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The 3 BEST Habits of RICH People (+ How to STICK to Them!) | Dan Lok | #Entspresso

getting rich is not an act it is a habit
okay so now you have these three amazing
habits to follow are you actually going
to follow them know the ultimate meta
habit is reading because if you build a
habit of reading you can solve pretty
rise and shine it’s an espresso time
what’s up believe nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s start your day
off right together grab your coffee and
sip on today’s message get good habits
over to you den lock also if you want to
know what Dan and other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below after you practice
Marshall you develop this natural self
confidence not cockiness but you develop
this natural self-confidence
we are what we repeatedly do human
beings we are creatures of habits you
notice that you kind of do the same
thing the same routine over over and
again and again and again see become
getting rich is not an act it is a habit
so it is staying poor it’s also not an
act it’s nothing just happens to you it
is a habit so let me teach you the three
best habits of rich people the very
first habit of rich people and that is
they count their money poor people don’t
count their money they get a paycheck
they deposit a paycheck they spend the
money they have no idea what the
expenses are you have no idea how the
money flows you know this poor people
they enjoy OB they have a job and wait
till maybe once a year when they found
out they would text return his the the
Texas that I own is how much of the pay
they look at the numbers they even look
at the numbers it’s just okay all right
that’s what how much I need to pay
without a tax return and death yep and
look at it maybe maybe once a year rich
people we don’t do that
we look at our numbers regularly we are
financially literate I’m not a numbers
person don’t get me wrong okay I’m a
concept guy okay I’m a big-picture
thinker I’m a visionary but I am very
very careful and I’m very aware how my
money is flowing habit number two is
they pay themselves first now you’ve
heard of this before oh yeah I know
then I’ve heard of this this before you
got to pay yourself do you know actually
what that means paying yourself doesn’t
buy yourself a car it doesn’t mean
taking a vacation
it doesn’t mean that you know you would
you know you go blow money on
entertainment oh yeah I’m paying money
no that’s paying everybody else when
you’re buying a car you’re paying the
automotive motive company when you’re
buying a house you are paying the bank
when you are traveling you’re paying the
the traveling agency you’re paying the
hotel you’re paying the the flight
company airplane company paying yourself
meaning that you put your money aside
and you
invest your money now I’m not talking
about being frugal you know if you know
anything about me you know my work I’m
not talking about being fool girl and
being cheap I’m talking about taking a
pest percentage of your income and
putting that aside pay yourself first
and save it and then you invest it
number three and that is rich people are
constantly improving their earning
ability because you might be thinking
Danny okay I want to pay myself first
but I’m not making enough money I’m only
making a few dollars in a month i
couldíve I couldn’t even afford to pay
my bills how am I gonna pay myself first
first of all you gotta have the habit of
paying yourself first if you’re not
paying yourself first even a tiny small
percentage when you’re making 30 40 50
60 $100,000 a year I guarantee you when
you’re making a million two million
dollars a year you’re not paying
yourself it is a habit that I’m talking
about and in order to do that in order
to be able to every single year to be
able to pay yourself more and more and
more and put into investments you need
to improve your earning ability you need
to find ways how you can add value to
the marketplace how to add more value to
the marketplace so every single year
your income is going up every year if
you’ve been you’ve been working in house
in the real world and you have your own
business and your income kind of stays
flat for the last 2 3 5 years then shame
on you it means you’re not learning it
means you’re not thinking it means
you’re not growing every single year
your income you have to strive to
improve that your earning ability and
the rich people were always constantly
looking for ways to improve our earning
ability but also looking for ways to ant
leverage to apply leverage into what we
do ok so now you have these three
amazing habits to follow are you
actually gonna follow them no you won’t
do them because you don’t have enough
leverage on yourself it’s not important
enough for you to change it’s easier for
you to stay exactly where you are then
do the scary thing of actually changing
your habits but here’s the truth unless
you make that shift unless you commit to
making that change you are going to end
up in these
exact same spot that you are right now
one year from today and hopefully that
is unacceptable so let’s make that shift
together so here’s a quick example from
my own life I recently came back from an
event with Tony Robbins in New York his
unleash the power within and there I
committed to wanting to have more
connection with people in my life and
the exact result was gonna be me hugging
people instead of handshakes I wanted to
practice hugging people
instead of doing handshakes hugs are
better than handshakes and that’s super
awkward and and almost horrifying for me
because I’m not a natural hugger and so
I started training myself that when
people came in and did a handshake I
would give them a hug and at the
beginning people sort of asking me well
I didn’t know you’re such a germaphobe
like I’m not a germaphobe well I think
I’m a germaphobe because I would say I
don’t do handshakes some people thought
it’s a germaphobe so I had to come up
with something else to say and then it
was so awkward and embarrassing and
terrible I remember the first person who
then came up one to say hi cuz they
recognized me at the event I I went in
they gave me their hand I went in
awkwardly and just hugged them and I
said I love Oh bad
and then I was there with a buddy of
mine mark and then and the next guy came
up to me and wanted a handshake and say
hi because he recognized me
and I said wait hold on one second mark
mark mark what am I supposed to say
again what am I supposed to say and I’m
still working on it it’s still awkward
it’s still embarrassing it’s still
terrible but I’m working through it
right it’s like immediate action towards
working through making that habit change
and when you do make the habit changes
you’re gonna suck at the beginning
you’re gonna make mistakes it’s gonna be
awkward it’s gonna be embarrassing
people won’t know what to do with this
new habit that you picked up and you
won’t be very good at that new habit
either but you have to get through that
fear you have to get through that
awkwardness an uncomfortableness to get
on the other side to become the person
that you want to be so I’m gonna give
you three ways on how to do it way
number one is get leverage on yourself
