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Hurricane Harvey & Irma: How Fear Sharpens Listening

everybody Great Depression you know when
Disney was founded Great Depression you
know how many of these big companies you
and I followed today were founded in the
Great Depression go read about it it’s a
long list you know why because when
everybody was afraid somebody brought
hope to other reason skies the Stars up
above cuz this one time for the underdog
one time for the underdog you got the
world on your team so much is happening
here now it might seem peaceful right
now but just minutes ago we had a tall
strong winds lightning thunder and the
rain it’s off and on as hurricane Harvey
makes himself known here the Houston
area it’s worse finally seeing what it’s
going to do to this area many people are
worried about flooding there are
millions of people in this area and
beyond just waiting to see what happens
visit some offices in Houston today
we’re going to visit some homes induced
and then with the money we’re racing
we’re gonna come back and make sure
those families are taking care to the
best of our ability how many days where
you guys out where you couldn’t even be
here you can turn the hair so you’re
still not sleeping here how bad is it on
but you’ve gotta decide this whole suite
took the whole thing out and you’re
saying the smella everybody when you
open a door water my mom called me since
like hey are you guys glad it was you
know like sip some money and I was like
um no I don’t think so and I was like
let me go check I open the door it was
like the water or any language stored in
your bedroom door no right here I came
and open the door in the water was
already here I was like oh my god the
one who was to come in the house would
you you just left so we’re left well
that’s when you know so FEMA hasn’t come
in my husband helped out yet have they
said when they’re coming or done first
we got denied you got denied by goodbye
so who helps you so in a situation like
this a lot of times you wonder what’s
gonna happen so you have this crisis
happen who helps out
insurance who homeowners of who’s
helping out it has to be flood and
really have flood insurance so because
you don’t have flood insurance so
there’s nothing that I know and how much
total damages would you say you guys got
I mean every day we’re looking at some
more damages well we gonna see what we
can do to help you guys out we’re gonna
see what we can do to help you guys that
we’re right now raising money we will
definitely give back and do our part as
a company to help you guys out so you do
your part we’re gonna do our part I
promise you then so this is crazy stuff
you know what’s amazing than when you
hear a story like this it just reminds
you at the end of the day even
governmental organizations don’t have as
much power as people do Wow we do people
have more power than any governmental
organization thing about that they’re
gonna take your time they’re gonna be
slow people can come in and how faster
than a big large organization represent
the government that’s a reminder so
that’s why you called once you call like
so when we make decisions that work
great what do we do we’re willing to
sharpening well whose new partner who’s
the girl who’s everything on you were
rough what should I do refrain you sharp
is visiting all those other ways so you
can choose to be part of one or two
crowds you can be part of the crowd
that’s all afraid that’s running around
with the next lawyer that’s putting fear
around you oh my god should you go with
this attorney said or you can be the guy
or the gal that looks as business it is
insist hey just think this just makes
sense I’m gonna capitalize off the fear
right now and I want to go over and
close all these families locally I don’t
want her to hear about this and then I’m
going to do something about it
no matter what we’re doing right now
everything you hear about is Harvey
Harvey our Facebook Twitter new CNN Fox
MSNBC everybody’s talking about death
toll kid today’s over 60 the videos of
families the stories of 350 alligators
160 billion dollar crisis more than
Katrina and Sammy comet just disastrous
and I decided to fly out here to be
visit some of the families I mean I just
couldn’t believe what I was seeing in
and then I held this meeting here where
a few hundred people showed up just to
bring some hope to them you know and
there’s a big difference between seeing
this on video versus come in and
actually witness
get the smell in these homes the smell
outside the cars what it looks like
after being underwater for you know 24
48 hours it’s a complete different
experience but here’s what it did to me
let me tell what it did to me I asked
everybody how long does it take until
FEMA showed up as the government came
and helped out yet who’s helping you out
has the insurance behave we don’t have
flood insurance we don’t have this
insurance but everybody’s totally
strangers have never met before have
been coming to my house and helping me
up and I will tell you more than
anything else at the end of the day if
there’s anything I can tell you every
time crisis like this happens you can
realize man people truly want to take
care of each other doesn’t matter what
political beliefs we are tonight it
doesn’t matter what sports you like what
religion you are what color you are
everybody’s part of the same team on a
day like this the one thing I can tell
you as I came here and saw a lot of the
families I was so amazed by how many
strangers went out of their way to help
maybe the other part is you hang out
with certain people you shouldn’t be
hanging out with you know you know who
they are
you got certain games that you play
there you shouldn’t be play maybe you
play poker with these guys and they’re
all negative drinking alcohol talking
about their mistresses and you don’t
need to be around that environment you
know they’ve got to drop them maybe you
smoke a lot of weed every week no one
knows that in this room because you
clean it up good when you come in here
well you smoke last night and no one
knows soon we guys are very paranoid
right now I found out I smoke weed my
gosh I’m so Mary took us five years to
make my quit it was it was a you know
but maybe maybe wheat is your deal and
you got to drop it slows down your
thinking and by the way let me be the
first to tell you if you’re doing it six
days a week maybe you go one and then
you cut it I’m realistic enough to not
sit here and talk to you like a pastor
10 you’re going to hell all this I just
improve that’s what I’m telling you you
know you doing coke just drop it you
drink and just drop the alcohol maybe
occasionally you’re doing when you’re
with a crowd or an audience do it ever
that’s what I do now if I’m with a crowd
I’ll have one or two and then that’s it
I’m not I don’t care for it I need this
thing to stay sharp
okay everybody’s got certain habits
slowly improve gradually get better
you’re recreating yourself you you want
to have a new version so people gonna
see the new version I’m gonna say oh my
gosh I’ve never seen this version
what happened to you and anytime there’s
a new version guess what comes a new
life guys thanks for having us
yes it were in Houston and you saw the
message Uslan today we’re in Hollywood
Florida right now and if you turn on the
news today you hear about are coming
with 185 mile an hour winds today we’ll
visit our Hollywood office to come and
speak to them about business before a
lot of these guys get evacuated so let’s
everybody in Florida is afraid right now
everybody great depression
you know when Disney was founded Great
Depression you know how many of these
big companies you and I followed today
were founded in the Great Depression go
read about it it’s a long list you know
why because when everybody was afraid
somebody brought hope to others I know
most people are gonna go back in the
moment they get in their car they’re
gonna turn on CNN by the way please
don’t mistake in my message without
being prepared please do not think I’m
telling you to stay put and not leave
another I’m not telling you that you’re
gonna find out better than next 48 hours
what’s going on anyways we’re gonna get
a better feel on what happened to Cuba
Puerto Rico that’s gonna give us a
rundown the point I’m gonna make to you
when this thing takes place now and
afterwards the people who are always
gonna be able to become the leaders and
the voices as always the people that do
the complete opposite of what fear does [Music]
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