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R3search Fallout INFERNO Baseball Bat – “Lucille” 2.0 – DIY Wasteland / Zombie Weapons

movies and video games provide us with
some extremely memorable moments
involving baseball bats but it’s time
for a new upgrade I decided to create my
own version by infusing it with fire now
do not try anything that you’re about to
see at home it’s very dangerous to mix
and mess with propane gases that are
flammable things like that so just sit
back relax and be entertained however I
would like to know what your favorite
baseball bat from video games or movies
leave a comment below I’m really curious
I use this piece of paper I disconnected
the two dots diagonally and then found
the center point used a hammer and the
center punch to make the holes so we’re
gonna go ahead and drill those out and
we’re gonna see if we can really create
an awesome fireball around this bat
alright so I hopped through this on just
for show to see this thing will actually
all right so it works we die yes all
right so this is the original setup I
used a tap to make some threads and this
old blowtorch tip actually works which
allows me to control the fuel from base
of the bat which is pretty cool if you
look closely you can see there’s a tiny
little orifice that the fuel kind of
creates like a little jet stream and
really increases the velocity and so
that is what creates the blowtorch now
this would be sick to actually put all
throughout the baseball bat on the
little holes that I’ve already drilled
but for right now I can’t really find
these parts so maybe someone in the
audience can actually comment below
where I could buy these then I was
really lucky to find that this portion
of the fuel canister and this adapter
which is for camping stoves fits on the
end of this now this actually has a
pretty decent effect and what’s cool is
that whenever you go to swing the fuel
inverts and a lot of it comes out in
liquid form and so the flames will
actually heighten and this works as is
so I think we’re going to try this and
see what it looks like and then maybe
we’ll go from there
start up a notch
you can see whatever you extend your
feet down or if you were to go to strike
and to make the candy aisle horizontal
the flames become wall bar it’s kind of
cool because you can hit something
and then going the flames fourth you
send your hand out like basically keep
the enemy back then it’s the fling goal
of neither go too high it’s pretty
intimidating and you can see
doesn’t go out and you get a snack
anyway but this is getting really cold
just kind of neat because this is
getting really hot so they kind of
equalize out where this acts kind of
like a heat sink and will transfer the
heat downward but you have it sort of
stabilized you can actually hold it but
we’re eventually gonna cover this with
some paracord now we’re running kind of
low on fuel but yeah that’s pretty cool
all right so the setups not really the
greatest it’s really just for a
proof-of-concept if you remember back
whenever I made the shish kebab I used
this which is basically they’ve got
Swiffer vacuum and I added this adapter
which I 3d printed for the fuel now this
is really nice because there’s actually
a little valve there so I need some sort
of check valve to be able to raise and
lower the fuel I have a flaming weapon
here what happens if I want to drop it
and it’s attached and I need a
quick-release attachment here which is
really nice because I can just turn on
the valve on and off and if I want to
pop this thing out it’s pretty quick and
easy now the problem that I ran into and
I’m working with Dave is creating this
little plate which we were originally
going to solve on the bottom of this
thing and I just don’t think that it’s
going to work because we don’t have the
right gas and soldering aluminum is a
little bit challenging alright so here’s
the problem trying to adapt this here
which is
I think a quarter-inch threading to the
actual baseball bat right and drop it on
the table so once I remove this I have a
huge hole that I have to basically throw
up and I have to create some sort of
adapter so you can do something with
that yeah yeah like they said so why
don’t we just take a piece of aluminum
turn it down in the lathe we can tap the
inside to the right threads for this and
then we can tap the outside using a die
to the correct threads that will fit the
all right it’s the only two really okay
let’s go forward that’s like standing in
it’s really cold like it’s vapor
literally frozen like if you lick that
your tongue and grip off and see the not
so safe but it works so we’re gonna have
to wrap the handle with some insulator
maybe some paracord plastic electrical
tape maybe we’re an oven mitt
that’s ridiculous yeah our friend here
Joakim maker J made a combustion engine
basically with like spare parts and jb
weld don’t you make a piston out of just
jb weld yep and it worked great the
future of mankind so you want to clean
the parts with alcohol so that there’s
no oil on them because oil will cause
them to not stick very good take you
down they’re going to need yep figure
the gob the better the job that’s one of
the thigh
all right so this project is getting me
really pumped I just got this to work
outside so we’re good we have the seal
on the bat with the jb weld nice and
tight now I also have an adapter which
can run to propane and it has a
regulator now this has a splitter so can
I actually bring it to different
portions I guess you could have two
different weapons this is gonna be
awesome because then it will allow me to
dual wield different weapons so what I’m
thinking about is having a melee weapon
in my right hand and then just turning
my left hand into like a Bioshock style
flamethrower and I know that I can do
that because I’ve created some different
spark gaps for my other stun gun gadgets
so I’ll leave a playlist for you to
check that out now this will allow me to
create more gadgets so leave a comment
below I’d love to hear the different
dual wielding setups that you think
would be a cool idea
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