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Apocalypse Sling Bow and Whisker Biscuit

here’s my homemade whisker biscuit and
modified slingshot to shoot arrows
whisker biscuit is just a way to hold
your arrow and it doesn’t obstruct it
whenever it’s released because the
fletching is able to pass through the
bristles this is just a toothbrush just
three of them positioned like so and
then one-inch PVC and then I use these
velcro straps to hold it in place and
two zip ties just as a lock so to remove
it you would turn that in pull it down
and then to keep it in place you just
push that up and have that little tab
out so it’s real simple easy to remove
and I also upgraded the banding to
thera-band blue which is just like
exercise tubing for resistance training
and just touch that the same way you
would any other band and then you zip
ties to hold it in place on the pouch
and then also to hold the arrow and the
the nock I mean you have this little
cable just basically like a polyester
fiber rope so real simple
so I’ll show you how it shoots
and I’m going to be shooting at that box
in the back
oops there we go so just to load it take
the fletching and you put it right here
and sorry the the nock and you put it on
the little rope and then you just grab
the whole entire pouch itself it stays
on and then you just put this right into
the whisker biscuit those run around $40
retail so you’re saving some money just
by making it out of stuff you can find
in your house basically you just pull
back and it keeps it in place and you
just take aim
pretty works pretty well I’m trying to
be careful with these areas because I’ve
already bent a few of them so I don’t
want to draw too far back with this but
I’ll show you so if you can see just
pull back
and one more
real simple so you could use this in
survival situations if you don’t have
your bow with you keep something like
this in your glove compartment in your
car in case you again there’s emergency
situation I don’t know just real simple
doesn’t take up much space
oh I keep it in the fletching there I
mean the nock
all right
you might want to add four toothbrushes
but this is what I had oh well is a good
one so I will bring it up just to show
you guys they all went in pretty well
this is just a regular box and then it
went through both sides so looks pretty
well if you have a quick release for
your bow would probably work better you
can get a better draw but it works it’s
cheap and you can make it out of
anything basically out of your house so
thanks for watching and don’t forget to
subscribe have a good one
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