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You Are Worthy—Find Your Greatness…Activate Your Power Now! (Live Free)

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again the Sun out beautiful holiday
season got the wind blowing find your
greatness activating your power and for
me connecting with like minds I’m just
realizing how so many people right now
on the planet are working for themselves
they are building their own enterprise
they’re actually realizing that they
don’t just have to work a nine-to-five
they can actually manifest whatever they
want they’re creating their own
abundance and wealth through knowing
their own power knowing their own gift
and that’s how it is for me on right now
on the planet I’m just realizing people
are feeling the shift people are feeling
the change and there’s just so much
information around but at the same time
the greatest information you can learn
is by going within the journey with him
and for me along this whole journey
through finding your own greatness you
really have to have the confidence
within your own self that comes through
essentially not being afraid to realize
that we are powerful beyond measure and
there’s just so many distractions you
walk down the road and you have these
big billboard posters poking in your
face by this by that and I’m just
realizing when you actually realize that
all of these distractions are
essentially trying to take you out of
your own element and that just shows you
how valuable human beings we are because
everybody wants your attention you’re in
your house and then someone posts a
leaflet through your door because
everybody is after you people want your
soul they want your essence so to
realize that yes our abundance and our
wealth is through our
selves we are the currency that’s why
they call money currency we are the
energy we’re working for and it’s
beautiful to see a lot of people who are
activating their power and even on my
journey I’ve only been able to activate
my power by realizing that I’m worthy by
giving ourselves value not allowing
other people to give us value to letting
go of what people think of us to letting
go of expectation society’s expectations
to almost realize that the image you see
on the television tells lies your vision
it’s not real
you are real and the people that you
share your life with is what matters the
most it’s not just working in a dead-end
job for 60 years and then retiring and
then dropping dead no we have to live
right now it’s now or never and I always
have this saying with my beloved it’s
now or never or it’s divine timing you
know you need a balance of both but when
we talk of masters of our own destiny
it’s not about just listening to what
your parents or what your colleagues
have to say about what you should be
doing with your life it’s what you feel
in your heart and that’s how it is so
many of us we have given over our souls
to other people and therefore they’re
making the decisions based on us and
that’s what I didn’t want to do and
that’s what I’m not doing I’m realizing
that in essence define your greatness
that debate your power you have to use
concentrated focus you have to be in
your element and for me the key to it a
lot of people are saying why how come
you make so many videos and for me I
realize that my recipe is consistent
see all of these videos are making it’s
almost like a video diary is part of my
own journey and I recommend anyone to do
it because you actually grow within the
process but what I’ve learned is that
you have to be consistent no matter what
you do that’s the secret to everything
in life is consistency is essentially
getting off your high horse and to
activate your power you have for me I’ve
just realized that you have to let go of
all authority and realize nature is the
only authority we have to get back into
nature we have to realize that we’ve
been lied to and it’s a hard pill to
swallow the truth hurts but at the same
time the truth will become your best
friend when you allow into your domain
you’re politicians and have lied to your
teachers have lights you and then you
realize who is working for my own
interests how many friends do you have
okay well on Facebook you’ve got 3,000
friends really how many of them will be
around when things go crazy and for me
I’ve just realized that the true people
in your in your surroundings who you
resonate with you have to give them
attention and for me that’s what we
that’s the true wealth that is the
wealth and abundance a lot of people say
okay I want to work I want to make a lot
of money but at the same time I’ve
realized the greatest wealth that I’ve
had on my journey is connecting with
beautiful minds of course money will
come whenever you do something that you
love the passion has to be there first
and that’s how it is they always say
rich people wealthy people don’t work
they supervise and that’s the big thing
whenever you do something which you love
you’ll always generate currency because
currency is energy energy is money
whenever you enjoy to do what
you love that work generates energy
which is currency which is money and yes
money is a man-made concept but until
humanity can elevate we will still have
to use it and that’s how it works
whenever you’re doing something which
you’re not resonating with it will drain
your energy and that’s why a lot of
people they work so much but they’re
always broke because they’re not doing
what they love and it’s beautiful to see
so many people on the planet right now
generating currency by doing what they
love and that is the passion you need
passion but at the same time this is it
right now on the planet people are not
accepting the fables and the stories
anymore people are ready for change and
people are essentially just letting go
of the heavy energy is around them
they’re essentially becoming lighter and
for me that’s the road into finding your
own greatness you have to have give
to realize every day is a new stop and
that’s what I’ve been doing because
every day is a process but essentially
you just come to realize that you unlock
your true potential through your
imagination and that’s why imagination
is superior to knowledge because within
imagination you can actually visualize
where you want to be and you will end up
there and for me the whole finding your
hope your greatness activating your
power using concentrated focus which is
on my journey has proved so helpful
because it’s realizing that as human
being you are you have unlimited
potential so therefore we don’t even
know what a human being can actually do
how much of our brain we’ll be using and
for me every time I realize that many of
us were so primitive on the planet and
therefore I realize that no matter even
how hard by strive I realize I’m still
no nowhere near my greatness and for me
that is inspiring that helps me elevate
to great heights but also finding my
greatness my journey I’ve just looked at
the foods are meeting connecting back to
nature through the foods because food is
information and I heal myself through
foods but also in the right environment
and also not allowing other people to
define who you are giving you up
yourself your own unique definition not
being stuck on what people tell you what
not even being stuck on what you tell
you yourself you are and that’s how it
is it’s just liberating and freeing just
to see how I just see everything
changing how people are
changing their whole relationship to
earth mother nature
and for me that’s how I see it we all
have to continue to find our greatness
because that’s where our power lies and
as we evolved on the planet more and
more we’re gonna look back at this time
and say how primitive we were what a
nightmare we were living in but at the
same time we just the growth we’re just
taking place is phenomenal on the planet
I’m just seeing it more and more even
when I step outside how many people are
awakening to a higher truth a greater
reality that this is not all there is
there is more we’re living in a moldy
dimensional reality of infinite
possibilities and we all have to
essentially be worthy of that for the
next level I’m realizing ok a lot of us
we don’t feel worthy and for me I’ve
just let that all go because I’m worthy
to live in abundance and for me that’s
what we call creating wealth and
abundance you first have to be worthy to
realize that you came to this dimension
to have the most unique the most
fulfilling the most profound experience
possible and it’s lovely with the Sun on
my face I just want to fall asleep rest
and just be thankful because a lot of us
we’re not really thankful for all these
wonderful things that happen within our
life but for me I’m just realizing when
we talk of activating your own power you
have to be thankful you have to don’t
take anything for granted and that’s
what I’m doing more and more I’m
realizing that every moment is an
opportunity moreso
I’m just seeing how we have to be part
of the change a lot of people are saying
what can I do to speed up the global
awakening well we can all do a lot we
can create the ripple effect which is
needed to create the waves in the ocean
just one stone dropped into the ocean is
all you need and and that’s how it is a
lot of us can start by speaking our
minds not being afraid hiding behind the
closed doors we have to start coming up
and talking people show your face don’t
hide behind your avatar but it’s
beautiful I’m just realizing how I’m
grateful and finding your greatness
continues the awakening continues this
is only the beginning infinite waters
the Sun makes you feel sleepy it makes
you feel beautiful it makes you feel
expansive diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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