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Che cosa arriva dopo il cellulare

what comes after the second cell phone
that is, what will be the next thing
where everyone will actually go crazy
it will be something that changes you however
life in good and bad but it changes you
and for the technological giants it will be that
stuff that makes him make a fanta
currying a zillion pictures we see
we find out after the initials I know it
I know what the smart cameras are or how
would say English sma camera smack a
smart casillas margin
practically they are the video cameras that
they are stuffed all over the phone
to the other laptop tablet to the objects
dedicated think ring you have the
intercom and there is a telecaminer inside
facebook portal of related objects
in the world amazon alexa here is all that
world there what’s going on with
these rooms is interesting because you
you have two components the first is the hardware
that is, to the camera the object
physical and then to the most part
clever that the software are the
algorithms and all that stuff that you
allows to recognize the image that
you have before us that is framed that
at that point she buoyed all the buoys
your grim and master c for that impacts
all sectors are number one stuff
because you a room of that kind there
infile thought at home in a tide of
places for an object only is not a
cell phone only but maybe there are seven
rooms that you put into your home if there is
garage ie the room to open cation
on the door and garage and the frugolo
little boy who sleeps the room for
frame her see that she sleeps well she sleeps
Boulders of rooms, rooms and impacts
in many areas that are in your life
personally the more the room becomes pussy
and more understood when you do the self the six
more and more cool and there is the long hat
we want you a little bit, you look at yours
cell phone he looks at you and says many
fuck today but you’re banged bad
one has since looked at tic tac tic tac
toe done this schedule today you can
eat abc baptists three exercises
you’ll see that we’re fine with that
okay the gianni morandi that inside the
cellphone gives you the charge is the analysis
other use of these super rooms
intelligent is obviously the part of
security those 6 at home
security in the offices without security
Too mess up too much today go to a
airport and look at the amount of
security cameras security cameras
and there are an infinite number of these
resume you put intelligence there
above and more you can foresee if you can
it happens a mess to understand if that is
a potential terrorist but as we see it
in the film, cross-database of all
new tags with the face of who knows and he
we caught him hoping it is
piglino that just another world and the
world of cars that drive themselves
to go autonomously
a car needs to resume everything
what around if not as it does go
and how it does using a whole series
camera frames all that
around and more the algorithm behind understands
good everything that happens and more
the car is essentially intelligent but has
I need that I live in one eye
frame everything in front of the behind
success other uses then you find me
others in this research that done
activate go look for activate
outlook 2019 a thing like that and yes
talks about smart camera smas talks about
a thousand other futuristic aspects other
use is the guide the guide does not drive
of a car but drive you not place and
I can go somewhere you know today
and resume with my cell phone one
written in Arabic and pouf he
translates automatically into maybe Italian and
then a use to orient yourself in a
place you think about all the use of the
maps no of all these things here and then
there’s a whole universe, hello, commercial
of advertising for which the usual speech
that I look at an advertisement for the room
recognize my emotion and say where
I liked it next time there
I show a different variation on the
recognition of emotions in
very interesting general very much
dangerous also clearly must have
an ethical boundary however from the point of view
commercial if you enter the minority
report in a store and I recognize if
You are a lover of white chocolate there
I spoke with a tooth to the trans
chocolate you like it in a way o
in the other who address on the department is
just understood and so it is
to sell more products and substances than
this smart sector that will go
so to explode because there is need for
the technological giants of having
the new object the new mobile phone
now how many phones do you want to put in
circulation and here instead the advantage
I realized I had a crazy number
technology in super evolution thousand uses
we have only seen the most uses
consumed then in the company in the
factories our billions of uses e
so this is a big trend from
keep an eye on what you can stop
the explosion of these rooms everywhere from
for everything that stops the explosion
it can be a concern of privacy
that you say to me but how many rooms there are
energies the truth is that like this
activate’s report rightly points out
do you realize that consumers a
words we expected privacy in the
practice prefer to privacy
convenience and convenience
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