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10 Decisions Founders Have to Make

today I want to talk to the seals and
founders out there bottle you’re gonna
have to make a lot of different
decisions in your career as a founder
and an entrepreneur but today I want to
talk to you about the top 10 decisions
you’ll have to make as a founder so
before I get into today’s message I want
to talk to all the people that keep
sending messages saying Pat when are we
doing the first value Tama live
conference is it still on we cross the
million subs I was in London just a few
days ago a hundred people showed up to
the meetup that was a number one
question why don’t we doing the
three-day live value teleconference we
haven’t forgotten about it stay tuned we
got some big announcements coming soon
so having said that let me get right
into the message number one thing a
founder needs to think about a decision
you got to make is do I partner with
somebody or do I go solo by the way
there is no right answer here there’s it
just there just isn’t a right answer let
me spend what I mean by this there are
certain people that probably shouldn’t
marry somebody like your own personality
a lot of times when these partnerships
don’t work they don’t work because
people team up with somebody very
similar to themselves and that’s just it
just doesn’t work out and there’s a lot
of times people go solar all by
themselves thinking they can do it all
and they can’t do it by themselves they
need someone with them it’s almost you
know the probably the best analogy to
give you is the following
some people can win and be the lead guy
like if Jordan needs a couple role
players to go win but a pip lling can’t
win on his own he needed to have
somebody else be in number one you have
to kind of realize are you a number one
person two three four five what role do
you best play in position yourself there
matter of fact I did a video on this so
you should go watch because I get into a
little bit more detail it’s called how
to choose your business partner the link
is right here the thumbnail is right
here I’m gonna put the link below for
you to watch if this is a decision you
are currently going through go watch
this video it’s for you okay so the
second decision you’ll have to make is
startup capital do use your own money or
do you go raise it look you know for me
I decided to go make my own money have
my own money build the business of
validate Who I am in a marketplace then
go raise money and not give a lot of
equity instead give the equity to the
people that are internal
within the company that’s the route I
took but that’s one of many there’s a
lot of people that go raise the money
and build an incredible business there’s
a lot of people that go don’t go raise
money and they do their own money and
they do very well the biggest thing I’ll
tell you every time you hear these
stories of but what did Mark Zuckerberg
do he started a business and his friend
Edward $18,000 and that’s how they build
it and what if we build it that way but
but on the other side these guys raise
it in Silicon Valley they raise six
million dollars and what if I go that
route there isn’t a one story that fits
for everybody here but if you are in a
position right now where you’re looking
to raise money I have a video titled how
to raise money as an entrepreneur
this is the thumbnail again the link
will be below for you to go watch number
three customer this is important because
you have to get very clear on who your
customers if you watch value tainment
you know I’ve done videos so many times
and I talked about this but as a founder
every time I hear solid it says I want
everybody to be my customer that’s fine
the more niche and specific you are at
the beginning the better you’re gonna do
Jeff Bezos and Amazon people say well
Pat look what Amazon does they sell
everything to everybody but he started
off niche with books then it’s spread
well what about Walmart you know Walmart
sells so many different products yes but
the product is built for middle America
Walmart is for middle America they got
very crystal clear on who their product
is McDonald before they messed up and
they change their identity they
understood their product was for kids
happy meal Ronald McDonald in 2008 or so
McDonald’s decided to start selling
salads because they were not getting
enough single woman going there it was
the first year where their stock didn’t
do that well and the profit margin
wasn’t the same why because they forgot
what their customer was right as the
founder you need to figure out exactly
who your customers have a video on that
called what’s more important size or
position this is the thumbnail link will
be below if this is a topic you’re
thinking about go watch a video number
for technology I have to be here but
it’s really two choices you got one is
cheap and you either go do somebody that
doesn’t really know what they’re doing
you build it cheap or your white label
and you go somebody that already has a
platform you go borrow their technology
or number two is you go spend some money
and build a real technology and you keep
it now many will watch this and they’ll
say well Pat
what if I start sheep and what if I
white-label and then I go use something
that’s totally fine a lot of people do
that we did that at the beginning but I
will tell you a couple challenges you
will face with that if you all of a
sudden start growing very fast and that
technology company is not ready for you
you have a very big problem let me
explain to what’s going on right now at
the home office while I’m shooting this
video with you we have people here from
all across the country that we flew in
we have people here that are engineers
probably 2030 engineers in our
conference room right now which stop
written all over the board maybe we’ll
