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Digital detox: The English We Speak

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English
We Speak. I’m Feifei.
Neil: And I’m Neil.
Feifei: Ooo. You don’t sound too good, Neil.
What’s up? Are you sick?
Neil: I feel sick.
Feifei: What are the symptoms?
Neil: OK, Dr Feifei. Here we go: I can’t
sleep, I feel anxious all the time,
I can’t concentrate on anything,
I have itchy eyes, I’m tired,
my neck hurts… I’ve terrible headaches.
Feifei: Ah, I know what the problem is. Do
you happen to spend a lot of time online?
Neil: Yes – all the time.
Feifei: Do you keep your phone with you
in bed, at dinner, in the toilet?
Neil: Yes, yes, yes, of course – what’s this
got to do with how awful I feel?
Feifei: You need a detox.
Neil: A detox? But I haven’t drunk any
alcohol for months,
I exercise every day and I only
eat organic food.
Feifei: No – you need a digital detox.
A digital detox is a period of time away
from all devices
that can connect to the internet.
Neil: I can’t do that! It’s impossible! It’ll
get even worse! What if someone
likes my status
at 4am and I miss it!?
Feifei: Now that IS a sign you’re addicted.
You really do need a digital detox. Let’s
hear some examples.
My phone broke the day I went on holiday
which forced me to have a digital detox.
I felt so relaxed.
I spend all day and night on Saturdays on
social media so I need a digital detox
every Sunday or I’m too tired
to go to work on Monday.
Right. Here’s the key to the safe I’ve
locked all my gadgets in. I’m going to do
this digital detox even if it kills me!
Feifei: This is The English We Speak from
BBC Learning English. And I’m
with Neil, who uses his smartphone,
tablet and laptop so much, he’s
made himself ill.
Neil: And Dr Feifei here has prescribed
a strict digital detox.
Feifei: We use the word ‘detox’ more
generally to describe a period when you
stop doing something
harmful – like drinking too much alcohol
or eating junk food.
Neil: And so a digital detox is a break
from all electronic gadgets.
OK, well here’s my phone, Feifei.
Feifei: I’ll deal with that.
Neil: Oh no! I suppose it’s for the best. Goodbye.
Feifei: Dr Feifei always knows best.
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