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How to carve a chicken – Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Skills

okay I’m going to show you how to carve
up a chicken this is my chicken spin out
the oven a few minutes now so it’s
cooled down slightly and I can touch it
without burning myself I’ve got myself a
steel carving knife make sure it’s nice
and sharp and I’ve got myself a roasting
fork and this is really good for picking
up the chicken and actually making sure
it stays in the right place while I
carve it okay so first things first
here’s the chicken pick it up and plop
it on my carving board and the first
thing I’m going to do is take the legs
off and to do that you just cut down
like this down the side of the chicken
and just open it out and you should it
should break away pretty easily the bone
should pop out this socket and you can
just cut it off like that
really easy I’ll do the one on the other
side there we are
well crunch that down so we separate the
chicken from the thigh there we go
now if you want you can cut the
drumstick and the thigh we find the
joint in there somewhere
there we go and these can be served on a
small chicken these can be served as
individual pieces here we go now if you
want to take the chicken off the bone
all you need to do is just scrape it
down like that and it should come off
quite easily in one piece so there’s a
bone drumstick
now the thigh there’s a bone running
through the middle and what you can do
is just cut it into three strips here
with your sharp knife doesn’t matter if
it breaks up a bit
okay now the wings just come off like
that and you can either serve them whole
or just cut them through the joints and
serve them like that
and when it comes to the breasts just
cut the skin here at the top before you
carve it and just cut nice slices like
off the breast
this is where you’re glad that you let
it cool down slightly so you don’t burn
your fingers too much one nice tip for
this is you can use a clean rubber glove
if you like and that mix that keeps your
hand from burning if it’s really quite
okay now this but here’s the wishbone
and you pull it out if you like
some people like to wish on that now the
other side I’m gonna take the breast off
in one it’s very easy you just cut it
off the bird by that turn it over and
this is actually really quite an easy
way to cut because now you’ve got the
breast on the board you just cut down
here’s a card up chicken now before we
go to best bits of me
arguably on the bird are right here on
the back see that’s where the lengths
used to go and this two little nuggets
right here and they’re called the
oysters and they just pop out like that
see looks like a little oyster this is
the bit not to miss and of course don’t
forget any juices on your board they go
into a tray to make your gravy and
that’s certainly can’t be chicken
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