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How to Awaken the Divine Feminine And Divine Masculine Energies Within Yourself

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again we are out here in nature
baby beautiful deep divers how is your
day going a hope is going good we got a
lot to talk about
do you want to activate your feminine
side a bit more your masculine side a
bit more how to awaken the divine
feminine and the divine masculine within
yourself let’s just whoa breathing in
that good-ass prana baby now we’ve got a
whole lot to talk about
this is sexology water fire hot cold
yin-yang daddy’s home
we’re back now I got a great great
question from someone who us
Ralph helping one activate an awaken
their divine masculine and their divine
feminine if you’ve got a question
I just might pick it add me on instagram
at infinite waters now we’ve got a whole
lot to talk about because for a long
time I’m like I really need to activate
my divine masculine even more and my
divine feminine too when we neva had
so masculine and feminine energy you
find it all throughout the universe
all throughout planet Earth anyway okay
this is all there is masculine and
feminine and it’s not just exclusive to
males or females it’s in nature
the classic example rocks masculine
water feminine a rose that rose is
pretty beautiful right the petals
feminine the stork masculine the thorn
out just pricked me masculine right so
the feminine energy is not exclusive to
women the masculine energy is not
exclusive to only men
we all have masculine and feminine
energy within ourselves
yikes slow motion this side so how did I
start to awaken my divine feminine and
my divine masculine I’m a Pisces born on
March 3rd that’s a water sign so very
feminine the feminine energy deals with
creativity ok the masculine energy deals
with structure so growing up I’m like
okay I’m very creative
I was always tuned into the feminine
energy creating and then I’m like
actually I need to start charging for
stuff masculine energy structure
formation okay so once I learned how to
balance both energies the masculine and
the feminine energy even the cat down
the road was proud of me now what’s
happened on the planet is that
many people are so young which is just
masculine energy they have forgotten
about the yin energy the feminine energy
or some people are just so in so
feminine and they’re forgotten about the
masculine energy so once you fuse the
masculine and the feminine energy
together you become complete so let’s
start with this if you can realize that
if a woman is in the divine feminine
energy she will help the man activate
the divine masculine if the man is in
the divine masculine energy he will help
the woman develop the divine feminine
energy within herself that’s why it’s so
imperative so essential so let’s start
with this fellas yes to activate your
divine masculine energy was help me
along my journey is this you have to
stand for something
in ancient kami or Egypt they were
building obelisks okay obelisks very
tall structures beautiful stone
structures now that is a symbol of
masculine energy also symbolizing the
phallus masculine energy is about
structure it’s about concrete structure
formation it’s about building
okay so whenever you see a skyscraper
that’s an example of masculine energy
men want to build stuff okay so to
activate it you have to stand for
something you see the masculine energy
is all about protecting and serving the
feminine energy is all about unity and
yikes slow motion this side so go and
google and obelisk and you’re gonna see
how beautiful it is so ask yourself
fellas what am i standing up for right
now what am i standing up for right now
Bob Marley said stand up for your right
baby don’t give up the fight right so
what really helped me awaken the divine
masculine was to actually stand up for
the animals I’ve been a vegan for over
13 years seven day vegan challenge okay
I’m standing up for something I’m
standing up for people who can’t help
themselves okay that’s what the
masculine energy does it acts as a
support system to the entire planet to
your family to your to your wife to your
partner okay you’ve got to also stand up
for what you believe is right let me
repeat that you have to stand up for
what you believe is right
in righteousness that’s how you activate
the divine masculine now ladies let’s
talk about the divine feminine they
always said a man should never tell a
woman what to do it’s the cat down the
road speaking ladies beautiful ladies
now the divine feminine I can never tell
you how to activate it because I’m not a
woman but I can give you great esoteric
information that will probably help you
activate it you see the divine feminine
which is all about creativity okay and
the more the world embraces the divine
feminine the more creative the planet
will be it’s coming back a woman has to
express herself how she really feels
without allowing society to tell her how
she should feel what slow motion this
side so women you should be like this
women you should be like that okay
no women should be like how they are
feeling because the divine feminine
energy is all about creative expression
males coming back to you now how to
