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how do you help people
assistant long enough to form new habits
you have to use intrinsic and extrinsic
motivations so you have to start
everybody off well why is it important
for you to be able to develop these new
beliefs like what will your life be like
if you had them right now what would
your family life be like you have to
give them a benefit that’s greater than
the switch cost right so the switch cost
is something that our brain resists the
only human that likes change is a wet
baby every other human being is
resistant to it because safety first and
homeostasis and energy conservation so
we are biologically wired not to want it
to change so we have to deliberately
coax the brain into motivational reasons
emotional reasons you have to have
intrinsic reason why must you do this
and so you can use pain as a frame as
well as the if you don’t then are you
okay with your life being like this at
this age in five years and 10 years and
20 years and if you’re okay with that
and you’re not a candidate for change
but if you’re committed to letting go of
the old so you can create the new and
you create motivations every day that’s
where the power is remember earlier
progress not perfection so anybody can
do one minute or ten seconds so if you
can start to formulate a habit a daily
habit a weekly habit it doesn’t matter
how long it is if you can create that
space in your brain that on this day at
this time this is what I do and you do
that repeatedly that becomes a habit and
it takes those 66 days or so for a
simple habit that you have to
consciously do to then the habit doing
you and that’s why they say we are all
creatures of habit because habits run
theirs themselves their subconscious
programs just run themselves most people
don’t take the time to become aware what
arm I am
in cabinets one of my disempowering
habits and then the next question is
well how do I release this one and how
do i strengthen this one or create a
whole new one and what we’re looking to
do is build empowering habits that then
run their course I love that all right
one thing I’d be remiss not to ask you
about before we go are the three boards
so vision boards accomplished boards and
the one I don’t know how to graph board
so crack board so vision board for
seeing what you want the accomplished
board for reminding yourself that you’ve
got a lot to that you’ve accomplished so
you feel good and the crap do you
actually put up images of things you’ve
accomplished uh-huh yeah yeah I haven’t
in my closet in my home encased on the
floor like on the floor so that you
don’t look at them so I look at notes I
look at just just because I I sit down
to my shoes I want to look at them
everything interesting on my I have have
this rituals line to something called
brush and Prime so on my bathroom mirror
I have my goals that are on my mirror so
that as I’m brushing my teeth I’m
priming my brain to see my goals in
front of me every morning and every
night I love that all right so that’s
priming your brain which is a whole
other topic we can have and then the
accomplishment boards reminds me
whenever I look at the stuff that I’ve
accomplished ago that wasn’t easy there
were a lot of ups downs highs lows
failures you know times I thought I’d
quit and I didn’t just to remind me to
go through the times that I don’t think
I’m gonna be able to achieve those
things and then the crap board stands
for conflict
resistance accomplishments and
procrastination so what conflicts are
are happening right now that I need to
resolve what resistance is in my way is
it what are my resistance what in front
of me is it resisting right now and then
accomplishment as well as to remind you
that you can get through stuff and then
procrastination is what’s causing me to
procrastinate so if you create a crack
board as well you have that in front of
you and then you can create a game plan
for what am I gonna do about it what am
I gonna do about the confidence what
would you put on a board for conflict is
it a picture Anderson oh it could be a
person that you’re having conflict with
it could be something you’re trying to
figure out that’s conflicting whether
it’s in your company a department
whether you having conflicting thoughts
of should you do it shouldn’t you in
this uncertainty any conflicts that you
are experiencing is gonna create neural
dissonance in your brain is just going
to create chaos in your brain and so if
you take it out of your head and you put
it on a sheet of paper you can look at
it and now you’re one step removed from
what’s happening in your brain and so
the more you can be in coherence it’s
the equivalent of being part of a band
that’s in harmony that every player is
just oh man this just sounds so good
well the more you can be in coherence
the more you’re gonna be in flow and the
more you’re gonna take action the more
chaos there is in the brain neural chaos
whether it’s because of emotions are
lacking something there’s conflict
there’s resistance the more you can get
it out into the in front of you and open
say well what’s causing this the easier
it is for that Einstein brain to say
okay maybe I could do this maybe I can
do that but I can also call a friend
or a mentor or a coach or I can research
it nice total sense
[Music] you
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