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In case vs If: What’s the difference? English In A Minute

Hi everyone! I’m James.
We’re going to look at the difference between
‘in case’ and ‘if’ in today’s English In A Minute.
Look at these examples:
1. I’ll call you if I need help with my homework.
2. I’ll call you in case I need help with my homework.
In the example with ‘if’,
it means that I might call you in the future,
but it depends if I need help or not.
The second sentence with ‘in case’
means I’m going to call you before I do my homework
to prevent any problems.
Let’s take a look at another example:
1. I’ll take an umbrella in case it rains.
2. I’ll take an umbrella if it rains.
Just like in our first example,
‘in case’ means I am going to take my umbrella anyway
to prevent any problems.
But in the example with ‘if’,
this means that you only take an umbrella
because it is raining when you leave.
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