activate – how to awaken the divine
have you heard the term men should not
cry be a man be a man that’s a complete
lie right men should actually cry
because that’s how you actually activate
the divine masculine when you can learn
as a man to express emotion which is
energy in motion your divine masculine
will awaken you’ll also be tapping into
your divine feminine you see the
masculine energy has to learn more about
tapping into the divine feminine the
masculine energy has to learn more about
tapping into the divine feminine the
divine feminine energy has to learn more
about tapping into the divine masculine
so to really activate this masculine
energy long to express how you feel guys
don’t suppress don’t repress your
emotions let it out you can cry here’s a
tissue take it Oh what happened tell me
talk to me and the cat down the road
it’s okay to cry it’s okay to shed it’s
here it is a mean you’re a weakling okay
some of the strongest men on the planet
cry to their wives to their children
okay that’s how you activate the divine
masculine whoa ladies back to you how to
awaken your divine feminine within
yourself now when a woman really is
supporting other women she is awakening
the divine
feminine not just supporting other women
supporting her partner the whole
community okay because part of the
Divine Feminine is to be very
non-judgmental you have to remind
especially fellows to move out of the
ego okay sometimes a woman’s just like
to a guy just just chill and then all of
a sudden he comes down okay so you are
reminding people to move out of the ego
and you have to really start becoming
less judgmental that’s how you really
awaken the Divine Feminine because once
again the Divine Feminine is Gaia
mother nature it loves its children once
again we all came from a woman or an
alien I have no idea fellas back to you
how to awaken the divine masculine baby
seven day vegan challenge what helped me
along my journey was to protect okay
you’ve heard the saying a man should be
a protector yes that’s actually how you
activate the Divine Feminine but
protecting your family when it comes to
what they should be eating in other
words making sure seven day vegan
challenge they’re eating the best
plant-based foods because you are
protecting their health and well-being
what slow motion this side
we’re not in the divine masculine if
we’re influencing our family our
community in a very negative way it’s
all about encouraging health encouraging
health wellness by exercising eating
healthy leafy greens your fruit your veg
pomegranates blueberries vitamin C ok
that’s what the divine masculine does it
reminds people that hey treat your body
well protect your body it’s all about
protection and service ok now ladies
back to you how to awaken the Divine
Feminine within yourself once again what
I’m saying ladies this is also for you
fellas because once again the divine
feminine and masculine lie within
ourselves so listen up closely ladies
and fellas right the divine feminine to
awaken it it’s all about yielding
keyword yielding meaning to surrender
you see right now on the planet we’re
living in fantastic times however
everybody wants to wear the pants
sometimes everybody wants to be the big
boss because we’re still living in this
matrix very ego driven society it’s all
about moving back to the heart space
that’s what the Divine Feminine is so
whether divine masculine is logic the
mind the Divine Feminine is the heart
space and intuition
slow motion this side now I’ve met a lot
completely and what does it look like so
beautiful so elegant because when a
woman is embodying the Divine Feminine
she is able to surrender she is able to
yield once again the divine masculine is
an active force the divine feminine is a
receptive force masculine Sun energy
feminine moon energy it’s passive it
doesn’t mean it’s week though
it means it’s why it’s because it’s
intuitive so the more you learn to
surrender you don’t always have to be
right you can learn how to say sorry you
can apologize you now awaken the divine
feminine energy in yourself because
you’re moving into the hot space and out
of your ego which is edging goodness out
fellas ladies as well how to activate
the how to awaken the divine masculine
now many times what happens if you lose
ladies or fellas I don’t want to I don’t
want to lose like this round I don’t
want to go out like this
I don’t want to fail I can’t loose
that’s what the ego tells you okay once
helped me along my journey awakened the
divine masculine is to have honor in
slow motion this side a victory in the
victory in defeat right have some
dignity in defeat have some honor in
defeat right have some honor in defeat
it doesn’t mean that you’ve lost that’s
what the divine masculine does it knows
also how to surrender how to play fair
it’s about balance it’s about fairness
it’s about righteousness it’s about
doing the right thing but more so it’s
about accepting your losses taking a
responsibility which means responding to
your ability and that goes back to
protecting right as a guy as a woman if
you want to activate the divine
masculine you’ve got to learn how to
take responsibility for your life nobody
else is doing anything to you
