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I Slept in the World’s Most Uncomfortable Bed

in today’s video we have gone all the
way to Canada to see the world’s most
uncomfortable bed and see if it’s even
hey guys we’re in Canada that’s right
Oh a while ago you may have seen I built
a big bed and that was trying to make
something really comfortable today we
are trying something that’s a little bit
different in fact it’s kind of the
opposite this is the location of the
world’s most uncomfortable bed which was
built around real-life experiences of
those living with severe eczema to help
give people a sense of what it’s like to
live with this disease the bed is in one
of the rooms back here we need to go
check it out see what makes it so
uncomfortable and then one of us is
gonna have to put it to the test like a
real test we’ve heard a lot about this
bed I’m very curious to know what makes
it so uncomfortable and how it was even
put together let’s find out
ready for this we’ll find out cuz I’m
not oh no I have to go it’s not exactly
thousand thread count Egyptian cotton
got a lovely carpet here and by carpet I
mean like doormat for scrubbing your
shoes off oh my god sandpaper
that’s like 36 grit sand pit an actual
cactus I don’t know what I’m sitting on
right now but I don’t enjoy it
these are brillo pads i sat down to try
and delay the fact that I have to get
near that bed but this was also a
terrible choice you don’t actually you
bet I’m going to try out the terrible
chair with jeans and a shirt on it’s not
terrible we wear different jeans Nate
with my jeans it’s not terrible
it looks durable from what I’ve seen so
far the most comforting part about this
room is the Wi-Fi password so like
seriously this I think is also a rug for
scraping your shoes so that a good
pillow sounds I don’t know but when I
just want to push myself up there’s
something disturbingly lumpy in this
blanket this is not a pillow wait this
is bundles of crumpled up paper pillow
fight the worst pillow fight ever the
scratchy parts not the part I don’t like
it’s like slimy it’s like kind of sticky
do you feel that yeah why is it I think
that’s just like whatever they add in it
to get the fibers to bind together
because this material I think is like
you use it for putting like under plants
and stuff to absorb water this is just a
solid solid wood bedroom okay I think
that’s it that’s that’s the bottom sheet
and there’s just Oh two by fours well
that’s well yeah blackboard is you know
at the end of a long day all you want it
oh don’t hurt yourself
imagine the edgiest scratchiest thing
you’ve ever touched now imagine trying
to sleep in it you ever gone camping and
your sleeping bag on the tenth floor was
on a
there’s 20 of those oh I’m gonna try
walking on her little carpet here boy
waking up in the morning lock on that
would really make you want to go back to
bed if your bed didn’t suck so much
here’s the thing
I think the bed needs a proper test who
gets to test it out there’s only one
it’s one it’s one it’s best to only need
one more okay okay okay okay it’s it
looks I’m sure it’s really comfortable
this is the worst beds it’s so heavy but
that just drives the itchiness down into
you wore out turning is the worst
because then you’re actually like
rubbing your skin against it like if you
just don’t move I mean it’s still not
comfortable but it’s like not the worst
but then you try and turn over it’s just
like not sleeping in it for a night
that’s the worst part turning in it okay
no it’s terrible I’m gonna go like get a
massage or something you have fun though
why are you going to suffer through
sleeping in this bed what’s the
reasoning behind this okay guys the real
answer is this bed was made by atopic
dermatitis revealed their entire goal is
basically to bring awareness about
atopic dermatitis which is better known
as eczema and that affects so many
people you wouldn’t even believe in fact
I had it when I was little it’s
incredibly uncomfortable it makes
sleeping nearly impossible when it’s bad
it’s itchy it can be sore it causes
rashes and it’s it’s awful and so they
made the world’s most uncomfortable bed
to basically simulate what a night is
like trying to sleep when you have a
topic dermatitis so we’ve got the
itchiness we’ve got the discomfort we’ve
I I swear I felt heating a severe one
everything feels like it’s cooling down
we are on top yes red are we our cover
but yeah no we’re mad that we’re
sleeping your skin gets hot when it I
mean when you’ve got a rash of course
it’s it’s the skin irritant so your skin
warms up I was gonna say I can’t explain
how uncomfortable it is but I’m sure
lots of you do no not to mention that
uncomfortable it can last throughout the
entire day tip guys if you suffer from
extreme eczema or atopic dermatitis
talk to your doctor there are treatment
options available okay best two out of
three out of the best two out of three
no no you lost
good night Nate okay have fun the beds
hot again I hate this and there’s so um
P okay just
okay guys I am trying here I have been
in this bed for an hour now and I can’t
sleep this is ridiculous I am I am it
she I am scratchy I don’t know if this
is like a rash forming from me
scratching or the bed itself but this is
a nightmare I don’t know who designed
this but you’re right this is the
world’s most uncomfortable bed we’re
gonna try to carpet let me see if this
is any better no nope here I am again
just me in my burlap enos also with the
size of the lumps under me like no
matter where you turn or try this it
just gets worse and worse it’s I don’t
it’s digging into my spine and my
everything there’s no sleeping it’s bed
I had headphones in and then this voice
started I really hope you can hear that
because that’s the creepiest thing ever
hmm hello house I’m sorry I just taking
a nap on this super comfortable couch
out here house you fall asleep what’s
the worst part so far oh the worst part
you’d like to know what the worst part
is so far like the absolute worst part
imagine that you almost fall asleep
right and then you don’t and then
imagine a voice suddenly talking from
the darkness
well there’s voices sounds really fun
well have a good night okay so I know
we’ve joked around a bit about this now
but this bed is actually super itchy and
uncomfortable I can’t even begin to
imagine what it would be like to
experience this every single night see
how things are going in there yeah yeah
you give up yet yes you don’t look like
you’ve been asleep very much I’m not
talking to you anymore okay silent
treatment that’s yeah I’m done tap I am
going to be a mess
for a long time I’m I’m itchy and I’m
tired so hear your voices huh
that thing talks to you there’s a
speaker set up Oh looking at the list of
things done there’s a list they gave us
a list of I learned this recently
because in addition we will have a
hidden speaker with subconscious audio
playing throughout the night so there
you go that was because they had a
patient that mentioned she heard inner
voices as sort of a side effect of her
condition so yeah there you go
delightful huh your turn
thanks again to atopic dermatitis
revealed for sponsoring this video and
letting us try this thing out it’s a
very interesting experience learning
what people are suffering from or going
through atopic dermatitis or severe eggs
a month talked to your doctor your
dermatologist guys it’s all for today
but you know we’ve always got more for
you to see the box up at the top is
gonna take you to our last video you can
go check that out the other box is gonna
show you what YouTube thinks you should
be watching next and if this bomb here
in the middle if you’ll be subscribed to
the channel that way never gonna miss
out on a cool video don’t forget to ring
the bell so you get the notification
about it we’ll see in the next one to talk to them
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