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They Don’t Want You To See This! The Video That Will Awaken The World

the world is not random
the world is moving in the direction it
is because it’s been planned to do that
these entities operate in the unseen
overwhelmingly in the Odyssey they want
to control the information that people
receive one of the greatest forms of my
control repetition repetition repetition
it was extremely dangerous to our
democracy this is extremely dangerous to
our democracy this is extremely
dangerous to our democracy this is
extremely dangerous to our democracy
this is extremely dangerous to our
democracy if you want people to have a
certain perception of a world event the
world in general of who we are and the
nature of reality then control what
people receive and then control their
perception once they’ve got your
perceptions they’ve got you Trump is the
equivalent of a Hollywood actor on the
movie screen while we are focusing on
this my new tie of Trump antitrump
left-right all this nonsense that we get
caught in to Silicon Valley is becoming
this global conspiracy that I’m have
been exposing for three decades is
basically the hijacking of human
perception because if there’s a few of
you and compared with the target
population of simplified billions
aminute NL the number of people in full
knowledge of what they’re doing is tiny
hundred thousands thousands maximum at
the core hundreds at the core at the
rule core of the core even less and the
rest of the the structure is fiercely
compartmentalized so people are daily
different parts of this global web
structure playing a part in pushing the
world in the direction I’m talking about
to this centralized world dictatorship
without realizing that’s what they’re
doing it’s a tiny tiny number so it
given given that mathematics you can’t
physically control your target
population it’s not enough of you yes
you can do it through people in uniform
which is manipulating the target
population to police the target
population but you can’t do it or mass
what you need to do is control the
perceptions of the population because
perception is everything
perception dictates what you believe
what you don’t believe what you’ll
challenge what you won’t challenge what
you’ll accept you won’t accept support
everything once they’ve got your
perceptions they’ve got you and they’ve
got your life and they’ve got the
collective perception they have humanity
this is why they want to control the
information that people receive and to
marginalize alternative ways of looking
at the world because we’re the
perceptions come from they come from
information received it might be a
personal experience information or it
might be the ten o’clock news but with
most people it’s going to be the ten
o’clock news but it’s information so if
you want people to have a certain
perception of a world event the world in
general of who we are and the nature of
reality then control what people receive
and then you
control their perception so when I look
at the world I see vast numbers of
people who are perceptually programmed
and when I you know like I break it down
in in the book when you look at a human
it’s basically a perceptual programming
and download from cradle to grave
you know you you come out of the womb
and immediately you’re influenced by
your parents in terms of view
perceptions and they’re not being
malevolent most of the time anyway the
vast majority but they’ve been through
the system you’re about to go through
the process you about to go through they
bought it accepted as normal except to
the crazy place to be sane and therefore
that out of wanting to do right for you
they’ll pass those perceptions on to you
and then this is this is this you know
take a deep breath take a step back look
at it again when you think about it
right you know you come out of the womb
and within four years you’ve only just
got here you’re sitting at a desk with
an authority figure representing the
state’s version of everything in front
of you telling you when you have to be
there when you can leave when you can
speak when you go to the toilet when you
can eat what is what isn’t was possible
what’s not possible and the nature of
everything and this goes on all the way
through your formative years into higher
education if that’s where you go and and
it’s a download of normal a perception
of normal what I call it the postage
stamp consensus it’s a narrow band of
sense of the possible which is basically
being repeated one of the greatest forms
of my controlled repetition repetition
repetition all the way through your
formative years you then go out from
there into the institution’s you become
a journalist you become a politician you
become a doctor you become a scientist
you become a CEO whatever and you take
with you into that those institutions
this core version of normal and when you
go as a young person into those
institutions those institutions are
already pillars solidified
concrete pillars of the same sense of
normal so now you’ve left school but
where you’re working is still confirming
to you that the madhouse is sane and
normal is is how things are a journalist
who’s doing a story on a a medical
condition will not go to a complementary
practitioner who may have had great
success in treating the particular
ailment they’re writing about they’ll go
to a doctor the doctor will give him the
song sheet postage stamp consents this
version of that problem and so normal or
kind of art what we believe about
medicine if capitalism government all
these things are these normals that yep
in program because it’s basically Brian
all people here I call it the mainstream
everything the mainstream media
mainstream science mainstream medicine
mainstream journalism it’s all unknowing
most of them the vast majority agents of
the postage stamp consensus then you add
the fact that the global media now 24/7
is reporting world events constantly
what in all their multiple different
ways from the same postage stamp normal
so you know people like me who left the
postage stamp a long time ago and they
passed over the horizon a long time ago
and we’re crazy not by breaking down
what we’re saying but by reflex action
because that’s not normal that’s not
under postage them then you look at
politics and we’ve got a choice between
left right and center what’s called the
political class that’s very very true
political class but it’s I would call it
something else
it’s the postage stamp consensus
political class because the left in
politics is on is on the left of the
postage stamp the center somewhere in
the center and that the rights on the
right of the postage stamp but they’re
all on the postage stamp still coming
from this perception of normal that is
about you know use another analogy about
the size of a pea with the illusion of
choice exactly then you have peer
pressure because all those people who
the vast majority who have accepted this
download of normal
you know that that with the blinkers on
I have no problem with that if you want
to give your mind away to someone else’s
perceptual program fine the problem
comes when those people think that they
can then dictate ridicule intimidate
those that have a different view because
that’s psychological fascism for me up
to this point they have manipulated
human perception by manipulating the
information people received the plan is
to go beyond that where they are the
perception and what I’m talking about of
course is artificial intelligence which
brings us back to the devil’s playground
Silicon Valley because that is
increasingly the center in the shadows
is where it’s coming from but in terms
of the world that you can see Silicon
Valley is becoming the center of global
control not only is it driving people
are be shocked to see how deep Google o
is just a search engine and face bar is
just a social media platform to see how
deep they are in the transhumanist
agenda of connecting the human brain to
artificial intelligence so that
artificial intelligence becomes the
human mind and that’s not me pulling
this out of the ether I’m quoting there
a Google executive at Ray Kurzweil one
of the one of the global PR men for
Frankenstein if you google exactly I
know he’s a easy Larry universe it’s a
Google exactly and a singularity
University and he has said that by 2030
and that that’s a a date a year that
keeps coming up again and again 2030 the
human brain will be started to be
connected to artificial intelligence I’m
quoting Kurzweil here and then
artificial intelligence will do more and
more of human thinking until there is no
or an artificial intelligence is doing
at all now why are they openly saying
this now because the sales pitch is it
will make us superhuman so and that
great getting the population especially
the young will be the adults then
addicted to technology is all about the
here kitty-kitty-kitty preparing people
to accept this so you’ve got that agenda
at the end of this road of the human
mind as we know it being replaced by
artificial intelligence but out of the
same as ice’ pension a few minutes ago
out of the same devil’s playground
Silicon Valley is coming the Google
Facebook etc algorithmic censorship more
and more of the alternative media using
various excuses because what they do is
this they’ll give you an excuse or we’ve
got to stop jihadis okay okay oh yeah we
stopped jihadis okay okay and then they
widen it a widening but she a DS anymore
it’s people like me it’s and other
people that are questioning the official
narrative and they pull them in so the
alternative media is under tremendous
pressure now and suppression because
it’s it’s challenging the narrative and
that changes perception change perception you changed the world
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