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WATCH THIS WHEN YOU’VE LOST YOUR MOTIVATION – End Laziness | Best Motivational Video 2017

We have the habit of getting comfort in our routines and patterns, translating (Riffa tai rafaa tai)
And then it becomes difficult to get out of it.
There must be those days you pay by.
They will probably become more numerous than the days you are not.
I think this is something to keep in mind as well.
Try to imagine your life when you make this easy option next time.
What would you do?
Is that going to keep you away from your dreams?
Will you regret it later?
As you know, a lot of opportunities appear only once in life.
I missed taking an easy choice.
They may have gone forever.
You can dream of the kind of life you want.
You can dream of the kind of change you want.
You can dream of the kind of future you want.
But until you wake up and start planning to get there,
It would be just a dream.
If you do not get up and actually do something, do anything …
Those positive feelings have never had the opportunity to follow those actions.
You just have to be stuck in a hole, lose the lazy motivation for as long as you choose to be.
Thus, the benefit of discipline in my eyes is always that through discipline I accomplish things.
Tell us you are about to start working on it.
Tell us you’re going to start a business.
Your job figure 1 is to become more of yourself.
Sometimes, a large part of the success is not lazy.
And just do it.
It’s like 90% of it is just show up.
Get there and start working.
Like, you do not feel perfect gonna work every day.
Man, I see a lot of people talk about the hustle, hard work, determination, grinding, work ethic.
Ultimately, when we look at the body of people, the men and women who worked with them all over the world,
In the end it’s effortless!
Did not have enough time?
Or am I lazy?
The liquid comes in two different flavors.
Lazy comes in two distinct flavors.
Lazy comes in one flavor – that means it does not work.
And you might be saying: Hey, I’m constantly working! I am constantly learning!
This stab is easy.
But the second flavor of the lazy do not do what it should be.
This means steadfast to do what you know is necessary but difficult to do.
The only thing that discipline certainly does not help you with is that it helps you get things done.
When things are done, when you actually do things, you have more success.
Discipline yourself to focus on the job until it is finished giving you a sense of confidence, competence and mastery.
What makes you comfortable can ruin you.
While what makes you uncomfortable is the only way to grow.
What is your uncomfortable area?
think about it!
What are some of the uncomfortable areas you have?
It can be a small thing to something as big as changing your career.
There are people out there who are not happy in their work.
But see it all the time.
You can walk into a shop, restaurant or business, and that person has just a look down at him.
If you were not happy then why would you do that?
We got one shot on this life trip.
One, once we get to go this journey of life.
It’s not a race.
There is no finish line.
It was possible to change the function.
Take that step.
It can be a transition to a different country, to a different country.
Marriage can be.
It was possible to change relations.
We stay in these things because we are very uncomfortable to take that opportunity.
And why?
It’s on fear!
fear of failure!
I would like to know when I was at that moment failure,
And you have to continue,
What do you say to yourself?
What if?
There are a lot of times I’ll be in my running tours or something like that, and I’ve raised everything.
Is broken body, broken mind, is broken spirit.
I start to say: Can I pull this out?
When I first walked into the SEAL Marine Employment Bureau, he looked at me and said:
You know that only 35 African Americans in 70 years have made it through?
You know what I said to myself?
What if I can be 36?
It’s “what if” I pull off a miracle.
What if I could become a person that no one would think I could have?
I just talk about it (I have hair growing on my arms), and the reason makes me just like:
“What if I could be this guy that people who call this nigger and that … Now, I’m talking at Tom Ferris happened …”
Some of you have not been successful today because you do not have a routine.
And why is routine very important?
Your routine will show you your gaps.
But when you tell you to get this goal, get this dream and I just tell you for its leadership, leadership and leadership …
What I was talking about was consistency.
If you have to go to the gym, right?
Like exercise, right?
If you go to the gym and you work out, and you come back and you look in the mirror you will see something.
If you go to the gym the next day and you come back and you look in the mirror you will see something.
So it is clear that there are no results.
Can not be measured.
Should not be effective.
So we quit smoking.
Or, if you basically believe this is the right path to work and stick with it,
You screw it up, you can eat a chocolate cake one day,
You can skip a day or two.
You know, it allows it.
But if you stick with it down, I’m not exactly sure what day, but I know you’ll start getting into shape.
Write down what you want to fix about your life.
Then if you are 30 pounds overweight, you want to lose 30 pounds?
I do it the right way!
Start eating vegetables and calorie control, write down what you eat, exercise every day.
Compel yourself to do so.
Say you’re the general.
The brain is general, the forces are the body.
If the troops do not want to listen go: F ** K you! Listen!
You can get up and you can do it.
I know seeking discomfort seems strange.
Many people do not.
But you have to learn to accept it.
Because it is the only environment in which sustainable or exponential growth can occur.
do not wait!
There is nothing, what are you waiting for?
There is nothing to wait on.
Guidance work.
The way to make change is to take immediate and extensive action.
My question to you is: How do you evaluate your effort so far this year?
Your mind is not the problem.
It’s discipline.
She’s ready to show up every day and work for something.
Are you still here.
And get another chance.
As Mark Twain said:
There is something I want you all guys to really embody and really think about.
Actually put into the core of your own existence.
This NO.1 step to accomplish all that you want is actually starting to do.
and I understand.
I know the thing that holds you back.
I know the thing that paralyzes people completely.
She does not think you have what it takes to get out and be good.
Instead of facing those difficult, brutal process of growth and getting better and quite frankly face your shortcomings,
It’s easier to just sit down.
But as John Wooden said:
There is something right now that you are able to.
There is an innate skill inside of you that spark your.
That is the starting point.
It is so thing that while you may not be the best in the world at it, it’s a flame that you can fan.
It’s something you can live in and really begin to get good.
But first, we must understand the nature of progress.
Stephen Covey said:
And it’s those decisions that will allow you to build this set of skills.
So do not worry where you can start it.
Do not worry about what you already have.
Remember, it’s your decisions.
It’s going that way.
That is the decision to start.
It is the decision to face a potential failure.
It’s a decision to get up once you do not.
And it’s a decision to learn when they fail.
Did you know that you are not good enough?
Did you know that you should not have tried?
Or did you learn a lesson of failure and get up?
Brush yourself.
And remember that at the end of the day you’re going to go as far as you’re willing to fight for.
That’s it.
If you are ready to fight so go all the way, then you will go that far.
You will set a new bar.
People will be introduced to what is possible.
You can become a beacon that hope.
You can become this thing that others perceive as a standard.
At the end of the day, they started with you starting work.
I started with you showing up.
I started with you pushing and trying.
So get out there.
Do not worry about what you have and what you are.
Focus on who you want to become and the price you want to pay to get there. Translation (رفاء الطائي rafaa tai)
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