give you a little sneak peek of what
that room looks like right now and you
know what we’re doing we invested into a
multi Multi multi seven-figure budget
technology of what we’re building
internally because we’re bringing four
different platforms together under one
and we’re gonna own that technology and
it’s an insane technology that we’re
owning why because we’re at a crossroad
we either have to make a decision that
if we’re gonna go out and have a half a
million licensed agents we need to have
our own technology internal to be able
to scale it or if we’re just gonna say
well this is just a bill to sell it just
go up and sell it and who cares about
this this has never been the vision of
course one day this is going to become a
reality but the vision is to build the
largest financial marketing organization
we have to figure out technology has to
be internal with everything that we want
because everybody else they used to be
able to handle us at 100 policies a
month they can’t handle us at four or
five six downs on policies a month we
need our own so you got to make that
decision at what phase you want to
adjust and it’s all about timing because
if you’re too late you’re gonna take a
big hit number five location I’ve never
done a video on this I’m tempted to do
video on it’s not a very exciting video
that people gonna say oh my gosh this is
so great but for the startup founder
that is thinking about location it’s
very important for you to know the
location of where you build your
headquarters I was originally in LA
County and one day why have my
headquarters in LA County was in
Woodland Hills one day somebody came in
knocked on the door and I said hey we
heard you’re growing how did you hear
were grown well you’re all over social
media people are saying you’re growing I
said so what’s your point here’s the
bill what’s the bill
LA County requires you to pay taxes to
the county so I said is this a real bill
yes it is so I call my CPS SC
we have to pay for this he says here’s
how this works if they found that you’re
growing and they come to you and they
give it to you you have to pay for it if
they don’t come to you you don’t have to
pay I say you mean to tell me after yes
there’s 11 counties apparently in text
in California you don’t have to pay the
additional county tax so the tax we had
to pay was like eighty one hundred
thousand dollars I said what do you mean
have to pay eighty hundred thousand and
she have to pay for it I said give me
the counties they give me the counties
and then I found that because of
Hollywood Burbank studios in Glendale
Road along many many years ago that they
don’t have the county tax to pay and it
was Santa Monica Victorville and a
couple other pockets that it was eleven
of them that we had so we moved from
Woodland Hills to Glenda for that area
and if I’m Glenda we moved away to Texas
for many different reasons you have to
think about locations you have to think
about your small business you know and
it’s just a shop traffic right you know
Sam Walton picked his first stores that
he built not on top metropolitan cities
always 20 30 40 miles out of
metropolitan cities in smaller cities
not LA more Fresno not you know it was
always that because that was his
decision of location McDonald’s always
chose location based on freeways whereas
freeways that worse traffic if you look
at Starbucks likes to have their
location in places where other traffic
comes to them so they’re not the sole
reason they’ll be around other people
and people come to them it’s location
right a lot of different things you have
to be thinking about but this is a
multi-dimensional type of a decision I
may get into another video but that’s
location I’ll have to think about number
six competitors how are you gonna
differentiate yourself we’re gonna be in
the marketplace who’s gonna be direct
competitors of yours and who thinks you
that you’re their competitor but you’re
gonna have to complete it for market how
was it gonna be different for you have
to think about that like right now if
you’re a founder you’re CEO of to sit
and say who are my direct competitors
and I know sometimes CEOs and founders
don’t like to say somebody’s their
competitor because they can’t stand that
competitor you have to be very clear on
who your competitors are and what they
have an edge over you and what they
don’t you need to know that this isn’t
something you can just look away and say
positive thinking I don’t want to be
thinking about that that’s not how
capitalism works in a market place if
you don’t think about your competitors
and what areas they have an edge or
were you all of a sudden they’re gonna
take that market share away from you or
if you’re a threat and you don’t look at
them they may put you out of business so
you have to know exactly how you gonna
differentiate yourself number seven
culture what kind of a culture are you
going to build look our culture in our
sales offices is very sale it’s very
competitive you know it’s it’s like a
ESPN SportsCenter
you know everybody’s trying to break
records it’s a very very competitive
type of an environment right home office
is very collaborative it may be very
different now at higher levels the
senior vice presidents or Chairman’s
councils they may collaborate more but
it’s different with sales versus support
versus home office versus different
departments and that culture comes from
you right what kind of an environment is
it a fun environment is it a serious
environment and some of you may say vote
me in fun or serious a law firm is gonna
be more serious right than a marketing
agency so how is that it’s gonna be part
of your culture by the way part of your
personality that would bleed into the
culture but you have to ask yourself I
would like us to be kind of like X Y Z
minus this Plus this element that I want
to add myself I’m not gonna get too