so the way I got leverage on myself to
want to have more connection was 20
Robbins had us go through this event
where we close our eyes and you imagine
if you don’t make this change if you
don’t try to get more connection what’s
going to happen
you know and you imagine you know what’s
gonna happen in five years in ten years
and 20 years and he puts all this
massive pain on you and so I’m trying to
imagine like the worst thing that can
happen like you know my parents are
gonna die and I haven’t hugged them
before they died and then I imagined
like Nina dying and I haven’t hugged her
before she died and just like massive
pain and trauma and especially remember
the Nina one just knocking my knees out
while I was standing up and really
hitting me hard and so you you try to
project forward if you keep this
destructive habit this habit that you
know that you want to change that is
just too difficult to change right now
think 20 years in the future like if you
kept doing this thing for the next 20
years if you were still in the same spot
that you were in right now in 20 years
if you’re still in the same spot with
the same struggles and the same fears
and the same amount of your bank account
you’re still in the same spot in 20
how painful would that be for you and
you make it so insanely painful that you
feel it in your body that then you have
to go off and make the change
so you need to get leverage over
yourself way number two are to create
what I call play bigger triggers and
here’s the thing you will do your
default actions by default the way that
you have been living the habits that you
have had you will do by default even
though they don’t serve you anymore
and so what you want to do is have a
trigger that when this trigger happens
it forces you to play bigger it’s your
play bigger trigger what is that for you
and so for me in this case it was the
handshake coming out so this is the
default right like somebody’s coming in
and say hi they shake their hands it’s
my trigger as soon as I see the hand I
have to go for a hug that’s my trigger
handshake into a hug and it was actually
working super well until last night
where I was I was working at TDS I was
looking at Alex’s classes I was working
somebody walked in he said hey Evan he
should he put out his hand and I was
working so so I just shook his hand and
then I caught myself like ah I’ve got a
handshake in two weeks no that’s wrong I
might have scared him a little bit and I
stood up and then didn’t gave him a
giant hug and I explained what’s going
on and so the handshake though serves as
a trigger to the behavior that I want to
be doing so what is your play bigger
trigger come up with something that is a
trigger for you that when you do this
you consistently play
small you consistently go back into the
habit that you used to do and you don’t
want to do anymore and then when you see
this trigger when it happens in your
environment it’s gonna force you to do
the correct habit to play bigger set
your play bigger triggers and wane
number three is flex TX what flexi X
does is you create an annual calendar an
annual calendar like this and any time
you want to create a habit you check it
off on an X so you’ve done it for the
day you exit off exit off exit after the
calendar I’m actually I’m actually hold
on we’re making our own 2019 version of
flex TX where basically whenever you’ve
done that happy for the day so your goal
is to hug three people a day great exit
off and then the next day exit off on
the next day exedoc and then you put
this somewhere visible you put this
somewhere that you’re gonna see on a
daily basis so put it in your fridge or
put it not in your fridge that’s weird
put it on your fridge put it somewhere
visible like on your fridge or on your
shower something that you see on a daily
basis that’s a reminder it’s another
play bigger trigger to be honest it’s a
reminder that you see that thing and you
have to do it and then when you start
making the X on the day you feel good
it’s progress you’re rewarding yourself
and even though it’s just a little tiny
thing you just did it that one day you
feel great about yourself and you go
back and see okay I did it last week and
I did it every day last week and I did
every day last month and you start to
build momentum you start to build
massive momentum if you start doing this
everyday for me huginn three people in
one day may not be a huge thing but
hugging three people every day for six
months that becomes a big thing and then
you start to see this massive progress
and if you’re taking that consistent
action on a daily then you start to
actually really make changes in here
which is what we’re after so flex the X
so the three ways are one get leverage
on yourself to have play bigger triggers
and three flex the X that’s how you bust
through your fear that’s how you start
actually making changes in your life
because it is no longer acceptable for
you to be in the same spot because fast
forward 1 5 10 20 years you do not want
to be in the exact same position that
you’re in right now today that’s what
most people end up doing
but not you we’re gonna
those habits and that’s how now I’ve got
a really special bonus clip for you but
before that it’s time for question of
the day I want to know what is the one
habit that you want to bring
consistently into your life right now
are a few core habits that are gonna
serve everybody and certainly serve me
well so exercise is a huge one
I don’t do it daily but I exercise
training four times a week yeah and I
feel like if I didn’t exercise I don’t
know that I would be an entrepreneur
like I don’t know if I could handle the
psychological rollercoaster without the
physical yeah the release you probably
feel that as like an athlete too you
know like I for being an athlete for so
many years I feel like I need to push
myself physically in addition to
mentally this is just mental it doesn’t
do it for me I don’t have a physical
outlet so exercise exercise is one the
other the ultimate meta habit is reading
because if you build a habit of reading
you can solve pretty much any other
problem you know you won’t learn how to
be a better podcaster you can read about
that you want to run it how to meditate
you can read about that you want to
learn how to make more money you can
read about that and so what you need is
to develop a habit of reading and then
whatever problem you’re facing at the
time you can you have a method for
solving them hi this is Dan Locke if
you’re a fan of Evans work if you want
to know exactly how the model my success
I want to invite you to join me for a
special online training all you have to
do is click on a link below you can join
me for absolutely no charge so click a
link below and I will see you in class
if you want more Dane Locke
check out the top ten rules video I did
on him the link is right there next to
me I think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe and I’ll see you there most
people they listen to a webinar and
watch a video and they say oh this guy’s
making whatever how much money online I
could do that and they jump into it and
then they try for three months and so all this thing doesn’t work
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