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10 Habits That Changed My Life

peas and finit waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in nature baby first thing in the
day I hope you’re feeling energized
charged up ten habits that’s right
ten habits that have changed my life
Ralph smarts life let’s just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
now a lot of people ask me Ralph what’s
the secret how come your way seemed full
of energy I am full of energy always
seemed so happy I am happy right now
always seem like you’re having a good
time in nature I am having a good time
in nature I’m gonna share with you life
changing habits okay that’s taken me to
the next level and we even had breakfast
yeah can I get a hello game changing
habits that have changed my life forever
I love seeing you beautiful deep divers
in the good ass prana shirt shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the much
Ralph smart comb slash clothes I’m gonna
actually start featuring people on my
Instagram page already been doing that
gonna feature even more people now let’s
dive straight into it the first habit
that has changed my life is what I call
first day actions okay
as soon as I wake up and I’m waking up
pretty early that also helps I’m making
sure that whatever I’m doing which is
usually playing the guitar as soon as I
wake up
is really gonna put a smile on my face
because as soon as you wake up if you
are getting into an argument with
someone on Instagram that’s not healthy
that’s not productive right so it’s what
I call first day actions whatever you do
as soon as you wake up sets the tone for
the rest of the day so as soon as I wake
up I’m playing the guitar some yoga
skating taking a walk in nature okay
like I’m not just jumping on the
computer on Instagram because that’s a
well actually sometimes I am but it’s
gonna motivate me right so whatever I’m
doing as soon as I wake up it has to
motivate me it has to put a smile on my
face it has to inspire me you see the
word habit emanates from the Latin habit
which means to live or to dwell in other
words every habit you have is a way of
living mm-hmm what slow motion this side
the question is is this way of living
helping me become my greatest version so
trust me deep divers as soon as you wake
up that first activity you’re doing
whether it’s meditating arguing whatever
it is is gonna set the tone for the rest
of the day so choose something
empowering to do as soon as you wake up
okay what’s the second habit that has
changed my life
recharge in nature let’s just wolf
breathing in that good ass prana baby
nature I love you look out the whole
studio I sometimes make videos there but
I would rather be in nature why because
it’s healthier I get two for one I get
to create plus I get to breathe in that
good-ass prana plus is good for my
plus the lighting is better in nature
plus oh hi I get to meet people yeah
move your workspace to nature you are
gonna heal yourself mentally and
emotionally recharge in nature you see a
lot of us will burn out because we’re
not in an environment we are not in a
environment that is really in our best
we are surrounding ourselves in a very
toxic environment you see what really
gives me energy every single day is to
say I’m gonna make a conscious choice to
get my butt to get my butt into nature
there are birds here there are bees over
there different plots I can inspire it
being in nature this is why I can create
so many videos like it’s nothing okay so
recharge in nature every single day I’m
meditating and it has done wonders for
me that’s a healthy habit for me I hope
it helps for you too
but recharge in nature if you’re feeling
like Ralph I’ve got no energy left is
probably because you haven’t gone into
nature today go to the beach go to the
mountains go to the forest and trust me
your life will
change what’s the third habit deep
divers that’s changed
Ralph smarts life now every day I am
spending 30 minutes minimum consuming
content that is helping me become my
greatest version audio video and written
okay I’m reading books that can expand
my mind I’m watching your video yes
yours if you can help me right I’m
listening to a podcast I’m watching a
lot of infinite waters the cat down the
road is look if you spend 30 minutes
every single day deep divers consuming
content that’s helping you become your
greatest version just 30 minutes you
will soar into infinity you will go so
far in your life purpose life mission it
will be unbelievable the reason why I’m
still reading even though I’ve read over
a thousand books I used to work in the
library as well is because I know I
still can learn more I am it I am I am
an eternal student the moment I say I
know it all is the moment I stop
slow motion this side and there is
always more to learn always more to
watch and always more to listen to
somebody can have the missing key that
you need to go to the next level and
that’s why it’s so imperative so
essential that you are consuming content
every single day that is game-changing
life changing right 30 minutes that’s
all like you spend like how long did you
spend at the mall last night yesterday