you are choosing how you feel right now
based on your thoughts happiness is a
choice oh yes take the loss accept the
you’re still victorious I believe in you
and the cat down the road dust how to
awaken the Divine Feminine the Divine
Feminine is very the Divine Feminine is
a very playful energy and how I awaken
the divine feminine energy is to be
light-hearted humorous that’s the rule
that is that is really what opens your
heart space so it’s not about competing
with other people it’s about
collaborating with other people
because can you imagine if everybody
loved each other can you imagine if
seven point seven billion people on the
planet loved and respected each other
what we could accomplish just think
about it for one second oh my gosh Ralph
what do you see Toby I see an amazing
plan exactly right so start
collaborating with other people stop
competing with everyone thinking you
have to win that’s how to activate the
Divine Feminine because once again
mother nature is
feminine energy all around that’s why
it’s all about fruits of your labor
abundance so the tree will be masculine
its fruit will be feminine the leaves
feminine what bears fruit is always
feminine energy because it’s the
creative energy lifeforce energy right
and yes and esoteric sciences they
always say that the feminine energy is
actually matter and the masculine energy
is spirit right that’s so interesting
okay so how to awaken the divine
masculine fellas back to you to really
awaken it what’s helped me along my
journey is that you have to really love
your woman you have to be committed to
your woman your partner whoever it is
protect and serve your community slow
motion this side mmm and beep diverse I
always get this like people are like
Ralph my boyfriend my husband he’s not
spending any time with me I’m like yeah
because until he really serves his
community he’s not going to be feeling
like a true man he’s not going to be
feeling like he’s really activating the
Divine Feminine he’s not going to be
feeling like he’s really activating the
divine masculine because the divine
masculine is where you not only protect
your family you protect the entire
what slow motion this side slow motion
this side that’s why in Africa all over
Africa South America a lot of indigenous
cultures the Warriors of the tribes they
protect their family but also they fight
for their village their community in the
most loving way
okay ladies how to awaken the Divine
Feminine and fellas to because we have
both energies within ourselves right
just think of positive and negative
energy just one battery one force right
a woman if she really wants to awaken
the Divine Feminine energy and fellows –
you have to guide people back to their
heart space you have to guide people
back to their higher nature so a woman
can be the most beautiful woman
physically okay and that’s how you
really activate the Divine Feminine you
are beautifying yourself that’s Fanta
whoa that manicure that Pedigo that
manicure and pedicure looks fantastic
right I’ll tell the cat down the road
about it take care of yourself that’s
how to activate the Divine Feminine but
you really awaken it when you use your
beauty to inspire
slow motion inside you use your beauty
to help a man raise to a greater
consciousness you don’t use your beauty
just to take a man off his path you use
your beauty Ralph don’t tell me what to
do I can do what I want with them with
with how I look exactly that’s the
Divine Feminine baby I agree with you
right but what we’re talking about
really awakening the Divine Feminine
like be as beautiful as you are but just
when you are being so beautiful if you
are guiding people back to their higher
nature you are awakening the Divine
Feminine is once again the Divine
is the catalyst that helps the divine
masculine awaken what slow motion this
side and fellas back to you the divine
masculine is awakened through knowledge
and that happens when you are learning
more how can I improve as a human being
okay so start reading more books feel
alive by Ralph smart on Amazon things
like that okay okay so that’s how I
actually awaken the divine masculine I’m
always hungry to learn I’m an eternal
student ladies back to you to awaken the
Divine Feminine it’s all about oneness
okay start creating oneness within
yourself start healing yourself okay
because the more you heal yourself the
more you can heal humanity once again
the Divine Feminine is all about the
Divine Feminine is all about unity and
the Divine Feminine is all about healing
so it’s all about healing yourself get
into the arts the healing arts the the
Reiki aromatherapy okay
naturopathic medicine that’s how you
awaken the Divine Feminine because you
are the healers
yes you are and we are the healers as
the builders we are everything because
we are both masculine and feminine and
once you realize that deep divers wow
you just say they also get to be a live
baby can I get a hello beautiful deep
divers we are out here in the hardened
nature have a beautiful day we just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you you see
you just awakened the divine feminine
and masculine at the same time [Music]

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