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Star Wars “Light Saber” Mini Triple Jet Lighter by ECIN

here’s a triple jet cigar lighter it’s
by the company e CIN comes in this tin
pretty cool got this tacky spring I’m
not a big fan of it but gives it sort of
gives it some character and on the top
there you got your three jets pretty
turn off this clamp real quick and you
can see a better look that’s what the
flame really looks like extends on this
double of what it looks and works really
well it’s sort of a cheap build for
example you can see the metal here is
sort of like that painted chrome it’s
not really the best quality but I think
this was like $7 so pretty good deal so
pick one up if you want you can find
them on eBay and whatever pretty cool
pyromaniacs dream alright so thanks for
checking out my video man let me know
what you guys think about it thanks for
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