three hours exactly and you didn’t even
buy any clothes like what’s happening
what’s the fourth habit that has changed
my life leave leave leave don’t leave
don’t leave wait a minute let me finish
leave your excuses at the door as soon
as you wake up as soon as you leave your
house leave your excuses at the door as
soon as you walk outside there should be
no excuses for why you can’t be where
you truly want you see I used to have a
whole lot of excuses it could never
happen for me because I can’t get a
million subscribers on YouTube because I
all of these limitations I was throwing
on myself because I didn’t believe I
could achieve you see you have to start
reprogramming your subconscious mind by
saying I can every single day the
excuses we have don’t serve us why do we
have them because it’s addicting it’s so
addicting so instead of excuses I give
myself permission to be great every
single day I say why not instead of
looking for all the reasons why it can’t
work why it won’t work
stop looking for reasons why can work
and white will work slow motion this
side I said in my journal it’s gonna
work because every single day I’m saying
can I get a Hello like that’s the most
energy generating line in the entire
world that’s gonna raise your energy
whoo exactly
okay so start giving yourself permission
to be great let go of all of these
limiting belief systems that you have of
why you can’t do something I don’t have
money Ralph I don’t have to throw those
excuses out even the cat down the road
doesn’t want to hear that you wanna
victim you are co-creator off your own
reality it’s time to make it happen if
you want it really badly you can get it
what’s the fifth habit that has changed
my life deep divers seven day vegan
challenge shout out to everybody who’s
eating the plant-based diet and Phil’s
stupendous no work no food that’s right
that’s what I live by that’s a habit I
adopted that has changed my life so when
I’m saying deep divers Wayne even had
breakfast yet do you think I’m kidding I
haven’t had breakfast yet I’m starving
well not starving but I’m really hungry
I’m really hungry right now but
now I’m disciplined and focused I am at
my best when I haven’t had breakfast and
I’m creating okay I have water I have
water I keep myself hydrated but I’m not
just gonna eat a massive meal when I
haven’t done any work and the moment I
started to use this philosophy this
habit this way of living it changed my
life because I’m like I gotta make a
video before I eat right if I eat right
now deep divers I’m gonna be like so
lazy cuz I love to eat I love to eat
like I’m eating like chia seed porridge
brown rice have a kados salad mangoes
pineapples dates cherries raspberries
and some lemon and a whole vegan carrot
cake if I was to eat all of that before
a video you might just see me like this
whole piece and Finnick waters diving
deep once again right so no work no food
I also do intermittent fasting which has
helped me tremendously
it’s amazing what happens when you fast
a little bit okay you don’t have to do a
whole day fast but just fast for a few
hours okay
Stanford studies have showed that
intermittent fasting is great for our
overall health our heart health so no
work no food it’s that simple
what is the sick habit that has changed
Ralph smarts life less just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
with charging up right now in the heart
in nature 80/20 I always speak about how
this has changed my life Pareto’s law so
I used to spend 80% worrying and 20%
now I’m spending 80% action and 20%
working okay I’m spending 80% on radical
action on execution and now only 20% on
planning because I used to spend a whole
80 percent on planning should I say this
should I say that should I do this
should I do that get on with it for
goodness sakes can I get a Hello get on
with it
okay so 80% deep diamonds 80% execution
go for it get out there start making
moves start creating and then just use
20% to stop
we should have planned it before right
20% goes on planning Pareto’s law can
also be flipped around because you can
use 20% effort and 80% results that’s
the habit I use that’s why I only do
these videos in one take at the same
time you are getting premium quality
exactly so make life work for you is
what I call developing a greater
simplicity in every single area of your
20% effort 80% results the most
successful people abide by Pareto’s law
learn 80/20 what is a seventh habit deep
divers that has changed my life no
matter how busy I am no matter if I’m
checking my phone I’m gonna make time
for you because I love you I love you I
love you I love you right a lot of
people are like I’m so busy Ralph so you
couldn’t text your partner at least
texif forget about calling no you
couldn’t text your partner right so no
matter how busy I am no matter how busy
I am no matter what I’m doing I always
have made a habit to make time for
someone I love and something I love like
take five minutes out of your so busy
life to say oh call this person you love
and say how was your day how you doing
we meet up later wait a minute I’m so
busy but still I love you that’s enough
right that’s enough and take like five
