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“You Don’t Need TALENTS to Make MONEY!” | Dan Lok

attention is a new currency money
follows attention this is it this is my
business model money follows attention
rise and shine is an espresso time
what’s up belief nation at seven I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s start your day
off right together grab your copy and
over to you Dan Locke also if you want
to know what Dan and other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence to learn to join is in
the description below after you practice
martial art you develop this natural
self confidence not cockiness but you
develop this natural self-confidence
look at Kim Kardashian it shows you you
don’t need talents to make money you
just need to get it well is she a great
singer is she a great actress what does
she do
she gets attention yes and people pay
for the attention most businesses fail
write this down because they are not
getting enough attention in the
marketplace if you want to grow your
revenue you want to grow your brand you
want to grow your company you must get
you must get attention to attention
it’s a new currency money follows
attention think of whatever product
services in your marketplace in your
industry that are their products and
services that are maybe less quality
than what you’re offering but they’re
selling more how many you seen that
yes why because they’re committed those
companies even though they have a less
quality product service they committed
to getting attention you gotta get it
out there you got to push your name
because there’s so much noise I hear
people but then I put on like one tweet
you know on one Facebook pearls how come
orders don’t come rolling in case it’s
one boss don’t think in terms of one not
one tweet 10 tweets a hundred tweaks a
thousand tweets so people often ask me
what is your business plan 11 how do you
make money this is it this is my
business model
I kick up as much noise in my industry I
get as much attention as possible in my
industry and then I find ways to
monetize it that’s it when you have a
lot of attention in your industry people
will find you and throw opportunities at
you my biggest challenge is trying to
figure out now which opportunity to go
after I get speaking gigs because of the
attention I built my youtube channel I
get opportunities to connect with people
like Tony Robbins and have them be
interviewed on my channel I get brand
deals that people wanted to partner with
me I get book deals it’s everything has
come because of my youtube channel
because I built up a quarter of a
billion views because I have one point
whatever million subscribers I just pick
up a lot of attention in my industry and
then deals come to me and that works
really well for someone like me because
I’m introverted
because I’m much better at marketing
than I am at sales and so instead of me
spending time which would be more waste
of time going out trying to connect with
people trying to reach people because
I’m introverted I just get to work on
amazing content and I have people then
find me and fly me out the places and
pay me to do things because I built up
the marketing attention machine and so
if you want to do that as well I’m gonna
give you a seven step process that I use
every single time for whatever a
platform I’m going after that you can
win and model as well okay step number
one is you have to decide to get
attention you have to decide you have to
say I am going to go out and get
attention because all the strategies
that I’ll give you and others will throw
at you as well will not work unless
you’ve decided there’s a whole bunch of
people who have made it in the offline
world that now come to me and say hey
Evan can you help me blow up online and
say yes I’m happy to help I love your
message but you have to be committed to
doing this this isn’t just some strategy
that’s going to help you you have to be
committed to be able to make content and
that you are picking a platform that
you’re going to blow up on and you can
be committed to doing it it’s not just
some strategy you got to love it you got
to be all-in you have to decide I am
going to blow up on this platform and so
number one get out of your own way get
out of your ego it’s not about you
blowing up personally because you want
to look like a rockstar understand that
the more that you blow up the more that
people understand your story this is
your gateway to close sales because the
thing that will make you different than
the big corporations why am I gonna hire
why will I work with you instead of some
big corporation the corporation they
have a history they have a reputation
they have a brand name they’ve been
around forever where am I gonna work
with you because I know your story
because I like you because I feel like
you care not some giant corporation but
if you don’t tell me that if I don’t
feel that if you haven’t blown up if
you’re not deciding to get attention
that I’m never gonna know the difference
between you and giant corporation and
then I’m gonna make my decision only off
the price and if your strategy is to be
the low price provider that’s a losing
game long term and so step number one is
you have to decide that you are
committed to this year I’m going to get
attention because it’s the best thing
not just for me it’s the best thing for
my business it’s the best thing for my
family it’s the best thing for my
community and it’s the best thing to
further serve my mission it’s not about
you and your ego it’s about the mission
and the business and your family you
need to get attention step number two is
pick your best platform there’s lots of
different platform
out there the one that you should go
with is the one we’re number one
your audience is so if you’re picking a
big platform like YouTube or Instagram
it serves a big audience if you have a
specific audience so if you want to do
business and you can go to LinkedIn
right if you want to do the tech
community Twitter is gonna be a better
bet for you if you want to target
preteens and you want to be on snap
depending on what your market is where
your audience is you want to pick your
platform then you want to pick what are
you the best at doing so I love making
videos so YouTube is a great platform
for me maybe you love writing maybe
right into your preferred method maybe
you don’t want to be in front of a
camera great maybe you love audio and so
you’d rather do a podcast than make a
youtube video great when you can figure
out where your audience is that also
matches with your skill set then pick
that one social media platform and go
all in on that one people often say well
