little details to make them
faster easier and seamless for the new
customers so I remember this clearly and
the very early stage of the iPod see
back in the 90s being a gadget freak
like I am I would rush up to the store
for the very very latest gadget I’d take
all the time to get to this store I
check out I come back home I’d start on
boxing and then there was another little
sticker the one that said charge before
use what
I can’t believe it I just spent all this
time buying this product and now I have
to charge before use I have to wait what
felt like an eternity to use that
coveted new toy it was crazy but you
know what almost every product back then
did that when it had batteries in it you
had to charge it before you used it well
Steve noticed that and he said we’re not
gonna let that happen to our product so
what did we do typically when you have a
product that has a hard drive in it you
run it for about 30 minutes in the
factory to make sure that hard drives
gonna be working years later for the
customer after they pull it out of the
box what did we do instead we ran that
product for over two hours why well
first off we could make a higher quality
product be easy to test and make sure it
was great for the customer but most
importantly the battery came fully
charged right out of the box ready to
use so that customer could just with all
that that exhilaration could just start
using the product it was great and it
people liked it now today almost every
product then you get that’s battery
powered comes out of the box fully
charged even if it doesn’t have a hard
drive but back then we noticed that that
detail and we fixed it and now everyone
else does that as well no more charge
before use so why am I telling you this
well it’s seeding the invisible problem
not just the obvious problem that’s
important not just for product design
but for everything we do you see there
are invisible problems all around us
ones we can solve but first we need to
see them to feel them this is another
great point and I think the more you can
put yourself in the shoes of your
customers and walk through the
experience of dealing with your business
everywhere from visiting your website to
calling your company just showing up and
buying a product or experiencing your
service if you can put yourself in the
shoes and follow a customer along that
journey you’ll find tons of little
invisible problems that you can fix
a much better experience for everybody
coming up number six be dedicated
well the first thing to realize is don’t
believe everything you see in movies and
read in books you know there is no way
both my wife who worked for Steve
directly I work for Steve could do that
for ten years if there wasn’t some
amazing stuff that came out of it it
wasn’t like we were getting whipped
every day or it had nothing to do with
that we were dedicated we were
passionate he was passionate he wanted
the best for the company for the
products for our customers and when
you’re in that there’s a creative
tension and he emotionally would show
that passion sometimes sometimes it was
oh my god this is the best thing ever
you know you hear about the negatives
but you don’t hear about all the
positives and all the great things he
did for use it did for the individual as
well as the company and all that stuff
so it was always a balance and those bad
days we’re not all very often but they
did happen because typically yeah you
might have made a mistake don’t do that
or we weren’t thinking about it right or
somebody was falling down on the job or
whatever the case may be that’s when it
came out is when someone didn’t show
respect for the mission they were on
when you didn’t show respect for the
rest of your teammates and for the thing
we’re trying to build that’s when there
was a problem not when we were falling
when we fail when we tried really hard
and if we showed we tried really hard
then that was just an option just like
we the iPod phone was a failure no one
got killed over that it was more just a
you know okay we tried our best we move
on we tried our best we move on it’s
when you were when you didn’t do what
was right and you failed from a because
you didn’t put your heart and soul into
it and you let the team down that’s when
there was a problem and that’s what
people need to realize it was very
balanced and he was very much human
passionate and he was very helpful and
all kinds of stuff but yes he did have
his bad days but not usually for without
reason I really loved the comment around
he would get upset when you disrespected
the mission this is why it’s so
important that you have a mission for
your business do you have clearly
defined core value right your one word
your on your path
and that you bring on the people who
respect it who love it because it’s just
so much easier to do amazing work with
them and you get rid of the people who
don’t believe in the mission who don’t
share the same value as you because
they’re gonna do much better job
somewhere else and allow you to go a lot
further a lot faster
another great clip let’s move on to
number seven follow your passion
so you went on to the University of
Michigan you studied computer
engineering and then in 1991 you moved
to Silicon Valley yes I worked with
another guy to build a start-up in high
school oh really you were doing mail
order for Apple too and buildings and
designing software and writing it for
Apple – ultimately I was so frustrated
because we didn’t have the internet then
right and I thought I need to get to
Silicon Valley as fast as possible cuz I
would be reading Mac Week magazine
religiously every week on the back what
are the rumors what’s going on even back
then you were obsessed with that oh I
was absolutely obsessed with all things
computing in the in the 80s and you know
it first started with Apple – you worked
on the earliest mobile devices like the
