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What Happens to Your Body When You Hit the Snooze Button

there’s a massive connection that is
well-established in neuroscience in all
kinds of research studies around the
world there’s an undeniable connection
between your happiness your productivity
your sense of control the mindset and
mood that you have all day long and how
you wake up notice I didn’t say when you
wake up I said how you wake up and in
today’s training I’m gonna explain the
science around sleep mindset and how you
should wake up every morning in order to
set yourself up for the most positive
mindset the best sense of control and
the most positive mood and productivity
that you could have this is all based in
science this is not something that I’m
making up and this is also the way that
I live my life and it has been a
game-changer you already know that the
night before you’re gonna plug your
phone in outside of your bedroom away
from your bed so that when that alarm
goes off in the morning you’re not
reaching for your phone while you’re
lying in bed and reading social media
and the news which is going to make you
feel depressed and anxious that you’re
getting out of bed and you have the
ability to start your day without your
phone in your face that is critical for
your mindset now let’s talk about the
actual act of how you wake up not when
you wake up but how you wake up and this
is science okay super important for you
to understand that you should never
never never never hit the snooze button
okay and let me explain why he’s
snoozing for a couple minutes impacts
your neurology it impacts your brain
function again this isn’t something I
made up
this is well-established research and
the reason why I don’t want you to ever
hit the snooze button is because of how
dozing off for nine to 15 minutes
impacts the way that your brain works
let me explain to you why you
when I sleep in cycles we sleep in
cycles of about 75 to 90 minutes and
then we start another one and we go into
another sleep cycle for 75 to 90 minutes
and then we typically start another one
and we start another sleep cycle that
goes 75 to 90 minutes and after 2 or 3
sleep cycles or heck if you’re lucky 4
of them your body and brain go into a
mode where for about 2 hours your brain
just goes into a state where it’s
getting ready to wake up so for those of
you that wake up naturally before an
alarm goes off or the alarm goes off and
you’ve had anywhere from 6 hours+ of
sleep your mind is now in a state it’s
not in a sleep cycle where it is ready
to wake up it is ready to start the day
it is ready to be delivering if you wake
up in that state and then you reach over
and hit the snooze button and you doze
off for 9 to 15 minutes what do you
suppose your brain starts again if
you’re thinking a sleep cycle you’d be
absolutely right and how long does the
sleep cycle last a sleep cycle lasts 75
to 90 minutes so you drift off into a
sleep cycle your brain does which lasts
75 to 90 minutes all of a sudden the
alarm goes off 9 to 15 minutes later
your brain is in a sleep cycle you are
in a medical neurological state right
now that scientists call sleep inertia
it means that by falling into a sleep
cycle and waking yourself up 9 to 15
minutes in it the quartic region of your
brain is now trapped in a sleep cycle
and you realize it takes your brain once
you’re awake for hours to shake itself
loose of the state of sleep inertia why
is sleep inertia a bad thing studies
prove that when you’re in a state of
sleep inertia it in
your speed of processing it impacts your
ability to focus it impacts your ability
to do any kind of strategic thinking
there’s only one way to shock yourself
out of sleep inertia and that’s to step
in a cold shower so if you ever have to
get up at 4 o’clock in the morning when
you probably are in the middle of a
sleep cycle just step in a cold shower
that’ll shock your brain awake and
you’ll be out of a state of sleep
inertia if you keep hitting the snooze
button I am gonna tell you something
it’s gonna make your anxiety worse it’s
gonna make your depression heavier it’s
gonna make your attitude negative it’s
gonna make your ability to focus harder
it’s gonna make your ability to be
deliberate harder and the simple
solution is to force yourself out of bed
so today here’s your assignment tonight
when you go to bed let’s build on this
you’re gonna plug your phone in outside
your bedroom and you’re gonna do the
phone challenge so that the phone is
nowhere near you tomorrow morning when
that alarm goes off use the five-second
rule do not reach for the snooze alarm
you’re gonna go 5 4 3 2 1 and you are
going to get out of bed if you have to
wake up very early pop in a cold shower
it’ll snap you out of it that’s all I
want you to do for today I want you to
take the no phone and add in the no
snooze button challenge and I want you
to notice how different you feel I want
you to notice if you’re a chronic snooze
button hitter do you feel a little bit
more awake do you feel a little bit more
focused do you feel less groggy than the
mornings when you hit the snooze button
over and over and over again because you
know what the answer is yes you are
gonna feel less groggy yes you are gonna
feel more awake yes you are going to be
more in control and more deliberate about what you’re thinking about
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