detailed into it I did do a video on it
called 24 ways to build great company
culture here’s a thumbnail if you want
to find out about company culture go
watch the video below number eight
compensation plan people call me they’ll
pay me fifteen hundred thousand dollars
and they’ll say Pat can you help us
clear up our compensation plan no
problem I’ve spent a few hours with them
and we’ll do that I’m not getting into
comp plan a lot but I’ll give you a
couple things for you to be thinking
about minimum wage we gonna what are you
gonna pay for you minimal wage people
that come to you whatever part of the
world you’re in your staff what are you
gonna pay them your execs how are you
gonna pay them how are you gonna keep
them it’s gonna be profit sharing bonus
equity what are you gonna be doing
number four sales how did you complan
gonna be with sales I was in UK a guy
told me I run a you know I sell glasses
to women and all this other real nice
guy twenty half years they took their
business from zero to three million
dollars here and I said buy my sales
guys are so lazy and my sales guys are
not doing anything I said tell me about
your comp plan he said I pay my sales
guys thirty thousand dollars a year I
said what do you payment Commission’s
every month I pay him commission bonus
once a year I said let me get this
straight you pay them Commission once
you’re yes
what do you mean once a year that’s how
I paid how do you want me to be
motivated work
for you if I’m working for you as an
employee I don’t even know if I’m gonna
be around with you for you what do you
mean you’re gonna pay me the bonus by
the end of the year it’s like yeah but
but that’s how I do it that’s how it is
in London I said that’s not how this
would anything everybody is motivated to
get what they want now the sooner you
bonus me and so I went through a
structure on this if it was raining it
was pouring and we were able to talk a
little bit but your comp plan will
dictate the level of urgency and the
kind of salespeople you attract it’ll
also dictate the kind of executives you
attract now I want to stay with your
long-term that’s your complan overnight
method of marketing word-of-mouth is it
digital is it storefront what is it
going to be how what approach you’re
gonna be taking you know are you gonna
be going after people just purely on
online and Facebook ads and YouTube ads
what are you gonna be doing while we’re
in UK couple our entrepreneurs reached
out to us they invited us to go to
dinner we’re gonna have dinner with them
russian couple real nice couple mother
was sitting right there they took us and
they treated us to this Indian curry
place and I said tell me about your
business model we do ten million dollars
a year just off YouTube what do you mean
we never did ads I just made YouTube
videos and next thing you know that
YouTube video drove to my business and
we did ten million dollars that’s you
were about to sell it what’s your email
they give me their Ibarra was pretty
impressive he bit up and obviously the
wife is drop-dead gorgeous very
attractive very pleasant and he had a
massive personality and extremely
attracted himself they look though
can a Barbie top a style couple right
what’s the point here their method of
marketing was purely YouTube that’s what
they use what are you gonna be using
when you’re driving your product out to
people there are so many ways today but
you got to get clear on it by the way
the recommendations on this is I made a
video called
ten books to read about marketing I
highly recommend you actually study
marketing before you put yourself on a
box too early this is the thumbnail link
will be below go watch that video if
that’s what you’re looking for right now
and last but not least point number ten
is your identity your story meaning like
what is your story on how you came up
with this idea was it she was it a group
of you
was it a some of your you and your sales
guys your peers this is what we came up
with why did you come up with this idea
people want to know what is your mission
statement what is your vision what do
you plan on doing what are you going to
be solving what probably gonna be
who are you going to be in a marketplace
that itself is your story and your
identity because I can tell you myself
listen from the moment we started our
insurance agency do you know how many
times I’ve told the story I mean if I
tell you ten thousand times that’s a low
ball in it I’ve told the story tens of
thousands of times to carriers to people
I want to recruit to salespeople to
staff to clients to potential clients to
investors to vendors to so many people
to media to the market to everybody you
keep telling that story this your story
your identity is what you’re gonna be
saying for a long time and people gonna
say wow that makes sense it’s
interesting how you connect the dots and
they came up with this and Papa Papa
Papa that is your story I have a video I
need I want you to watch if this is
something you’re trying to figure out
it’s called biggest mistake marketers to
make that has to do with you coming up
with your identity and your store goes
very very specific into that anyways if
any of this stuff I cover today if you
want me to go a little bit deeper send
me a tweet and Patrick mid David and let
me know Pat do you mind going a little
bit deeper on location do you mind going
a little bit deeper on such-and-such no
problem send it to me we’re listening to
all the time we want to hear what kind
of content you want to see come on value
teaming next send me a message on
Twitter I Patrick wait David would that
being said if you haven’t subscribed to
the channel do so and if you didn’t
watch any of these videos next go click
on a link below in description to watch the next videos take everybody bye-bye
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