you got to be everywhere you gotta have
all your accounts
I disagree at the start I think you
should have an account on each platform
one just to have the account just that
nobody else can take your name and squat
on it and and ruin your reputation
potentially and to just to listen so if
Twitter is not your main platform but
somebody tweets at you you want to be
able to respond and you want to
encourage them they are your champions
they’re out spreading your message for
you but if you try to be everywhere all
at the same time at the beginning when
it’s just you doing it every platform is
gonna suck you’re gonna do everything in
a really mediocre way I’d much rather
have you focus on one platform going
crash hit go and dominate it and as you
scale up and build a team then you can
go and branch out to the other ones so
pick that single best platform for you
step number three commit the posting
every day
every day you have to post every single
day whatever platform you’re on you have
to commit the post in every single day
YouTube is probably the platform where
you can get away with not posting every
day but I post three times a day
and yes I built my team that’s helped me
be able to do that and yes you may not
be able to do it right from the
beginning but that is your ambition
I want you posting every single day
whatever you’re picking YouTube
Instagram LinkedIn snap Facebook
Pinterest wherever you’re going if you
are posting every single day you have a
much bigger chance of getting the
tension of getting your message to
spread then if you post in every week
every two weeks or once a month and then
you might say well I want the quality
the quality has to be high right I it
has to be good I don’t wanna release
crap yes 100% but if you can get to the
point where you are releasing 80%
quality every day instead of 100%
quality once a week do the 80% now soon
it come down to 50% quality now we’ve
got an issue but if you can release at
80% and do it more frequently you will
grow you will blow up you will get more
attention and your mission will be
served you will reach more people you
will sell more you will get more
attention and start to win harder you
need to at least get on the map get on
the path have a vision to be the posting
daily that is in your mindset you are
building the business that you can post
daily whether you can do it right now or
leases on your game plan you can’t be
stuck in posting any less so at number
four is learn how to create great
content I get so many people who write
to me and say hey I am making great
content but I’m not winning what’s up
how do I get better well how do I
promote myself more chances are your
contents not that good listener being
honest your content is not that good
first step for that is watch your own
content back would you consume you would
you would you watch your video of your
message and say wow that was really good
like watch your own content back would
you subscribe to your channel and if the
answer is no then that’s a big problem
you have to make content that you are
proud of and you have to learn how to do
it and I’m a big believer that the
quantity leads to the quality but the
more you do if you commit the posting
daily you will figure out how to get
better really quickly if you’re only
posting once a week it’s gonna be hard
to get really good quickly because it’s
just taking you too long if you’re
trying to learn French and you go to
class once a week you’ll just learn so
much slower than if you’re going every
day alright so you need to learn how to
make great content and don’t default the
thinking that you’re making great
content you deserve to be where you’re
at somebody has seen your content and
they haven’t shared it you guys are
watching this video some of you will
share it some of you won’t the ones of
you who share it will think this is
great and the ones of you don’t won’t I
need to get better right the contents
not good enough I need to improve my
skills I need to be a better
communicator I need to get to the point
faster I need to have more energy
there’s lots of things I need to work on
people who say I deserve to have 10
million subscribers on my youtube
channel I don’t
I’m not good enough the contents not
good enough now I deserve my 1.7 I
deserve to be where I’m at I’m not
garbage right but I don’t deserve to
have my 10 and so you don’t deserve
anything you deserve to be where you’re
at people are watching your content
every single day hopefully but they’re
not sharing it that’s on you it’s never
been easier for them to share it they’re
not doing it cuz it’s not good enough
so default not to some marketing tactic
or strategy default to how can I get
better at the skill of making amazing
content set number 5 is listen and
respond to every single comment I
believe that every comment should get a
response it doesn’t have to be you doing
it every time at the beginning that
probably should be so you can learn and
taste and see how people are reacting to
it as you grow though you want to have
somebody on your team managing your
comments just like in every other
customer facing part of your business
right if somebody is calling your store
if you sell flowers and somebody’s
calling your store you want somebody to
pick up and talk to that customer right
if somebody’s emailing your store and
saying hey I’d like to buy something you
want to give them a response right
somehow in the world of social we’ve
decided that it’s okay to ignore our
customers it’s okay not to respond how
most people do it is at the beginning
they say okay I’m gonna respond every
comment great no problem it’s easy
because you get one comment a day that’s
super easy but as you build up people
will then say well I’m only gonna
respond to the important people I’m only
gonna respond to the people who have a
certain number of followers or I’m only
gonna spend an hour a day responding to
comments just hire somebody like you
would for every other part of your
business that’s customer-facing
everybody needs a response but it does
have to be you doing it when you respond
to somebody on YouTube as an example
there’s 7 times more likely to subscribe
you’re asking for people’s attention
right you’re asking for them to care
about you but you’re not spending any
time caring back about them the amount
of people who want to grow their
channels on any platform but they’re
spending zero time in their comments
you’re losing and so I’m probably the
only one at this size was really
hardcore about responding the comments
and have hired somebody to do it I just
think it’s important I think if you’re
not responding every comment you’re
leaving free subscribers free attention
