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Oh, He’s Getting Smashed

there are a lot of things you can
capture on camera that looks even cooler
if you can slow it down well today we’re
gonna take some gallium metal we’re
gonna freeze it extra cold in liquid
nitrogen and then we’re gonna smash it
to see what that looks like in super
slo-mo guys I am here with Todd and Joe
from kuma films and they have some
better camera equipment than we do and
so they’re gonna help us out with a
little experiment today guys you want to
explain a little bit about what you’ve
got going on here so this is a phantom
high-speed camera the specific model is
the vo six 40s and it can shoot upwards
of 50,000 frames a second so pretty slow
that is absolutely insane so we’ve got
our gallium we’ve got some liquid
nitrogen and I want to see these things
explode just beautifully all right let’s
take our little gallium Lego man and
send him on an adventure
oh it’s beautiful
well it’s so perfect
I loved watching like the cracks appear
before it explodes but then like you see
the speed of your hammer if I got that
affect you
yeah all right those two shots were
really cool we’ve got more of these
little galleon Lego men we’re gonna do
pretty much the same thing but we’re
gonna try zooming in and just like ultra
macro shot where the guy is filling the
oh man most of his body is apparently
intact somewhere it saw a very large
chunk fly off oh here it is okay look
this is toes legoman
I do love the massive amounts of
destruction the hammer does a pretty
good job of shattering these but we do
want to try something with a little bit
more speed see how that works out we’ve
got a Han Solo in carbonite this is
going to be really easy to hit three two
one ha ha ha yeah that was beautiful
that well and truly exploded so much
more than I thought it was and I’m very
all right smashing stuff with a hammer
has been pretty great so far
now I’ve just got a mild steel rod I’m
gonna see if I can just whip right
through it I’m curious what will happen
so our poor little r2d2 is gonna he
might not make it to one I don’t know
what the impact was so I want to see
like did I just clip it that I actually
like hit the middle of it yeah just clip
the top of his head and cracked it open
just for a little bit of fun we are
taking our camera off of the tripod and
we’re trying for a little bit of a
parallax effect I have been a tiny bit
three two one yeah that one got stopped
awesome stuff thank you to Todd and Gio
from kuma films guys if you have any
other stuff you want to see us filming
super slow motion let us know down in
the comments we love working with these
guys you should go check out their
channel they’ve got some awesome stuff
we’ve put out the call for you guys to
send in some questions we’ve gathered a
bunch of those up and now we’re gonna be
answering some of them mister Mandvi Man
V Mr Man V would like to know which is
the most longest project that t Kor has
done so far and can we expect another
big project coming sometime soon such as
the real-life tree house with the pulley
system project whoo good question the
longest project dehydrating milk takes
like took like three or four days to
just let it dehydrate all the way but it
wasn’t like hands-on working on stuff we
at one point wanted to do a test about
Moss graffiti if you’ve ever researched
Moss graffiti you’ll find about a
trillion pictures that are just like
these cool designs made out of moss
there’s instructions and recipes of how
to make Moss graffiti and like 99% of
them are fake like they didn’t do it so
they have a recipe if it’s like get some
moss get some milk
get some dirt blend that all together
and add some corn syrup and then paint
that on and if you water that twice a
day well give you just the right amount
of Sun and shade you’ll get it’s none of
it it’s not true almost everyone has
faked it there’s lots of videos out
there where people show doing this and
it’s fake or they I’ve seen several
where they literally like put a tripod
and you can see where they’ve painted it
and it’s just like brown goo and then
they just CGI it green like oh look it’s
our time lab but it’s not a time-lapse
they’re just like and now it’s green
because maybe that would work but it
doesn’t it doesn’t work there are a
couple ways you can do real Moss
graffiti a lot of those pictures that
are on Pinterest are from a couple of
artists who would take sheets of moss
usually real moss sometimes artificial
moss or get dried and painted Moss they
would take sheets of it and they would
carefully cut it out and then they would
glue it on so it looked like the moss
like that but really it was just stuck
on in place and then and I did see one
user who found a method where you take I
think glue and shredded cotton and you
attach that to a board and then you take
like Moss seeds mixed with some dirt and
you put that into the cotton and the
cotton holds enough water and holds the
seeds and everything in between
you got it to kind of work but it’s a
little unruly if I’m remembering
correctly like the monstrous starts
growing everywhere and leaves the
boundaries of whatever you tried to draw
or write so yeah we we tried Moss
graffiti and I did it I tried like three
different types of moss with three or
four different recipes of moss and so I
had like 20 like samples of moss and
every single day for two months I water
datum there in a place with a little bit
of Sun and a little bit of shade and
like nothing like not even the tiniest
little sprout grew out of that and I’m
not saying it’s completely impossible
because maybe they’re places over it
maybe there are other types of moss that
would work better maybe if you live
somewhere like Seattle where it’s just
humid and damp all the time because it’s
always raining it would work a lot
better but that we tried that for like
two months and got nowhere with it and I
was hoping I could show maybe one of
them worked and I even tried like coming
with my own recipe that I spot seemed
like it was the best of all the worlds
and then ants like ate it or something I
don’t know what happened but it was just
I ever did go out and like less of it
would be there I don’t know where but
Moss graffiti so if anyone out there has
really truly done monster feeding and it
works something I mean something you can
dip a paint brush in paint it on a wall
and then water it and you grow is moss
you let us know we’ll do a video and
send you 25 bucks in terms of expecting
another big project coming sometime soon
oh we’ve always got big projects that we
want to do but big projects are so
which what part of what makes them big
and we love doing them but one big
project can easily take up weeks of time
and we put out five videos a week and so
if I do a big project that’s going to
take two or three weeks of my time to do
that means I have to somehow build a
stockpile of like 15 more
videos and that’s hard to do so there
are different sizes of videos coming all
the time
I don’t have an estimate for when we
could do the real-life treehouse
although I’d love to that sounds super
I don’t currently have a good tree for
that that’s one of my limited factors
guys if you’ve got other questions you
want to see us answered while we’re
doing this let us know we want to hear
from you guys that’s it for today but
that’s not all we’ve always got more for
you to see that box up at the top will
take you directly to our last video you
should go check that out the other box
will show you what YouTube thinks you
should be watching next and if you
haven’t subscribed to our channel yet I
don’t know what you’re waiting for hit
this bomb to get in the club that way
you’ll never miss out on a video don’t
forget to ring that Bell and we will see
you in the next one talk to you then
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