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“WALK AWAY From BAD Friends!” – Jordan B. Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) – #Entspresso

take a look at the people that are

around you and if they’re not on the

side of what’s good for you then walk

away I think most people’s friends suck

just as a general rule read about all

the people I looked up to and you know

that was kind of like my college was

finding people that did things that I

was really amazed by and then learning

as much as I could rise and shine it’s

expresso time what’s up believe nation

it’s evan my one word is believe and I

believe in you I believe you have an

amazing gift inside you that I want to

see exploded onto the world so let’s

start your day off right together grab

your coffee and sip on today’s message

befriend people who want the best for

you over to you Jordan B Peterson you’re

demeaning yourself you’re less than you

could be and there’s real judgment in

that it’s harsh you know but with

friends it’s the same thing you want

friends they’re not friends if they’re

not these people you want friends who

when something good happens to you there

that’s good for you right they’re happy

about that they’re not like all bitter

and resentful underground and like

saying horrible things behind your back

and telling you how they did something

that was better and trying to drag you

down it’s like that’s not helpful and

then when something bad happens to you

and you go to them and you say look this

terrible thing happened to me first of

all they don’t try to top it with some

like horrible thing that happened to

them because they don’t have the

patience to listen and second they’re

not secretly gloating about the fact

that catastrophe finally befell you it’s

like they’re actually hurt by it and

that chapter is an injunction is like

take a look at the people that are

around you and if they’re not on the

side of what’s good for you then walk

away because well first of all that’s

best for them to if you put up with that

all you’re doing is enabling it it’s

like well it’s okay that you mistreat me

in a way that’s harmful to me and

everyone else it’s like actually no that

is not okay it’s not in it’s not the


it okay that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t

try to help someone when they’re down

that’s a whole different issue I think

most people’s friends suck just as a

general rule and that doesn’t mean that

they don’t love you that they don’t care

from you they just are so caught up in

themselves that they’re not thinking

about you that when you go and you share

a win their default is to think about

themselves and their lack of wins that

when you go and share a loss or you’re

really down the first thing they think

about is how lucky that they are down or

that they didn’t go through long so

maybe they will go through a loss is

that they’re just so stuck in their own

head that they’re not thinking about you

where your real friends are gonna be the

people who know what you want who know

what you are trying to get and who will

support you and cheer you and push you

until you accomplish it and get there

when I’m watching this clip what I think

of is a guy in my mastermind group and

we’ve been together for over a decade

now and one of the things that I’ve

heard him say over the past decade is

just a little bit of self defeatism a

little bit of lack of confidence you

know because I didn’t go to school or

get the great education I can’t have as

much success a lot of these

self-defeating thoughts and at our most

recent meeting he came up and in in two

times two different instances said that

he was a success just didn’t random

sentences that came up he said but I’m

as successful as I am because of

whatever and it’s the first time that I

heard him called himself a success and

he did it two times that night and

halfway through the second time I had to

interrupt him and said man I know I want

to listen I want to get through the rest

of your point but I just want to

acknowledge you because this is the

first time that I’ve heard you call

yourself a success and you’ve done it

twice tonight already and I’m so proud

of you man and and I agree I think you

are and I’m so pumped for where you’re

gonna go and I just want to take that

quick time out to recognize you and I

love this new mindset in this way of

thinking that you’ve got and he was a

little blown away by that and and you

know everybody else in a group sort of

acknowledging him for that as well and I

think that’s what friends do I think if

you know what your friends want out of

life that I think is your responsibility

to help them get there to pull them up

when they’re down and to push them when

they think they’ve done a lot right if

they said I’ve done so much look at me

great amazing but I know you can do more

and if they’re really down see I’m never

gonna make

you bring them back up and I think just

by defaulting to not you could do this

as for yourself for your friends by

default and do not think about yourself

first that when your friends come to you

and have a problem or want to share a

win you’re not thinking about yourself

first and you’re immediately

circumstances or you’re thinking about

them and how you can best support them

and I think if you could be that friend

for others that’s a fantastic gift you

can give them and you want to surround

yourself with people who do that for you

because that is one of the world’s

greatest gifts that they can give you as

well and so I would highly encourage you

to audit your friends to think that

people who you grew up in in elementary

or high school with you are still gonna

be great friends for you if you’ve grown

and evolved as a human being is probably

not the best strategy to go with and if

you don’t have the people who support

you and build you up then first step is

to eliminate the ones who aren’t helping

you and then second step is to actively

be out looking for those new friends to

be in a great circle of because it makes

a huge amount of difference now that’s a

special bonus clips for you but before

that commitment of the day you watch

another video hopefully have an impact

on you don’t leave and go on with the

rest your day like everything is the

same commit to making the change somehow

in your life or in your business and

make it public leave it down the

comments below what are you committed to

change after watching this video thank

you guys so much for watching I believe

in you I hope you continue to believe in

yourself and whatever your one word is

much love I’ll see you again tomorrow

morning for another shock a vinspresso

everybody’s successful lays of blue for

now you laid the blueprint out uh you

know I can go down a list from comedians

to actors to entrepreneurs to self-made

moguls you look at Russell Simmons you

look at jay-z

you looking Tyler Perry you look at puff

I mean you’re looking at people that

start off with a small vision and that

vision manifested in something beyond

expectation so what I did was from the

people around me my mentors Eddie Murphy

Chris Rock Pryor we’re all on the wall

it was all so you surround yourself with

somewhere I surround myself with a

constant reminder of who is great

constantly I come down these steps every

day I look at Richard oh he’s great I

see Eddie he was great I see Chris Rock

he was great

it’s a constant reminder what am I

trying to achieve I want to be great so

that motivates me

so what separates me is my drive my

drive is other people’s success one of

the best things Brian taught me there he

was he was an early mentor to me one of

the quotes that his dad gave to him as

always surround yourself with people

that will inspire you or help you grow

and that was just a great piece of

advice and then I took that very

seriously and pursued people that I

looked up to or that I admired and tried

to learn things from them since I didn’t

have really you know a father figure

anything like that early on I would read

about all the people I looked up to and

you know that was kind of like my

college was finding people that did

things that I was really amazed by and

then learning as much as I could and and

then what I started doing is I started

flying all the books on Nobel Prize

winners and then in literature

specifically and then I would read what

books they recommended and then I would

read the books that they recommend and

on the back of that book it would be

what this book was influenced by and so

I started going through lots of that

stuff renewal hyperlinks the most

important is tourists what I like to

call surround yourself with with your

dream team hmm I called Josh Altman’s

dream team and it consists of of a good

amount of support from people that I

trust value their opinion and who I

surround myself with I always say that

you are the average of five people that

you surround yourselves with right you

ever hear that before yeah yeah I

just made that up right so I think it’s

super super important to do that so in

real estate for example I have the best

mortgage broker who’s available 24/7 for

me and we’ve worked our way up in the

business together I have you know

everybody from the best title guy and

escrow guy and and all that so I

surround myself with this team of of

people who I can trust and they can

guide me in the right directions of

whatever I do so that’s one way

obviously in any business is just

surround yourself with some with people

who support you if you had to think of

one word that’s most important to you or

that sums you Apple so it would be like

a little beacon hey believe nation if

you want to know what the most important

one word is for Tony Robbins Gary

Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and

Howard Schultz I have a very special

secret video for you check the description for details

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