precursors to this at general magic at
Philips you started your own company
fused and by the end of the decade you
probably knew more about mobile devices
than literally anybody got a plan it I
just kept doing the thing that I really
love to do this is another really
important point that comes up over and
over and over again with ultra
successful people you have to follow
your passion you have to follow your
curiosity even if there’s no clear way
that you see how it’s gonna work out
there’s no logical path forward there’s
no final idea that is going to be
created from this you just are curious
about it you love it
you become the best at it and
opportunities come to you let’s keep it
moving number eight take bold steps
after vine having the idea in my mind
what is the best practice – to apply the
idea and and and implement it an
executor do you just well you got a
company right away do you know as your
parent well we did well and don’t ask
your parents your parents are always
gonna validate you that’s a great idea
do never ask your parents and it’s a
good idea or not ask your spouse I’m
great parents but don’t ask them because
they’re always gonna say that’s
wonderful honey it’s great things they
love you unconditionally whether it’s a
good idea or a bad idea they’re gonna
say it’s great you’re seeing as spouse
is the opposite spouse is the opposite
should be the
be truthful that’s what you want is a
great partner so know it starts with an
idea and in nest it took almost a whole
year before we started the company the
way that its first started was well how
might I think I could solve this problem
technically so is do I have enough of
the pieces do I know enough of the
things and I said yeah I know that
because I had enough experience of that
so here first had to research enough
about what you think would be building
then after that you started researching
the market so you have to remember when
you’re disrupting an industry and if you
have something dramatically different if
you have disruptive technology then you
can change a stagnated market yes the
way that I’ve seen it is that you you
eat you have to start with the idea what
are you changing and you have to take
bold steps in terms of making something
and trying it now you have to test lots
of testing so you would make something
and then you would go to of you know
some of the industry leaders or some of
the people you really trust who are
knowledgeable about a given area and
you’d say what do you think what do you
think and then you start to to set your
risk level based on how big the market
is I think the way the world changes is
not by people being safe but by
challenging expectations challenging the
conventional wisdom and if you want to
change the world you need to get out of
the the the the area of safeness so it
sounds like Tony had super supportive
parents I wouldn’t default the thinking
that all parents are gonna be really
supportive and say that’s a great idea
honey go go for it but I agree that you
don’t really need your parents
permission either away good or bad you
don’t need their approval you don’t you
don’t need their rejection either for
you to go off and do your thing most
importantly is that you do something get
that idea out of your head
this bold genius amazing thing and
actually start taking action that
separates the people who watch it go off
and do amazing things from just the
dreamers and the thinkers and people who
get stuck in their job and never have
the courage that should do anything poll
let’s go to number nine believe my wife
always says if you want to achieve
something you have to believe it you
need to believe it to achieve it and
Steve would believe something so
passionately that any antenna was how
can I say was educated it was educated
belief it wasn’t just this you know you
know just throw caution to the wind
belief but he was educated belief that
we could do something and that ability
to get people convinced that this was
the right way to go that it was yes
scary and and it’s so unconventional but
this is the right thing that’s what made
these discoveries happen these
inventions happen because we all work
together he didn’t come up with all the
but he pushed us all to come together
with the best ideas possible and sort
and sift and put him together to make
the best product and you do have to
distort reality if you want to change
the reality we’re living in and people
are like they’re so locked into the
everyday that they forget there could be
a whole nother thing that they’re not
seeing over here and his job was to push
us to see these other things he saw
before we did and he would push us to
those those unknown areas and go yes
it’s scary yes it’s risky but we’re
gonna go after we’re gonna make it
happen and that is as much of a skill
and as important to Steve as any of his
other traits maybe the most important so
additions not rule number two learn by
doing it’s gonna be my favorite but rule
number nine believe it’s not my shirt
it’s gotta be my favorite let’s wrap it
up with rule number ten think younger so
my last piece of advice is to think
younger every day I’m confronted with
interesting questions for my three young
kids they come up with questions like
why can’t cars fly around traffic or why
don’t my shoelaces have velcro instead
sometimes those questions are smart my
son came to me the other day and I asked
him hey go run out to the mailbox and
check it he looked at me puzzled and
said why doesn’t the mailbox just check
itself and tell us what it does mail
that’s like that’s a pretty good
question so they could ask tons of
and sometimes we find out we just don’t
have the right answers we say son that’s
just the way the world works so the more
we’re exposed to something the more we
get used to it but kids haven’t been
around long enough to get used to those
