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5 Signs You’re Highly Awake (And Don’t Know It)

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
here I hope your day is going good now
deep divers this video we are gonna talk
about some interesting stuff because
right now on the planet there is so much
happening and a lot of people are
experiencing a shift in their life a
spiritual awakening they’re starting to
see the world in a very different way
now deep divers I grew up a March 3rd
Pisces and I always knew there was
something strange about planet Earth
I’m like this place is way too strange
I’m like what is this place and come to
think of it I was just highly awake and
we even had breakfast yet can I get a
pair 5 signs you’re highly awake and
don’t even know it deep divers take all
of that positive energy right now
people’s lives will never ever be the
same again why because for the first
time they are finding out about who they
really are the first sign you’re highly
awake highly awake and don’t even know
it is you have super awareness now what
is consciousness consciousness is
awareness growing up I was very
I was very empathetic I had a lot of
empathy and if you couldn’t feel other
people’s energy if you can sense the
vibe of people places and things you are
highly awake right now on the planet
there is so much media everywhere
everybody wants your attention but not
all news is good news not all
information is correct information and
you are highly awake if you can read
between the lines if you can CBS from
like a mile away if you have discernment
which is the ability to judge well shout
out to you what is the second sign your
highly awake and don’t even know it now
deep divers growing up I started to see
myself as part of the divine people
would always ask me rather you religious
I say religion is for people who are
afraid to go to hell
spirituality is for people who have
already been there
mmm slow motion this side deep divers
from a young child I was able to see
that I was part of the divine
I saw the God in me and if you are
seeing the God in you the goddess in you
you are highly awake you see for me God
is nothing more than energy and we are
energy we are multi-dimensional beings
having a human experience the great Carl
Sagan said this now this really spoke to
me deep divers the nitrogen in our DNA
the iron in our blood the carbon in our
apple pies the calcium in our teeth were
all made in the interior of collapsing
stars we are made of star stuff mmm
slow motion this side mmm we are made of
star stuff and that’s why the Native
Americans the ancient chem i’ts or
Egyptians they knew that all we are is
energy everything is energy and if you
are starting to identify with the energy
inside of yourself more than the actual
physical shell you are highly highly
awake deep divers what is a third sign
you’re highly awake and don’t even know
it now growing up what happened to me I
was always searching for meaning
searching for truth and I realized
whenever I would be in conversations
with people they would be talking about
sports and that’s cool I like football
but I wasn’t as interested as they were
because I’m like but what about the
fifth dimension though right I was
thinking about Milky Way and stuff right
I was in a different time zone mentally
because for me it was all about seeking
truth seeking meaning what are we doing
on planet earth how did we get here
where are we going
what’s the meaning of life why are
things the way they are I had a lot of
questions and if you have a lot of
questions you are highly awake and don’t
even know it because we liberate
ourselves through questioning not
accepting hmm slow motion this side if
you are questioning authority you are
highly awake and don’t even know it if
you are somebody who is all about the
truth even if it hurts you you are
highly awake because a lot of us we want
the truth in gift-wrapping
and then it becomes an illusion and
that’s why many people are trapped in
the matrix because they love the
illusion more than the truth if you love
the truth more than the illusion you
will highly awake and don’t even know it
deep dive was what is the fourth sign Oh
baby you are highly awake and don’t even
know it now as a young child I had this
urge to protect animals so deep divers
as you know born in London when I was 10
I went to Sierra Leone for one year I
actually saw a cow being killed in front
of me
traumatize me that’s probably why I
became a vegan and started eating the
plant-based diet because I’m like this
is just terrible like I actually felt so
connected to that cows unbelievable for
the first time when I was 10 when I saw
that act I realized that all animals
deserve the right to live in peace just
like we do but Ralph where am I gonna
get my protein from chia seeds are a
complete source of protein chlorella a
complete source of protein more protein
in fact III live the most nutrient-dense
super food on the planet
blows beef out of the water
blows beef out of the water for protein
right so we can get all the protein from
the plant-based diet and I realized that
actually animals deserve the right to
live they deserve the right to be alive
Who am I to take a life when I can’t
create one mmm
slow motion inside and if that’s you you
are highly awake and don’t even know it
if you can actually feel the energy of
other life-forms your dog yes the cat
down the road to say actually wow there
is intelligence inside of those eyes
when you look at your dog there is
intelligence inside of those eyes isn’t
that isn’t that exactly well that’s the
same for a cow pig and the cat down the
road right if you are protecting animals
you will highly awake and don’t even
know it deep divers what is the fifth
sign you will highly awake and don’t
even know it
you are letting go of society’s
expectations we were told we had to be
normal and that’s why growing up was a
struggle for me because I didn’t want to
be normal not knowing I was highly
awakened I didn’t even know it that
could be you right now everybody wants
you to fit in just be like that person
or that person and you’re like no I’m a
renegade I don’t want to fit in you are
a fringe dweller
right you are highly awake because you
realize that you don’t have to do what
everybody else is doing you realize that
you didn’t come here to fit in you came
here to stand out you came here to
create a whole new world
you came here to experience your truth
you can’t be molded you won’t be molded
you came here to be yourself 100% if
that’s you you are highly awake deep
divers a lot of us we live to impress
other people if you are living just to
impress yourself you are highly awake
and don’t even know it deep divers right
now on the planet we have to show the
world that love that love is stronger
than fear right now on the planet we
have to show the world more so we’ve got
to show ourselves because we are part of
the world that love is stronger than
fear I said this many years ago deep
divers let love guide you not fear you
see right now we are entering a new age
and great things are happening because
more people are awakening they’re
finding their true power growing up I
realize that we are only separate
because of the ego when you remove the
ego you start to see that we are all
energy in form and therefore I don’t
care what skin color you are what gender
you are because ultimately underneath
all of that we are all the same and that
is energy and once you realize that deep
divers you’re highly awake and then well
you just say they also get to be a live
baby can I get a Hello pair beautiful
deep divers were just whoa breathing in
that good oz piranha baby have a
beautiful day deep divers infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well
stay healthy peace you you didn’t come
here to fit in you came here to stand
[Applause] [Music]

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