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OSHO: Meditation Is a Very Simple Phenomenon

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Osho: meditation phenomenon is very simple
When you are not doing anything at all –
Physically, intellectually,
At any level –
When all the activities have stopped
Simply “be”,
Just be “,”
So what is meditation.
You can not do, you can not exercise it;
You just have to understand you.
Whenever you find time
to be
And that all actions fall –
Thinking is also doing,
Focus is also done,
The study is also done –
In the event, even for a moment, you’re not doing something
And you are just on Mahurk (your position),
Completely relaxed,
That is meditation.
And that once you get the talent of meditation
You can stay in that case as long as you want.
You can stay in that case,
Twenty-four hours.
What the time become aware of the road,
How can the object
It is disoriented,
Then slowly you can start by things –
While staying alert that the object does not move.
This is the second part of meditation.
First, learning how just to be
And then learning
Small acts:
floor cleaning,
Taking a shower,
But keep
Focusing on yourself Mahurk.
Then you can do things complicated.
At the level of example, I speak with you
But contemplative is confused.
I continue to speak,
But the pivotal (central) self
There is not even a ripple.
It’s just silence,
Complete silence.
So meditation is not against the act,
it’s not
You you escape from life
It simply teaches you a new way of life,
Where it becomes the center of the whirlwind.
Continue your life,
It really lasts more intensely –
With more joy,
With more clarity,
Best insight, creativity more –
on top of that
You are aloof,
Just scenes on the hills
You see all that gets around you.
You are not the actor,
You are the viewer.
This is the full secret of meditation
So that you become a viewer.
It continues to act on your level,
There is no problem …
Chopping wood,
The withdrawal of water from the well.
You can do all the small and big stuff.
Only one thing is not allowed
Which is: Stay Mahurk
You must not miss it.
That awareness,
Those seen
you must stay
Net absolute,
It is confused.
Meditation phenomenon is very simple.
For more information, visit the site:
Source: ‘From Misery to Enlightenment # 2’ Copyright © World Osho Foundation, Switzerland. OSHO ® is a registered trademark TM
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