things and so when they run into
problems they immediately try to solve
them and sometimes they find a better
way and that way really is better so my
advice and that we take to heart is to
have young people on your team or people
with young minds because if you have
those young minds they cause everyone in
the room to think younger Picasso once
said every child is an artist the
problem is is when he or she grows up is
how to remain an artist we all saw the
world more clearly when we saw it for
the first time before a lifetime of
habits got in the way our challenge is
to get back to there to feel that
frustration to see those little details
to look broader look closer and to think
younger I love this example and it also
reminds me of the importance of having
industry Outsiders on your team having a
beginner’s mind I’m reminded of Naveen
Jain who’s trying to become the world’s
first trillionaire and mind the moon and
has all these ambitious projects and
planes and he always attacks something
as a beginner and he asked why can’t we
do it this way
sometimes when you’re so locked into an
industry you can’t see it from an
outsider’s perspective and so having
young people around you is great having
a young mind is great but also having
people and maybe it’s you who’s the
outsider who’s looking at it from a
different perspective can help you find
a unique solution
so that’s my take on Tony fedele’s top
10 rose to success I hope you enjoyed I
love to know which one that you guys
learn the most from that you’re going to
immediately apply somehow to your life
or to your business leave it down the
comments below I’m really curious to
hear from you now I made this video
because I’m more 28 ask me too so if
there’s someone you’d like me to cover
in a future top 10 video check out the
link in the description and go and cast
your vote on that video I also want to
give a quick charta to Dalia Joanne who
picked up a copy of my book your one
word and then used it as a topic to
emcee and event with Dalia that’s
awesome thank you so much free support
and I hope that the event really well so
thank you guys again for watching I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is much love I’ll see you soon
so you’ve reinvented the thermostat the
smoke detector you gave cameras home
security cameras a complete makeover you
know before you even got to the cameras
though like less than five years passed
and Google snaps you up
you sell to Google for 3.2 billion
dollars was there any part of you that
said yep God I don’t know this is my
company my baby maybe we could be bigger
Randy Komisar kleiner perkins thought
you could be far bigger than even 3.2
billion dollars it was never about money
was about building the right thing and
so this wasn’t about money yeah the
number was nice and hand could be wrong
but this was about a 10-15 year vision
and I knew that we were going to need
big arms around us to help us get there
because I remember how long it took to
go from iPod to iPhone and those things
and you need a lot of resources to do
that just to be standalone people would
go oh you need to go public oh you need
to raise more money I just I didn’t want
to go public so when you saw that number
when you when you when you had the gut
feeling you just had to go with it it’s
like when you get married you never know
what its gonna be like on the other side
you trust your gut you’ve done all the
analysis but at the end of day it’s all
about emotional decision it’s not a
rational one what is the advice for
someone over 50 years
oh it’s to transition into new
technologies if you’ve had success and
you’ve shown success and learning along
the ways of success out of failure
they’re gonna see that and they’re gonna
see your passion because it’s no
different than running to when you were
20 years old when you when you didn’t
know anything right so if you have a
career and you just say I’m switching
careers I’m changing it but you’re
taking this wealth of knowledge into a
new domain the thing with employers is
that they always want multidisciplinary
people yeah they want people from all
kinds of different backgrounds to bring
it there so if they see oh my god you
have this wealth of knowledge from this
other thing that’s gonna help me with
whatever I’m creating and you wanted to
learn this too they’re going I want to
learn from you your your experience and
you’re gonna learn from me this new
experience you want to learn if it’s a
if it’s a if it’s a two-way street of
learners both parties or what both
parties are succeed together you know I
watch our you know our kids grow and
when they were really young they would
look on the floor and they would see
speck of dirt on the floor they pick it
up and they look at it they look at
every single thing and they’re trying to
learn about everything but as they grow
older they started ignoring all that and
especially now they’re like what my
room’s clean like hardly clean but when
they were young they saw those little D
bits and pieces now they don’t see them
anymore and that’s what it means to say
stay beginners is to remember to look at
all of those little details don’t
habituate go back peel back all of your
you know preconceived ideas and notions
and and you know calluses that have
built up over time that make cloud your
vision go back to the essence feel the
essence feel that frustration feel that
elation and now apply that to your work
but you have to look deep to do that the
most important word ever if you had to
think of one word that’s most important
to you or that sums you Apple that would
be like a little beacon they believe
nation if you want to know what the most
important one word is for Tony Robbins
Gary Vaynerchuk
Oprah Winfrey and Howard
Schultz I have a very special secret
video for you check the description for
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