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The 14 Business English Idioms YOU MUST KNOW | Business English Vocabulary

hello everyone and welcome back to
english with lucy today i’m going to
teach you loads of really really
important business idioms but you’ll be
able to use them both at home and in a
work environment quickly before I get
started I would just like to thank the
sponsor of today’s video it is Luke
coder if you haven’t heard me mention
lingo too before it’s an online language
academy which offers 24/7 classes with
qualified native teachers you can study
English French Spanish or German in a
perfect mix of both private and group
classes now a lot of you have been
telling me that you’re learning English
to advance in the workplace or to get a
new job if this is the case for you then
their newly launched business English
course will be perfect for you if
business English isn’t for you or you’re
at a slightly lower level then their
standard regular English course will be
perfect too you pay on a monthly
subscription basis and there are loads
of different options to suit your needs
if you’re not sure you can get a free
one-hour trial class then you will
definitely know if their courses are for
you to sign up click on the link in the
description box and use my code on
screen now to get a 50 euro or 50 dollar
discount right let’s get on with the
lesson number one to learn the ropes to
learn the ropes to learn the ropes is to
learn the basics of how something is
done for example you’ll be fine once you
learn the ropes you’ll be fine once you
learn how everything’s done here it’s
something you might say to a new
employee number two in a nutshell in a
nutshell in a nutshell means in summary
or in as few words as possible for
example in a nutshell the conference was
about synergy number three the big
picture the big picture the big picture
means the overall view of something or
the situation as a whole for example if
you look at the big picture
the campaign actually works quite well
I’m saying the big picture because I’m
avoiding minor details maybe there were
a few problems but in general it’s
alright number four to go back to the
drawing board to go back to the drawing
board this means to start over or to go
back to the first stage of a project or
process for example the boss hates it we
have to go back to the drawing board
number five very similar to number four
to go back to square one again
this means to start over or to go back
to the first stage of a process or
project for example I didn’t save my
document so now I’m back to square one
number six to go the extra mile this is
what you should be doing with your
English Studies to go the extra mile
this means to give more effort or to do
more than is expected of you for example
Sharon got promoted because she always
goes the extra mile in preparation for
meetings number seven to call it a day
to call it a day this means to stop
working on something for example I can’t
look at another spreadsheet so I’m going
to call it a day number eight a long
shot a long shot a long shot is
something that has a very small chance
of happening or succeeding for example
it’s a long shot but I’m going to apply
for a higher position number nine by the
book by the book this means according to
the rules policies or law for example
Matt insists on doing everything by the
book it is so annoying comment below
with we hate Matt if you agree Matt
number ten to pencil something in to
pencil something in this means to make
provisional plans for example I’ll
pencil you in for 9:00 a.m. just in case
you’re free
I’m writing it in pencil not in pen
because it’s not 100% confirmed yet
number eleven in the works in the works
this means in dove
or coming soon for example we’re very
excited about the new product we’ve got
in the works number 12 to drive a hard
bargain to drive a hard bargain this
means to negotiate effectively for
example I can’t believe they agreed to
it you sure do drive a hard bargain
number 13 on the same page on the same
page this means looking at things in the
same way for example I’m so glad we’re
on the same page about the redundancies
and number 14 the idiom that we never
want to hear to get the sack to get the
this means to get fired for example if I
catch you eating my sandwiches again you
will get the sack right that’s it for
today’s lesson I hope you learned
something I hope you enjoyed it your
homework for today is to research 3 more
business English idioms and write them
in sentences in the comment section
don’t forget to check out to the goda on
their new business English course the
link is in the description box and you
can use my code on screen now to get a
50 euro or $50 discount don’t forget to
connect with me on all of my social
media I’ve got my facebook my Instagram
and my Twitter and I will see you soon
if you haven’t heard me mention lingo
too before it’s an online language
academy which offers 24/7 classes with
naked native native teeth does not make
it oh my god okay if being English
Vinglish alright that’s it for today’s
worm I think that’s it for today’s
lesson I hope you enjoyed it I hurt I
hurt you I hurt you
Freudian slip subconscious subliminal
messages I don’t know I don’t know or
homework for today is to research three
[Music] you
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