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High Security Stash Safe

here’s a real quick video on how to make
a shaving cream secret safe
for this project you’ll need a large can
of shaving cream a travel-size small can
of shaving cream
magnets hot glue and hot glue gun a
dremel tool a saw or safety can opener
the first step in this project is
removing the bottom and top of your
shaving cream can you’ll do this using
your dremel tool saw or safety can
then at the top you’ll do the same and
you’ll just be removing the ring which
holds on the nozzle to your shaving
cream then what you’ll do you’ll take
your travel size small shaving cream can
push it through the top of the larger
shaving cream can and then you’ll just
hot glue everything and anchor
everything in place and then the nozzle
will just pop right back on the smaller
shaving cream can because they all have
the same type of top nozzle then what
you’ll do is you’ll hot glue in three
magnets and then that allow you to just
kind of pop on the bottom of it
so there you go shaving cream secret
safe I know this video may not be the
most original but I think what I do have
is the first to use a smaller can of
shaving cream inside and the reason I’ve
done this because it adds an extra level
of security when someone who’s just
looking for at a normal can of shaving
cream that’s going through your cabinet
and they’re not gonna accidentally throw
away your belongings because they’re
gonna think this is the real deal
because it still has shaving cream that
comes out so that’s an extra level of
keep your belonging this money whatever
jewelry even safer
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