on the table just go for it it’s so much
easier step number six understand the
hacks of each platform
80% of success comes back to step number
four which is learn to make great
content that’s 80% of your success 80%
of your success is coming down to do you
know how to make an emotional piece of
content that makes people feel something
and then move into action the other 20%
is understanding the hacks so for
Instagram hashtags means a lot for
posting stories versus pictures versus
videos there’s different strategies for
each one going to youtube hashtags don’t
mean anything but the thumbnail really
matters a lot and the title really
matters a lot what you put in the first
15 seconds really matters a lot
there are hacks for each platform and
you get it by tasting it and you also
get it by learning you can learn all of
this stuff you can model success you can
watch tons of videos of experts talking
about these things so understanding that
last 20% really matters what you have
done if this is where people fall down
this is where people make so much
mistakes and getting attention you’re
only focused on the hacks and then you
lose because your content is not good
enough 80% of your success will be in
the content still and then 20% in the
hacks if your contents not very good the
right Instagram hashtag is not going to
save you if your YouTube video isn’t
very good the right thumbnail isn’t
going to save you
always default first to my content sucks
I need to get it better now sucks and
relative terms
it sucks impaired to where you want it
to be that’s how it sucks but it still
might be really good for the people who
are serving you just wanted to get
better you want to keep getting better
every single time so step 6 is
understanding the hacks of each platform
diving deep into each one learning from
experts and playing around with it to be
on that platform so if I look at YouTube
as an example for me it took me 10 years
to get the 1.7 million scribers on
Instagram I went from six thousand a
hundred thousand in a year really only
spending half of that year go pushing in
hardcore because I understand how to
make the content I understand how to get
attention with great content what I had
to understand was the hacks of each
platform right I had to understand what
a one-minute Instagram video would look
like I’d have to understand what a
picture looks like versus the videos I’m
used to I have to understand how to do a
15 second story on Instagram and use the
right hashtags to bring people in those
are the hacks but I understand how to
get attention and so it’s so much easier
to grow to the next platform and the
next platform and the next platform
because 80
or cinnamon is exactly the same and then
step number seven is love the algorithm
updates whenever there’s an algorithm
update it’s crazy how many people
complain so many people complain like Oh
YouTube change their algorithm
instagrams changing our algorithm
whenever I see that I’m so happy I’m so
pumped this is your chance to win if
YouTube updates an algorithm this is
your chance to win because all the
people were ahead of you who are
complaining aren’t going to do the work
to figure out the new algorithm because
they wanted to go back to what it was
before and check out how many times any
of the major social media platforms have
ever reversed an algorithm update almost
never and so while those people are
complaining and they’re upset that they
lost all this attention it’s not going
back to the way it used to be so let
them sit there and complain while you’re
over on this side crushing it anytime
there’s an algorithm update love it
learn to enjoy it go dive deep on all
the new things are important to that
update and then apply it so you can
quickly pass all those people who are
complaining who are ahead of you so
that’s my seven step process to be able
to get attention on any single social
media platform I’ve got a really special
bonus clip coming up that I think you’re
gonna enjoy but before that question of
the day I want to know where are you
committed to getting attention for your
business let me know put it down in the
comments below
money follows attention money follows
attention how much attention can you
guys get okay most of you can’t get
attention because your mom and daddy
said don’t get too much attention don’t
get too much attention be seen and not
fly under the radar because if you get
too much attention they’re gonna shoot
you down right how many heard this
before to the radar man
stay low man don’t let anybody see you
make your moves don’t make moves man
don’t make moves and then everybody
wonders why can’t I get above because
you don’t get attention
strangers have everything you want
everything you want a stranger has it it
will be strangers
we’ll grow your business it will be
strangers that put your kids through
schools it will be strangers that make
your dreams a reality
strangers have everything you want but
you were taught not to talk to them
let’s say you opened a bar a barber shop
you want to sell t-shirts like the one
big advantage you guys have look I have
a huge company my company’s gonna do 200
million dollars in revenue I just flew
from Kraft we have Budweiser we have the
biggest brands in world chase they still
don’t get it I’m sitting the meetings
every day and they’re not pouring enough
money into social media that’s your
advantage they’re still pouring it into
commercials and print and things of that
nature so you know where the attention
is and so social matters but humans and
relationships are just honestly my man I
said it like I can’t explain to you
enough how much I want you to meet every
person look some of you are introverts
if you’re an extrovert and you’re social
you need to go all-in on the fact that
you got blessed with that DNA that you
love people and you love saying hello
and you’ve got the leverage of doing
what you’re doing now some of you are
introverts right and that’s hard but
like I’m gonna keep pushing too because
the leverage just absurd hi this is Dan
Locke if you’re a fan of Evans work if
you want to know exactly how the model
my success I want to invite you to join
me for a special online training all you
have to do is click on a link below you
can join me for absolutely no charge so
click a link below and I will see you in
class and if you want more Dane Locke
check out the top 15 rules for success
video I made on to him the link is right
there next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there how money is not that important
money doesn’t buy happiness oh my
goodness let me think let me think you’re broke
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