minutes every single day making time for
yourself to stop reliving your childhood
when you used to do Rolie polies okay
spend five minutes every single day
doing something you love for me skating
I spend a bit more than five minutes
skating every single day more like more
like five hours not quite that long but
it’s a good hour at least and that’s
really what’s changed my entire life
what’s the eighth baby baby habit that
has changed my life deep divers every
single day I say this Lunn Lunn Lunn
grow grow grow and when you are learning
learning learning and growing growing
growing you are gonna become very mean
to yourself at times so my habit I
developed was to say okay don’t blame
yourself Ralph you are doing the best
you can with the best you know right now
you walk work in progress and it’s okay
if you’re not there yet you’re young
deep divers some of you are some of you
want well you’re young compared to the
universe okay it’s okay to fail that’s
what I tell myself every single day I
get in the habit of saying Ralph it’s
okay to fail it’s okay to make mistakes
be in the habit of not trying to get
being the habit of falling or falling in
love with the process being the habit of
loving something so much that you forget
the time because you love it so much you
see a lot of us we hate ourselves we
read people’s comments on social media
we’re like oh my gosh
they said this about me and they said oh
my gosh like I don’t spend my time
reading comments your opinion of me
doesn’t make a difference of what I’m
gonna become what slow motion this side
cuz I know what I’m doing I know who I
am and that’s the only thing that
matters how you see yourself is more
important than how others see you so
what if you don’t have a hundred million
subscribers followers on Instagram so
what so what if all of your friends pass
their exams and you didn’t you have a
totally different path than they do okay
so stop lifting yourself up start loving
yourself and stop talking down on
yourself stop bullying yourself stop
holding the past against yourself okay
and the moment you start rooting for
yourself now you start loving yourself
which is the secret to becoming your
greatest version what is the eight that
was the hate what what is the night what
is the knife habit the knife habit that
has changed my life challenging myself
okay I’m challenging myself to say
actually how can I become a better
person today I’m challenging myself to
say actually Ralph it’s time to try
something new like that in a video right
because the more you challenge yourself
the more you realize what you are
capable of
a lot of us we stay in a comfort zone
and our comfort zones turn out to be the
greatest prison ever I was freed me
along my journey to go to great heights
is to always challenge myself new
experiences let me fly to a different
country I’ve never been to before let me
learn a new language today let me talk
to a random stranger they might turn out
to be your best friend this happened to
me before
I’m just talking with someone I’ve never
met before and all of a sudden they love
the cat down the road as well right
challenge yourself never be content with
where you are there’s always more to
become ultimately yes is a state of
being ultimately yes it’s a state of
being a state of awareness but even
awareness is always growing as you
challenge your very existence slow
motion this side so don’t think that you
are the bee’s knees just because you’re
doing a little sama baby well mind you
you do look pretty fantastic but realize
you are this much right now of your true
potential you got so much more to become
right and what is the tenth habit that
has changed Ralph smarts life don’t do
anything I never do anything that my
heart is not in I would not make this
many videos if my heart was not in it I
love making videos in nature every
single day so remind yourself that if
you put your heart into everything you
do now you know that I’ve done my best
now you know that I’ve got to be proud
of myself because I’m trying my hardest
now you know that
it’s healthy anything you put your heart
into is healthy when your heart is not
into your job right now if you’re at
work you’re at work on your lunch break
watching this if your heart is not in
that job it’s not healthy Ralph I’m just
there for the money that’s not healthy
start doing something that nourishes
your heart that nourishes your soul that
nourishes your essence and then you’ll
just see feel so good to be a live baby
can I get a hello beautiful deep divers
you are amazing if you’ve got a question
a message add me on Instagram right now
at infinite waters and also a bonus
habit I love connecting with you
beautiful deep divers I’m really
honoring and valuing the importance of
great connections okay let’s just whoa
breathing in that good-ass prana baby
we are out here infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy
peace you have a beautiful day deep
divers Ralph smart dog come slash
clothes get your good ass prawn and much
and make that a habit to always just
well breathe in that good ass piranha baby

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